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The CARNAUBA X-ray nanospectroscopy beamline at the Sirius-LNLS synchrotron light source: Developments, commissioning, and first science at the TARUMA station

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Tolentino, Helio C. N. ; Geraldes, Renan R. ; da Silva, Francisco M. C. ; Guaita, Maria Gabriella D. ; Camarda, Carolina M. ; Szostak, Rodrigo ; Neckel, Itamar T. ; Teixeira, Veronica C. ; Hesterberg, Dean ; Perez, Carlos A. ; Galante, Douglas ; Callefo, Flavia ; Neto, Antonio C. P. ; Kofukuda, Leonardo M. ; Sotero, Anna P. S. ; Moreno, Gabriel B. Z. L. ; Luiz, Sergio A. L. ; Bueno, Cassiano S. N. C. ; Lena, Francesco R. ; Westfahl, Harry
Total Authors: 20
Document type: Journal article
Source: Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena; v. 266, p. 25-pg., 2023-06-15.

We review the main developments and first commissioning experiments at the CARNAUBA X-ray nanoprobe beamline, recently installed at the brand-new Sirius 4th-generation synchrotron radiation source at the Brazilian Synchrotron Light Laboratory (LNLS). The paper briefly discusses the X-ray nanoprobe instrument, emphasizing the first deployed experimental station TARUMA, and showcases preliminary results in a broad range of areas that benefit from diverse sample environments. Research domains like photovoltaics, photonics, electrocatalysis, geoscience, and agriculture are investigated from the viewpoint of chemistry, atomic structure, morphology, and redox dynamics phenomena covered by the beamline techniques. Finally, future capabilities are presented based on a new instrument under development. (AU)

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