Clinical and imagiological findings of central gia... - BV FAPESP
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Clinical and imagiological findings of central giant cell lesion and cherubism

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Lucas R. Pinheiro [1] ; João J. V. Pinheiro [2] ; Sérgio A. Júnior [3] ; Newton Guerreiro [4] ; Marcelo G. P. Cavalcanti [5]
Total Authors: 5
[1] USP - University of São Paulo. Dental School. Department of Stomatology - Brasil
[2] UFPA - Federal University of Pará. Dental School. Department of Oral Pathology - Brasil
[3] CESUPA - Centro Universitário do Pará. Dental School. Department of Oral Diagnosis - Brasil
[4] UFPA - Federal University of Pará. Dental School. Department of Oral Pathology - Brasil
[5] USP - University of São Paulo. Dental School. Department of Stomatology - Brasil
Total Affiliations: 5
Document type: Journal article
Source: Brazilian Dental Journal; v. 24, n. 1, p. 74-79, 2013-00-00.

Cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) is the best examination for bone lesions of the maxilla, allowing the dentist to evaluate precisely the behavior and components of the lesion and their relationship to the surrounding structures. Central giant cell lesion and cherubism are histologically very similar lesions. Therefore clinical and radiological examinations are fundamentally important for the diagnosis. The aim of this paper is to report two cases diagnosed as central giant cell lesions and cherubism using CBCT. This imaging modality was very important for the diagnosis of the lesions presented in the current study. It also allowed observing precisely the limits of the lesions, the components, the behavior and the exact relationship to adjacent structures. (AU)

FAPESP's process: 11/20304-9 - Cone beam computed tomography for identification of peri-implant bone defects simulated in fresh bovine ribs
Grantee:Lucas Rodrigues Pinheiro
Support Opportunities: Scholarships in Brazil - Doctorate (Direct)