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Metagenomes from Eastern Brazilian Amazonian Floodplains in the Wet and Dry Seasons

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Venturini, Andressa M. ; Gontijo, Julia B. ; da Franca, Aline G. ; Moura, Jose M. S. ; Nusslein, Klaus ; Bohannan, Brendan J. M. ; Rodrigues, Jorge L. M. ; Tsai, Siu M.
Total Authors: 8
Document type: Journal article
Source: MICROBIOLOGY RESOURCE ANNOUNCEMENTS; v. 11, n. 8, p. 4-pg., 2022-07-19.

Here, we report the metagenomes from two Amazonian floodplain sediments in eastern Brazil. Tropical wetlands are well known for their role in the global carbon cycle. Microbial information on this diversified and dynamic landscape will provide further insights into its significance in regional and global biogeochemical cycles. (AU)

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