Thrombectomy in a severe case of iliofemoral venou... - BV FAPESP
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Thrombectomy in a severe case of iliofemoral venous thrombosis involving the deep femoral vein via a single percutaneous access from the jugular vein: case report and description of the technique

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Fabio Henrique Rossi
Total Authors: 1
Document type: Journal article
Source: Jornal Vascular Brasileiro; v. 21, 2022-05-06.

Abstract Iliac vein thrombectomy is usually performed via access through veins located in the lower limbs, which makes it impossible to treat the deep femoral vein, which in turn is an important inflow route to the iliac vein stent. We describe a clinical case and the previously unpublished technique of percutaneous thrombectomy, angioplasty, and stent implantation performed in a single session and with a single access, obtained via the internal jugular vein. (AU)

FAPESP's process: 19/23994-8 - Late clinical results of endovascular treatment of iliac venous obstructions in advanced chonic venous insufficiency
Grantee:Fabio Henrique Rossi
Support Opportunities: Regular Research Grants