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Particle-vortex duality and theta terms in AdS/CMT applications

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Alejo, Luis ; Nastase, Horatiu
Total Authors: 2
Document type: Journal article
Source: Journal of High Energy Physics; v. N/A, n. 8, p. 37-pg., 2019-08-20.

In this paper we study particle-vortex duality and the effect of theta terms from the point of view of AdS/CMT constructions. We can construct the duality in 2+1 dimensional field theories with or without a Chern-Simons term, and derive an effect on conductivities, when the action is viewed as a response action. We can find its effect on 3+1 dimensional theories, with or without a theta term, coupled to gravity in asymptotically AdS space, and derive the resulting effect on conductivities defined in the spirit of AdS/CFT. AdS/CFT then relates the 2+1 dimensional and the 3+1 dimensional cases naturally. Quantum gravity corrections, as well as more general effective actions for the abelian vector, can be treated similarly. We can use the fluid/gravity correspondence, and the membrane paradigm, to define shear and bulk viscosities eta and zeta for a gravity plus abelian vector plus scalar system near a black hole, and define the effect of the S-duality on it. (AU)

FAPESP's process: 17/19046-1 - Black Holes, Wormholes and AdS/CFT Correspondence
Grantee:Prieslei Estefanio Dominik Goulart Santos
Support Opportunities: Scholarships in Brazil - Post-Doctoral
FAPESP's process: 14/18634-9 - Gauge/Gravity duality
Grantee:Victor de Oliveira Rivelles
Support Opportunities: Research Projects - Thematic Grants
FAPESP's process: 16/01343-7 - ICTP South American Institute for Fundamental Research: a regional center for theoretical physics
Grantee:Nathan Jacob Berkovits
Support Opportunities: Special Projects