Deep-Rooted Racism in Interracial Families from Sã... - BV FAPESP
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Deep-Rooted Racism in Interracial Families from São Paulo

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Renita de Cássia dos Santos Freitas [1] ; Sabrina Mazo DAffonseca [2]
Total Authors: 2
[1] Universidade Federal de São Carlos - Brasil
[2] Universidade Federal de São Carlos - Brasil
Total Affiliations: 2
Document type: Journal article
Source: Psicologia : ciência e profissão; v. 43, 2023-02-20.

Abstract Structural racism is a reality in Brazilian society and it can manifest within interracial families. Children and adults who experience feelings of acceptance or rejection in family dynamics develop different forms of seeing themselves, others, and the world around them. This study aimed to analyze perceptions of emotional support, parental rejection in childhood, and everyday discrimination between white, mixed, and black people. The participants were 175 people, 80% women, aged between 18 to 39 years (M = 24; DP = 5.11). A hundred and three participants identified themselves as white, 42 as black, and 30 as mixed. All answered an online form with the Memories on Parenting Practices, Everyday Discrimination Scale, and sociodemographic questions. Results show that the MANOVA test indicated no statistically significant difference between white, black, and mixed people regarding emotional support and parental rejection. Concerning the perception of discrimination, there was a statistically significant difference in the Unfair Treatment [X2(2) = 17.360; p < 0.001] and Personal Rejection [X2(2) = 27.970; p < 0.001] subscales, black people presented higher averages than mixed and white groups, respectively. This study discusses the importance of discussing racism in family relationships. Perceptions of lower parental rejection for white people and higher everyday discrimination for mixed and blacks are expected. (AU)

FAPESP's process: 19/04398-5 - Influence of the race category on Brazilian family dynamics
Grantee:Renita de Cássia dos Santos Freitas
Support Opportunities: Scholarships in Brazil - Scientific Initiation