Food and Nutrition Public Policies in Brazil: From... - BV FAPESP
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Food and Nutrition Public Policies in Brazil: From Malnutrition to Obesity

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Moriguchi Watanabe, Ligia ; Bernardes Pereira Delfino, Heitor ; Augusta de Souza Pinhel, Marcela ; Noronha, Natalia Yumi ; Maria Diani, Luisa ; Cintra do Prado Assumpcao, Lucca ; Ferreira Nicoletti, Carolina ; Barbosa Nonino, Carla
Total Authors: 8
Document type: Journal article
Source: NUTRIENTS; v. 14, n. 12, p. 9-pg., 2022-06-01.

"Nutrition transition" describes the shifts in dietary consumption and energy expenditure influenced by economic, demographic, and epidemiological changes at a population level. This phenomenon has been associated with rising obesity rates worldwide, especially in developed countries. In Brazil, the historical analysis of temporal trends between malnutrition and obesity characterized the nutrition transition in the country and interweaved it with the formulation and implementation of public food and nutrition policies. Such analysis is crucial for understanding certain principles in each context. Thus, this review contextualized the consolidation of obesity as a critical health and public policy issue in Brazil. Our review suggested that the country may still be at the initial stage of care for obesity, and more efforts are needed to contain the advance of the disease in Brazil. (AU)

FAPESP's process: 20/08687-9 - Selenium deficiency: identification of a risk profile considering genetic, clinical and environmental factors of patients with obesity in the pre and postoperative period of bariatric surgery
Grantee:Lígia Moriguchi Watanabe
Support Opportunities: Scholarships in Brazil - Post-Doctoral