Monitoring of Self-Excited Vibration in Grinding P... - BV FAPESP
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Monitoring of Self-Excited Vibration in Grinding Process Using Time-Frequency Analysis of Acceleration Signals

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Lopes, Wenderson Nascimento ; Thomazella, Rogerio ; Alexandre, Felipe A. ; de Aguiar, Paulo Roberto ; Bianchi, Eduardo Carlos ; de Pontes Junior, Bento Rodrigues ; Aulestia Viera, Martin A. ; Tsuzuki, MDG ; Junqueira, F
Total Authors: 9
Document type: Journal article

Grinding is a finish manufacturing process for high precision parts. As the part has high value added at this stage, anomalies and defects are unacceptable. Self-excited vibration or just chatter is an undesirable and complex phenomenon that occurs in grinding, as it may impair the performance of ground parts due to the negative effects such as poor surface quality, intolerable inaccuracy, disproportionate tool wear, among others. This work goal is to present a method for chatter detection in surface grinding of SAE 1045 steel with aluminum oxide grinding wheel by using acceleration signals and digital signal processing techniques. Experimental tests were conducted in a surface grinding machine where a data acquisition system allowed for acquiring the acceleration signals at 2 MHz. The surfaces of the workpieces were visually inspected by means of high resolution images. The harmonic content of the signals along the grinding period was investigated by using the short-time Fourier transform with the purpose of relating the chatter occurrence to it. The results show that the frequency magnitudes of the signals change in time and frequency domain with specific patterns in the spectrogram as the chatter takes place, and they are related to the grinding wheel rotation and its harmonics. (AU)

FAPESP's process: 18/07292-0 - Piezoelectric diaphragm and digital signal processing in the estimation of surface roughness of ceramic components in the grinding process
Grantee:Martin Antonio Aulestia Viera
Support Opportunities: Scholarships in Brazil - Master
FAPESP's process: 17/18148-5 - A new technique to detect damages in surface grinding of steel workpieces based on ultrasound signals generated by piezoelectric transducer
Grantee:Felipe Aparecido Alexandre
Support Opportunities: Scholarships in Brazil - Doctorate