Qualitative theory of differential equations and singularity theory
Transport in semiconductor nanostructures: topological insulators and spin hall ef...
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Author(s): |
Mochida, D. K. H.
Romero-Fuster, M. C.
Ruas, Maria Aparecida Soares
Total Authors: 3
Document type: | Journal article |
Source: | Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics; v. 33, n. 3, p. 995-1009, 2003. |
Field of knowledge: | Physical Sciences and Mathematics - Mathematics |
Abstract | |
We define asymptotic direction fields on surfaces embedded in R5 and characterize their critical points both as umbilics of heigth functions and as singular points of order 2 of the embedding in Feldman's sense. We show that there are at least one and at most five of these fields defined locally at each point of a generically embedded closed surface. We use this viewpoint in order to consider the existence of singular points of order 2 on a given surface. (AU) | |
FAPESP's process: | 97/10735-3 - Singularities, geometry and differential equations |
Grantee: | Maria Aparecida Soares Ruas |
Support Opportunities: | Research Projects - Thematic Grants |