Auxílio à pesquisa 17/21097-3 - Eletrofisiologia, Nanotecnologia - BV FAPESP
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Interações abelha-agricultura: perspectivas para a utilização sustentável

Processo: 17/21097-3
Modalidade de apoio:Auxílio à Pesquisa - Programa BIOTA - Temático
Área do conhecimento:Ciências Biológicas - Zoologia - Zoologia Aplicada
Pesquisador responsável:Osmar Malaspina
Beneficiário:Osmar Malaspina
Instituição Sede: Instituto de Biociências (IB). Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP). Campus de Rio Claro. Rio Claro , SP, Brasil
Pesquisadores principais:
( Últimos )
Bruno Campos Janegitz ; Elaine Cristina Mathias da Silva ; Ricardo Ferraz de Oliveira ; Roberta Cornélio Ferreira Nocelli
Pesquisadores principais:
( Antigos )
Thaisa Cristina Roat
Pesquisadores associados:Cláudia Inês da Silva ; Patrícia Andrea Monquero
Bolsa(s) vinculada(s):23/00317-6 - Fabricação de novos filamentos condutores para a produção de sensores eletroquímicos, BP.MS
23/02599-9 - Efeitos da interação entre a flupiradifurona e piraclostrobina combinado com fluxapiroxade em abelhas forrageiras de Melipona scutellaris (Latreille, 1811), BP.MS
23/02102-7 - Toxicidade oral aguda de inseticidas formulados com dois ingredientes ativos na abelha Melipona scutellaris Latreille (Apidae: Meliponini), BP.IC
+ mais bolsas vinculadas 22/08799-7 - Desenvolvimento de Scaptotrigona postica Latreille, 1807 expostas a doses subletais de agrotóxicos com foco nos órgãos sensoriais, BP.MS
22/01601-7 - Novos dispositivos eletroquímicos baseados em impressão 3D para a detecção de agrotóxicos em amostras de mel, BE.PQ
22/06145-0 - Obtenção de sensores eletroquímicos melhorados a partir da modificação de eletrodos impressos em 3D com biofilmes obtidos a partir de cera de abelha e nanomateriais de carbono para a detecção de compostos nocivos em mel, BP.PD
21/13971-0 - Manejo de ninhos artificiais para a conservação de abelhas solitárias em sistema agroflorestal e em floresta estacional semidecidual, BP.IC
21/03179-8 - Novas arquiteturas de sensores impressos em 3D para detecção de biomarcadores e peróxido de hidrogênio, BP.DR
21/09996-8 - Efeito de agrotóxicos no sistema imune de abelhas sem ferrão (Hymenoptera: Meliponini), BP.PD
21/04577-7 - Efeitos dos herbicidas dicamba e glifosato de forma isolada e combinada sobre abelhas Melipona scutellaris Latreille, 1811, BP.IC
21/01359-9 - Efeitos do inseticida tiametoxam em Scaptotrigona postica Latreille, 1807 (Hymenoptera, Meliponina): determinação da concentração letal média e análise da atividade enzimática, BP.IC
20/12639-0 - Efeitos do inseticida neonicotinóide Imidacloprido e do fungicida Piraclostrobina na abelha solitária Tetrapedia diversipes: avaliação do metabolismo energético, das respostas celulares e da composição do microbioma, BP.PD
20/13455-0 - Caracterização da atividade elétrica de tomateiro em interação com abelhas sociais, parasociais e solitárias após exposição a neonicotinóides, BP.PD
20/03527-3 - Expressão gênica diferencial dos transcriptomas de túbulos de Malpighi de Melipona scutellaris expostos ao tiametoxam, BP.MS
19/27863-5 - Mistura de agrotóxicos pode prejudicar a saúde, comportamento e reprodução de abelhas solitárias nativas?, BP.DR
18/24245-6 - Genômica, transcriptômica e metagenômica em populações de abelhas nativas sem ferrão visando a busca de genes de detoxificação, BP.DR
19/24428-6 - Desenvolvimento de materiais binários de Pd e Ag para modificação do eletrodo de carbono vítreo e eletrodo impresso descartável para determinação de melatonina e nitrito, BP.IC
19/23177-0 - Desenvolvimento de dispositivos descartáveis com tintas condutoras e substratos de baixo custo para o biossensoriamento de disfunções hormonais e detecção de Malária, BP.DD
19/23342-0 - Desenvolvimento de novas arquiteturas de imunossensores para a detecção de biomarcadores das Doenças de Huntington e Parkinson, BP.DD
19/20109-3 - Rota metabólica de agrotóxicos em abelhas, BP.PD
19/01844-4 - Desenvolvimento de eletrodos nanoestruturados para a determinação de resíduos agrotóxicos em mel, BP.PD - menos bolsas vinculadas
Assunto(s):Eletrofisiologia  Nanotecnologia  Agrotóxicos  Sustentabilidade  Abelhas  Polinização  Biomarcadores 
Palavra(s)-Chave do Pesquisador:Abelha | agrotóxicos | biomarcadores | Eletrofisiologia | Nanotecnologia | Sustentabilidade | Relações inseto-planta


As abelhas desempenham papel fundamental nos serviços de polinização em ecossistemas naturais e agroecossistemas. Contudo, esse indispensável serviço está ameaçado devido, primariamente, ao desmatamento, fragmentação de habitat e perda de áreas naturais, com substituição pela Agropecuária e Agricultura. Além disso, as atividades subsequentes relacionadas à Agricultura no sistema convencional, como o uso indiscriminado e incorreto de agrotóxicos, têm contribuído significativamente para a mortalidade de abelhas nativas e mais massivamente divulgada, da espécie exótica Apis mellifera. Durante a coleta de recursos alimentares (pólen, néctar, óleos florais e resinas) as abelhas entram em contato com os agrotóxicos. Seja de forma direta ou via sistêmica nas plantas, esse contato com os agrotóxicos tem causado efeitos letais e subletais nas abelhas melíferas, e pouco ou quase nada se sabe sobre os efeitos nas abelhas nativas sociais e não sociais. Nosso objetivo geral é avaliar os efeitos de diferentes agrotóxicos e suas misturas em A. mellifera, considerada espécie-modelo em estudos toxicológicos, e comparar tais efeitos com duas espécies de abelhas nativas sociais, Melipona scutellaris e Scaptotrigona postica; uma espécie parasocial, Xylocopa frontalis e duas espécies solitárias, Tetrapedia diversipes e Centris analis. Os objetivos específicos relacionados aos subprojetos são: 1) analisar as respostas biológicas (endpoints) aos agrotóxicos testados por meio de bioensaios laboratoriais; 2) avaliar a detecção de agrotóxicos e peróxido de hidrogênio em mel, utilizando filmes finos nanoestruturados produzidos a partir de cera de abelhas; 3) verificar o efeito dos agrotóxicos sobre a interação planta-inseto por meio do registro da atividade elétrica das plantas. (AU)

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Publicações científicas (93)
(Referências obtidas automaticamente do Web of Science e do SciELO, por meio da informação sobre o financiamento pela FAPESP e o número do processo correspondente, incluída na publicação pelos autores)
CAMARGO, JESSICA ROCHA; ORZARI, LUIZ OTAVIO; ARAUJO, DIELE APARECIDA GOUVEIA; DE OLIVEIRA, PAULO ROBERTO; KALINKE, CRISTIANE; ROCHA, DIEGO PESSOA; DOS SANTOS, ANDRE LUIZ; TAKEUCHI, REGINA MASSAKO; MUNOZ, RODRIGO ALEJANDRO ABARZA; BONACIN, JULIANO ALVES; et al. Development of conductive inks for electrochemical sensors and biosensors. Microchemical Journal, v. 164, . (17/21097-3, 19/23342-0, 13/22127-2, 19/23177-0, 19/00473-2, 17/23960-0, 19/01844-4)
MIOTELO, LUCAS; MENDES DOS REIS, ANA LUIZA; ROSA-FONTANA, ANNELISE; DA SILVA PACHU, JESSICA KARINA; MALAQUIAS, JOSE BRUNO; MALASPINA, OSMAR; ROAT, THAISA CRISTINA. A food-ingested sublethal concentration of thiamethoxam has harmful effects on the stingless bee Melipona scutellaris. Chemosphere, v. 288, n. 1, . (17/21097-3, 18/20435-5, 13/21832-4, 15/20380-8, 17/05953-7, 13/21833-0, 20/03527-3, 12/13370-8)
BUTOLO, N. P.; AZEVEDO, P.; ALENCAR, L. D.; MALASPINA, O.; NOCELLI, R. C. F.. Impact of low temperatures on the immune system of honeybees. Journal of Thermal Biology, v. 101, . (18/24245-6, 17/21097-3)
ORZARI, LUIZ OTAVIO; ASSUMPC, MONICA HELENA MARCON TEIXEIRA; NANDENHA, JULIO; NETO, ALMIR OLIVEIRA; JUNIOR, LUIZ HUMBERTO MARCOLINO; BERGAMINI, MARCIO; JANEGITZ, BRUNO CAMPOS. Pd, Ag and Bi carbon-supported electrocatalysts as electrochemical multifunctional materials for ethanol oxidation and dopamine determination. Electrochimica Acta, v. 428, p. 13-pg., . (17/21097-3, 19/23342-0)
FARDER-GOMES, CLIVER FERNANDES; SANTOS, ABRAAO ALMEIDA; FERNANDES, KENNER MORAIS; BERNARDES, RODRIGO CUPERTINO; MARTINS, GUSTAVO FERREIRA; SERRAO, JOSE EDUARDO. Fipronil exposure compromises respiration and damages the Malpighian tubules of the stingless bee Partamona helleri Friese (Hymenoptera: Apidae). Environmental Science and Pollution Research, v. 29, n. 58, p. 8-pg., . (17/21097-3, 21/09996-8)
HENRIQUE, JULIA MELO; CAMARGO, JESSICA ROCHA; DE OLIVEIRA, GEISER GABRIEL; STEFANO, JESSICA SANTOS; JANEGITZ, BRUNO CAMPOS. Disposable electrochemical sensor based on shellac and graphite for sulfamethoxazole detection. Microchemical Journal, v. 170, . (19/23177-0, 17/21097-3, 20/04189-4)
RAYMUNDO-PEREIRA, PAULO A.; SILVA, TIAGO A.; CAETANO, FABIO R.; RIBOVSKI, LAIS; ZAPP, EDUARDO; BRONDANI, DANIELA; BERGAMINI, MARCIO F.; MARCOLINO, JR., LUIZ H.; BANKS, CRAIG E.; OLIVEIRA, JR., OSVALDO N.; et al. Polyphenol oxidase-based electrochemical biosensors: A review. Analytica Chimica Acta, v. 1139, p. 198-221, . (16/01919-6, 18/22214-6, 17/21097-3, 17/21898-6, 20/01050-5)
OLIVEIRA, GEISER GABRIEL; AZZI, DEBORAH CHRISTINE; SILVA, TIAGO ALMEIDA; DE OLIVEIRA, PAULO ROBERTO; FATIBELLO-FILHO, ORLANDO; JANEGITZ, BRUNO CAMPOS. Sensitive Voltammetric Detection of Chloroquine Drug by Applying a Boron-Doped Diamond Electrode. C-JOURNAL OF CARBON RESEARCH, v. 6, n. 4, . (20/01050-5, 17/21097-3)
PACHU, JESSICA K. S.; MACEDO, FRANCYNES C. O.; DA SILVA, FABIA B.; MALAQUIAS, JOSE B.; RAMALHO, FRANCISCO S.; OLIVEIRA, RICARDO F.; GODOY, WESLEY A. C.. Imidacloprid-mediated stress on non-Bt and Bt cotton, aphid and ladybug interaction: Approaches based on insect behaviour, fluorescence, dark respiration and plant electrophysiology. Chemosphere, v. 263, . (14/16609-7, 15/20380-8, 17/21097-3, 18/20435-5, 17/05953-7)
KALINKE, CRISTIANE; NEUMSTEIR, NAILE VACIONOTTO; DE OLIVEIRA, PAULO ROBERTO; JANEGITZ, BRUNO CAMPOS; BONACIN, JULIANO ALVES. Sensing of L-methionine in biological samples through fully 3D-printed electrodes. Analytica Chimica Acta, v. 1142, p. 135-142, . (17/23960-0, 19/00473-2, 17/21097-3, 19/01844-4, 13/22127-2)
VIDAL RAMOS, MATHEUS MESQUITA; CARVALHO, JEFFERSON H. S.; DE OLIVEIRA, PAULO ROBERTO; JANEGITZ, BRUNO CAMPOS. Determination of serotonin by using a thin film containing graphite, nanodiamonds and gold nanoparticles anchored in casein. MEASUREMENT, v. 149, . (17/21898-6, 19/01844-4, 17/21097-3)
ZAMBIANCO, NAIARA A.; DA SILVA, VINICIUS A. O. P.; ORZARI, LUIZ O.; CORAT, EVALDO J.; ZANIN, HUDSON G.; SILVA, TIAGO A.; BULLER, GARY A.; KEEFE, EDMUND M.; BANKS, CRAIG E.; JANEGITZ, BRUNO C.. Determination of tadalafil in pharmaceutical samples by vertically oriented multi-walled carbon nanotube electrochemical sensing device. JOURNAL OF ELECTROANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, v. 877, . (16/12697-4, 17/21097-3)
DOS SANTOS, FABRICIO A.; VIEIRA, NIRTON C. S.; ZAMBIANCO, NAIARA A.; JANEGITZ, BRUNO C.; ZUCOLOTTO, VALTENCIR. The layer-by-layer assembly of reduced graphene oxide films and their application as solution-gated field-effect transistors. Applied Surface Science, v. 543, . (17/21898-6, 18/07508-3, 17/21097-3)
CAMARGO, JESSICA ROCHA; SILVA, TIAGO ALMEIDA; RIVAS, GUSTAVO A.; JANEGITZ, BRUNO C.. Novel eco-friendly water-based conductive ink for the preparation of disposable screen-printed electrodes for sensing and biosensing applications. Electrochimica Acta, v. 409, p. 9-pg., . (17/21097-3, 19/23177-0)
BUTOLO, NICOLE PAVAN; AZEVEDO, PATRICIA; DE ALENCAR, LUCIANO DELMONDES; DOMINGUES, CAIO E. C.; MIOTELO, LUCAS; MALASPINA, OSMAR; FERREIRA NOCELLI, ROBERTA CORNELIO. A high quality method for hemolymph collection from honeybee larvae. PLoS One, v. 15, n. 6, . (17/21097-3, 16/15743-7)
ROSA-FONTANA, ANNELISE; DORIGO, ADNA SUELEN; GALASCHI-TEIXEIRA, JULIANA STEPHANIE; NOCELLI, ROBERTA C. F.; MALASPINA, OSMAR. What is the most suitable native bee species from the Neotropical region to be proposed as model-organism for toxicity tests during the larval phase?. Environmental Pollution, v. 265, p. 9-pg., . (17/21097-3, 16/00328-4)
DA COSTA DOMINGUES, CAIO EDUARDO; BELLO INOUE, LAIS VIEIRA; MATHIAS DA SILVA-ZACARIN, ELAINE CRISTINA; MALASPINA, OSMAR. Foragers of Africanized honeybee are more sensitive to fungicide pyraclostrobin than newly emerged bees. Environmental Pollution, v. 266, n. 2, . (17/21097-3, 16/15743-7)
TADEI, RAFAELA; DA SILVA, CLAUDIA INES; DECIO, PAMELA; SILVA-ZACARIN, ELAINE C. M.; MALASPINA, OSMAR. ethod for maintaining adult solitary bee Centris analis under laboratory condition. METHODS IN ECOLOGY AND EVOLUTION, v. 13, n. 3, . (17/21097-3, 19/27863-5, 20/12639-0)
AZEVEDO, PATRICIA; BUTOLO, NICOLE PAVAN; DE ALENCAR, LUCIANO DELMONDES; SOARES-LIMA, HELLEN MARIA; SALES, VICTOR RIBEIRO; MALASPINA, OSMAR; FERREIRA NOCELLI, ROBERTA CORNELIO. Standardization of in vitro nervous tissue culture for honeybee: A high specificity toxicological approach. ECOTOXICOLOGY AND ENVIRONMENTAL SAFETY, v. 189, . (14/12488-0, 13/09555-5, 17/21097-3)
DE FREITAS, RAFAELA CRISTINA; ORZARI, LUIZ OTAVIO; DE OLIVEIRA, PAULO ROBERTO; JANEGITZ, BRUNO CAMPOS. Pd and Ag Binary Nanoparticles Supported on Carbon Black and Tapioca for Nitrite Electrochemical Detection. Journal of the Electrochemical Society, v. 168, n. 11, . (19/01844-4, 19/23342-0, 19/24428-6, 17/21097-3)
KALINKE, CRISTIANE; DE OLIVEIRA, PAULO ROBERTO; BANKS, CRAIG E.; JANEGITZ, BRUNO CAMPOS; BONACIN, JULIANO ALVES. 3D-printed immunosensor for the diagnosis of Parkinson?s disease. SENSORS AND ACTUATORS B-CHEMICAL, v. 381, p. 8-pg., . (19/01844-4, 19/00473-2, 17/21097-3, 21/07989-4, 13/22127-2)
FABRI, JOCIELI; SILVA, LUIZ R. G.; STEFANO, JESSICA S.; PEREIRA, JIAN F. S.; COCCO, DANIEL R.; MUNOZ, RODRIGO A. A.; ROCHA, DIEGO P.. In situ electrochemical determination of resorcinol using a fully 3D printed apparatus. Microchemical Journal, v. 191, p. 8-pg., . (17/21097-3, 22/06145-0)
SILVA, LUIZ R. G.; STEFANO, JESSICA S.; CRAPNELL, ROBERT D.; BANKS, CRAIG E.; JANEGITZ, BRUNO C.. Additive manufactured microfluidic device for electrochemical detection of carbendazim in honey samples. TALANTA OPEN, v. 7, p. 8-pg., . (17/21097-3, 22/06145-0)
CRAPNELL, ROBERT D.; ARANTES, IANA V. S.; WHITTINGHAM, MATTHEW J.; SIGLEY, EVELYN; KALINKE, CRISTIANE; JANEGITZ, BRUNO C.; BONACIN, JULIANO A.; PAIXAO, THIAGO R. L. C.; BANKS, CRAIG E.. Utilising bio-based plasticiser castor oil and recycled PLA for the production of conductive additive manufacturing feedstock and detection of bisphenol A. GREEN CHEMISTRY, v. 25, n. 14, p. 10-pg., . (19/00473-2, 22/07552-8, 17/21097-3, 18/08782-1, 21/07989-4, 19/15065-7, 13/22127-2)
BLASQUES, RODRIGO VIEIRA; DE OLIVEIRA, PAULO ROBERTO; KALINKE, CRISTIANE; BRAZACA, LAIS CANNIATTI; CRAPNELL, ROBERT D. D.; BONACIN, JULIANO ALVES; BANKS, CRAIG E. E.; JANEGITZ, BRUNO CAMPOS. Flexible Label-Free Platinum and Bio-PET-Based Immunosensor for the Detection of SARS-CoV-2. BIOSENSORS-BASEL, v. 13, n. 2, p. 19-pg., . (19/00473-2, 17/21097-3, 18/19750-3, 19/23177-0, 21/07989-4, 13/22127-2)
BRAZACA, LAIS CANNIATTI; DOS SANTOS, PAMYLA LAYENE; DE OLIVEIRA, PAULO ROBERTO; ROCHA, DIEGO PESSOA; STEFANO, JESSICA SANTOS; KALINKE, CRISTIANE; MUNOZ, RODRIGO ALEJANDRO ABARZA; BONACIN, JULIANO ALVES; JANEGITZ, BRUNO CAMPOS; CARRILHO, EMANUEL. Biosensing strategies for the electrochemical detection of viruses and viral diseases e A review. Analytica Chimica Acta, v. 1159, . (18/19750-3, 19/00473-2, 13/22127-2, 19/01844-4, 17/21097-3)
DE FREITAS, RAFAELA C.; FONSECA, WILSON T.; AZZI, DEBORAH C.; RAYMUNDO-PEREIRA, PAULO A.; OLIVEIRA JR, OSVALDO N.; JANEGITZ, BRUNO C.. Flexible electrochemical sensor printed with conductive ink made with craft glue and graphite to detect drug and neurotransmitter. Microchemical Journal, v. 191, p. 8-pg., . (17/21097-3, 19/24428-6, 16/01919-6, 18/22214-6)
CRAPNELL, ROBERT D.; SIGLEY, EVELYN; WILLIAMS, RHYS J.; BRINE, TOM; GARCIA-MIRANDA FERRARI, ALEJANDRO; KALINKE, CRISTIANE; JANEGITZ, BRUNO C.; BONACIN, JULIANO A.; BANKS, CRAIG E.. Circular Economy Electrochemistry: Recycling Old Mixed Material Additively Manufactured Sensors into New Electroanalytical Sensing Platforms. ACS SUSTAINABLE CHEMISTRY & ENGINEERING, v. 11, n. 24, p. 11-pg., . (17/21097-3, 21/07989-4, 19/00473-2, 13/22127-2)
ROSA-FONTANA, ANNELISE S.; DORIGO, ADNA SUELEN; MALAQUIAS, JOSE BRUNO; PACHU, JESSICA K. S.; NOCELLI, ROBERTA C. F.; TOSI, SIMONE; MALASPINA, OSMAR. Fungivorous mites enhance the survivorship and development of stingless bees even when exposed to pesticides. SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, v. 12, n. 1, p. 9-pg., . (17/21097-3)
GUIMARAES, VITORIA PISTORI; NANDENHA, JULIO; ORZARI, LUIZ OTAVIO; FATIBELLO-FILHO, ORLANDO; OLIVEIRA NETO, ALMIR; JANEGITZ, BRUNO CAMPOS; VICENTINI, FERNANDO CAMPANHA; MARCON TEIXEIRA ASSUMPCAO, MONICA HELENA. Effect of TiO2 and Synthesis Strategies on Formate Oxidation: Electrochemical and Fuel Cell Approaches. ELECTROCATALYSIS, v. 14, n. 2, p. 11-pg., . (17/21097-3, 20/01050-5, 19/23342-0)
MIOTELO, LUCAS; FERRO, MILENE; MALONI, GEOVANA; OTERO, IGOR VINICIUS RAMOS; NOCELLI, ROBERTA CORNELIO FERREIRA; BACCI, MAURICIO; MALASPINA, OSMAR. Transcriptomic analysis of Malpighian tubules from the stingless bee Melipona scutellaris reveals thiamethoxam-induced damages. Science of The Total Environment, v. 850, p. 13-pg., . (17/21097-3, 21/01359-9, 20/03527-3)
SALES, VICTOR RIBEIRO; AZEVEDO, PATRICIA; ZUCCHI, MARIA IMACULADA; FERREIRA NOCELLI, ROBERTA CORNELIO. A systematic review of research conducted by pioneer groups in ecotoxicological studies with bees in Brazil: advances and perspectives. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, v. 29, n. 42, p. 22-pg., . (17/21097-3, 18/24245-6)
BLASQUES, RODRIGO VIEIRA; STEFANO, JESSICA S.; CAMARGO, JESSICA R.; SLIVA, LUIZ R. GUTERRES E.; BRAZACA, LAIS CANNIATTI; JANEGITZ, BRUNO CAMPOS. Disposable Prussian blue-anchored electrochemical sensor for enzymatic and non-enzymatic multi-analyte detection. SENSORS AND ACTUATORS REPORTS, v. 4, p. 11-pg., . (18/19750-3, 17/21097-3, 19/23177-0)
JANEGITZ, BRUNO C.; CRAPNELL, ROBERT D.; DE OLIVEIRA, PAULO ROBERTO; KALINKE, CRISTIANE; WHITTINGHAM, MATTHEW J.; FERRARI, ALEJANDRO GARCIA-MIRANDA; BANKS, CRAIG E.. Novel Additive Manufactured Multielectrode Electrochemical Cell with Honeycomb Inspired Design for the Detection of Methyl Parathion in Honey Samples. ACS MEASUREMENT SCIENCE AU, v. 3, n. 3, p. 9-pg., . (17/21097-3, 21/07989-4, 22/01601-7, 19/00473-2)
STEFANO, JESSICA SANTOS; GUTERRES E SILVA, LUIZ RICARDO; JANEGITZ, BRUNO CAMPOS. New carbon black-based conductive filaments for the additive manufacture of improved electrochemical sensors by fused deposition modeling. Microchimica Acta, v. 189, n. 11, p. 16-pg., . (22/06145-0, 17/21097-3)
DE OLIVEIRA, PAULO ROBERTO; CRAPNELL, ROBERT D.; FERRARI, ALEJANDRO GARCIA -MIRANDA; WUAMPRAKHON, PHATSAWIT; HURST, NICHOLAS J.; DEMPSEY-HIBBERT, NINA C.; SAWANGPHRUK, MONTREE; JANEGITZ, BRUNO CAMPOS; BANKS, CRAIG E.. Low-cost, facile droplet modification of screen-printed arrays for internally validated electrochemical detection of serum procalcitonin. BIOSENSORS & BIOELECTRONICS, v. 228, p. 9-pg., . (17/21097-3, 21/07989-4, 22/01601-7, 19/00473-2)
CARVALHO, JEFFERSON H. S.; STEFANO, JESSICA S.; BRAZACA, LAIS C.; JANEGITZ, BRUNO C.. New conductive ink based on carbon nanotubes and glass varnish for the construction of a disposable electrochemical sensor. JOURNAL OF ELECTROANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, v. 937, p. 13-pg., . (17/21097-3, 22/06145-0, 20/11336-3)
AZEVEDO, PATRICIA; BUTOLO, NICOLE PAVAN; DE ALENCAR, LUCIANO DELMONDES; LIMA, HELLEN MARIA SOARES; SALES, VICTOR RIBEIRO; MALASPINA, OSMAR; NOCELLI, ROBERTA CORNELIO FERREIRA. Optimization of in vitro culture of honeybee nervous tissue for pesticide risk assessment. TOXICOLOGY IN VITRO, v. 84, p. 14-pg., . (17/21097-3, 18/24245-6)
DE OLIVEIRA, PAULO ROBERTO; KALINKE, CRISTIANE; BONACIN, JULIANO ALVES; MARCOLINO-JUNIOR, LUIZ HUMBERTO; BERGAMINI, MARCIO FERNANDO; MALASPINA, OSMAR; FERREIRA NOCELLI, ROBERTA CORNELIO; JANEGITZ, BRUNO CAMPOS. Use of beeswax as an alternative binder in the development of composite electrodes: an approach for determination of hydrogen peroxide in honey samples. Electrochimica Acta, v. 390, . (17/21097-3)
GRELLA, TATIANE CAROLINE; SOARES-LIMA, HELLEN MARIA; MALASPINA, OSMAR; FERREIRA NOCELLI, ROBERTA CORNELIO. Semi-quantitative analysis of morphological changes in bee tissues: A toxicological approach. Chemosphere, v. 236, . (14/12488-0, 13/09555-5, 17/21097-3)
BATISTA, NATHAN RODRIGUES; DE OLIVEIRA, VINICIUS EDSON SOARES; CRISPIM, PAULA DANYELLE; NOCELLI, ROBERTA CORNELIO FERREIRA; ANTONIALLI-JUNIOR, WILLIAM FERNANDO. Is the social wasp Polybia paulista a silent victim of neonicotinoid contamination?*. Environmental Pollution, v. 308, p. 7-pg., . (17/21097-3)
SILVA, LUIZ R. G.; STEFANO, JESSICA S.; ORZARI, LUIZ O.; BRAZACA, LAIS C.; CARRILHO, EMANUEL; MARCOLINO-JUNIOR, LUIZ H.; BERGAMINI, MARCIO F.; MUNOZ, RODRIGO A. A.; JANEGITZ, BRUNO C.. Electrochemical Biosensor for SARS-CoV-2 cDNA Detection Using AuPs-Modified 3D-Printed Graphene Electrodes. BIOSENSORS-BASEL, v. 12, n. 8, p. 20-pg., . (17/21097-3, 22/06145-0, 18/19750-3)
GUSTANI, FLAVIA MARIA; SILVA, TIAGO ALMEIDA; CAMARGO, JESSICA ROCHA; DE SOUZA CARVALHO, JEFFERSON HENRIQUE; JANEGITZ, BRUNO CAMPOS; FUJIHARA, RICARDO TOSHIO. Synthesis, Attractiveness and Effectiveness of Chitosan-Tapioca Encapsulates in Atta Sexdens (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). JOURNAL OF POLYMERS AND THE ENVIRONMENT, . (17/21097-3, 19/23177-0)
ROSA-FONTANA, ANNELISE; DORIGO, ADNA SUELEN; GALASCHI-TEIXEIRA, JULIANA STEPHANIE; NOCELLI, ROBERTA C. F.; MALASPINA, OSMAR. What is the most suitable native bee species from the Neotropical region to be proposed as model-organism for toxicity tests during the larval phase?. Environmental Pollution, v. 265, n. B, . (17/21097-3, 16/00328-4)
STEFANO, JESSICA SANTOS; GUTERRES E SILVA, LUIZ RICARDO; ROCHA, RAQUEL GOMES; BRAZACA, LAIS CANNIATTI; RICHTER, EDUARDO MATHIAS; ABARZA MUNOZ, RODRIGO ALEJANDRO; JANEGITZ, BRUNO CAMPOS. New conductive filament ready-to-use for 3D-printing electrochemical (bio)sensors: Towards the detection of SARS-CoV-2. Analytica Chimica Acta, v. 1191, . (17/21097-3, 18/19750-3)
KALINKE, CRISTIANE; DE OLIVEIRA, PAULO R.; BONACIN, JULIANO A.; JANEGITZ, BRUNO C.; MANGRICH, ANTONIO S.; MARCOLINO-JUNIOR, LUIZ H.; BERGAMINI, MARCIO F.. State-of-the-art and perspectives in the use of biochar for electrochemical and electroanalytical applications. GREEN CHEMISTRY, v. 23, n. 15, . (19/01844-4, 17/21097-3, 13/22127-2, 19/00473-2)
MAURUTO DE OLIVEIRA, GABRIELA C.; DE SOUZA CARVALHO, JEFFERSON HENRIQUE; BRAZACA, LAIS CANNIATTI; SILVA VIEIRA, NIRTON CRISTI; JANEGITZ, BRUNO CAMPOS. Flexible platinum electrodes as electrochemical sensor and immunosensor for Parkinson's disease biomarkers. BIOSENSORS & BIOELECTRONICS, v. 152, . (17/17572-8, 18/07508-3, 19/04085-7, 17/21097-3, 18/19750-3, 17/21898-6)
KALINKE, CRISTIANE; NEUMSTEIR, NAILE VACILOTTO; APARECIDO, GABRIEL DE OLIVEIRA; DE BARROS FERRAZ, THIAGO VASCONCELOS; DOS SANTOS, PAMYLA LAYENE; JANEGITZ, BRUNO CAMPOS; BONACIN, JULIANO ALVES. Comparison of activation processes for 3D printed PLA-graphene electrodes: electrochemical properties and application for sensing of dopamine. ANALYST, v. 145, n. 4, p. 1207-1218, . (17/23960-0, 17/21898-6, 17/21097-3, 19/00473-2, 13/22127-2)
BRAZACA, LAIS CANNIATTI; SAMPAIO, ISABELLA; ZUCOLOTTO, VALTENCIR; JANEGITZ, BRUNO CAMPOS. Applications of biosensors in Alzheimer's disease diagnosis. Talanta, v. 210, . (17/21898-6, 17/21097-3, 15/02623-0, 18/19750-3)
DA COSTA DOMINGUES, CAIO EDUARDO; BELLO INOUE, LAIS VIEIRA; MATHIAS DA SILVA-ZACARIN, ELAINE CRISTINA; MALASPINA, OSMAR. Fungicide pyraclostrobin affects midgut morphophysiology and reduces survival of Brazilian native stingless bee Melipona scutellaris. ECOTOXICOLOGY AND ENVIRONMENTAL SAFETY, v. 206, . (17/21097-3, 16/15743-7)
SILVA, VINICIUS A. O. P.; FERNANDES-JUNIOR, WILSON S.; ROCHA, DIEGO P.; STEFANO, JESSICA S.; MUNOZ, RODRIGO A. A.; BONACIN, JULIANO A.; JANEGITZ, BRUNO C.. 3D-printed reduced graphene oxide/polylactic acid electrodes: A new prototyped platform for sensing and biosensing applications. BIOSENSORS & BIOELECTRONICS, v. 170, . (17/23960-0, 17/21097-3, 13/22127-2, 19/26953-0)
DECIO, PAMELA; MIOTELO, LUCAS; PEREIRA, FRANCO DANI CAMPOS; ROAT, THAISA CRISTINA; MARIN-MORALES, MARIA APARECIDA; MALASPINA, OSMAR. Enzymatic responses in the head and midgut of Africanized Apis mellifera contaminated with a sublethal concentration of thiamethoxam. ECOTOXICOLOGY AND ENVIRONMENTAL SAFETY, v. 223, . (14/23197-7, 13/21833-0, 17/21097-3, 12/13370-8)
GUSTANI, FLAVIA MARIA; SILVA, TIAGO ALMEIDA; CAMARGO, JESSICA ROCHA; DE SOUZA CARVALHO, JEFFERSON HENRIQUE; JANEGITZ, BRUNO CAMPOS; FUJIHARA, RICARDO TOSHIO. Synthesis, Attractiveness and Effectiveness of Chitosan-Tapioca Encapsulates in Atta Sexdens (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). JOURNAL OF POLYMERS AND THE ENVIRONMENT, v. 29, n. 9, p. 2869-2880, . (17/21097-3, 19/23177-0)
DE SOUZA, DANIEL CARDOSO; ORZARI, LUIZ OTAVIO; DE OLIVEIRA, PAULO ROBERTO; KALINKE, CRISTIANE; BONACIN, JULIANO ALVES; MALASPINA, OSMAR; FERREIRA NOCELLI, ROBERTA CORNELIO; JANEGITZ, BRUNO CAMPOS. Electrochemical Sensor Based on Beeswax and Carbon Black Thin Biofilms for Determination of Paraquat in Apis mellifera Honey. FOOD ANALYTICAL METHODS, v. 14, n. 3, p. 606-615, . (19/01844-4, 19/00473-2, 13/22127-2, 17/21097-3)
TADEI, RAFAELA; DOMINGUES, CAIO E. C.; MALAQUIAS, JOSE BRUNO; CAMILO, ERASNILSON VIEIRA; MALASPINA, OSMAR; SILVA-ZACARIN, ELAINE C. M.. Late effect of larval co-exposure to the insecticide clothianidin and fungicide pyraclostrobin in Africanized Apis mellifera. SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, v. 9, . (16/15743-7, 17/21097-3, 16/26043-6, 15/20380-8)
KALINKE, CRISTIANE; DE OLIVEIRA, PAULO ROBERTO; NEUMSTEIR, NAILE VACILOTTO; HENRIQUES, BRUNNA FERRI; APARECIDO, GABRIEL DE OLIVEIRA; LOUREIRO, HUGO CAMPOS; JANEGITZ, BRUNO CAMPOS; BONACIN, JULIANO ALVES. Influence of filament aging and conductive additive in 3D printed sensors. Analytica Chimica Acta, v. 1191, . (19/00473-2, 17/21097-3, 19/01844-4, 13/22127-2)
ZAMBIANCO, NAIARA ALANA; SILVA, TIAGO ALMEIDA; ZANIN, HUDSON; FATIBELLO-FILHO, ORLANDO; JANEGITZ, BRUNO CAMPOS. Novel electrochemical sensor based on nanodiamonds and manioc starch for detection of diquat in environmental samples. DIAMOND AND RELATED MATERIALS, v. 98, . (17/21898-6, 17/11958-1, 17/21097-3, 14/02163-7)
DE OLIVEIRA, GABRIELA CAROLINA MAURUTO; CAMARGO, JESSICA ROCHA; VIEIRA, NIRTON CRISTI SILVA; JANEGITZ, BRUNO CAMPOS. A new disposable electrochemical sensor on medical adhesive tape. Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry, v. 24, n. 10, . (17/21898-6, 17/21097-3, 17/17572-8, 19/23177-0)
OLIANI PEDRO DA SILVA, VINICIUS APARECIDO; DE FREITAS, RAFAELA CRISTINA; DE OLIVEIRA, PAULO ROBERTO; MOREIRA, ROGER CARDOSO; MARCOLINO-JUNIOR, LUIZ HUMBERTO; BERGAMINI, MARCIO FERNANDO; COLTRO, WENDELL K. T.; JANEGITZ, BRUNO CAMPOS. Microfluidic paper-based device integrated with smartphone for point-of-use colorimetric monitoring of water quality index. MEASUREMENT, v. 164, . (17/21898-6, 19/01844-4, 17/21097-3)
FREITAS, RAFAELA C.; ORZARI, LUIZ O.; FERREIRA, LUIS M. C.; PAIXAO, THIAGO R. L. C.; COLTRO, WENDELL K. T.; VICENTINI, FERNANDO C.; JANEGITZ, BRUNO C.. Electrochemical determination of melatonin using disposable self-adhesive inked paper electrode. JOURNAL OF ELECTROANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, v. 897, . (17/21097-3, 19/24428-6, 19/23342-0, 18/08782-1)
PRADEL-FILHO, LAURO A.; ANDREOTTI, ISABELA A. A.; CARVALHO, JEFFERSON H. S.; ARAUJO, DIELE A. G.; ORZARI, LUIZ O.; GATTI, ALEXANDRE; TAKEUCHI, REGINA M.; SANTOS, ANDRE L.; JANEGITZ, BRUNO C.. Glass varnish-based carbon conductive ink: A new way to produce disposable electrochemical sensors. SENSORS AND ACTUATORS B-CHEMICAL, v. 305, . (16/12697-4, 17/21898-6, 17/21097-3, 19/04085-7)
CAMARGO, JESSICA R.; ANDREOTTI, ISABELLA A. A.; KALINKE, CRISTIANE; HENRIQUE, JULIA M.; BONACIN, JULIANO A.; JANEGITZ, BRUNO C.. Waterproof paper as a new substrate to construct a disposable sensor for the, electrochemical determination of paracetamol and melatonin. Talanta, v. 208, . (17/21898-6, 18/02162-1, 17/21097-3, 19/00473-2, 13/22127-2)
DA COSTA DOMINGUES, CAIO EDUARDO; PAIVA SARMENTO, ARTUR MIGUEL; JESUS CAPELA, NUNO XAVIER; COSTA, JOSE MIGUEL; RODRIGUES MINA, RUBEN MIGUEL; DA SILVA, ANTONIO ALVES; REIS, ANA RAQUEL; VALENTE, CARLOS; MALASPINA, OSMAR; AZEVEDO-PEREIRA, HENRIQUE M. V. S.; et al. Monitoring the effects of field exposure of acetamiprid to honey bee colonies in Eucalyptus monoculture plantations. Science of The Total Environment, v. 844, p. 12-pg., . (17/21097-3, 16/15743-7, 18/05072-3)
PEREIRA, MATEUS V.; DATTI, EVANDRO; ALVARENGA, GABRIEL R.; JANEGITZ, BRUNO C.; BONACIN, J. A.. 3D printing and its applications in spectroelectrochemistry. Microchemical Journal, v. 183, p. 11-pg., . (17/21097-3, 17/11986-5, 20/14769-8, 21/05976-2)
TADEI, RAFAELA; MENEZES-OLIVEIRA, VANESSA B.; SILVA, CLAUDIA I.; DA SILVA, ELAINE C. MATHIAS; MALASPINA, OSMAR. Sensitivity of the Neotropical Solitary Bee Centris analis F. (Hymenoptera, Apidae) to the Reference Insecticide Dimethoate for Pesticide Risk Assessment. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, v. N/A, p. 10-pg., . (17/21097-3, 19/27863-5)
BATISTA, NATHAN RODRIGUES; FARDER-GOMES, CLIVER FERNANDES; NOCELLI, ROBERTA CORNELIO FERREIRA; ANTONIALLI-JUNIOR, WILLIAM FERNANDO. Effects of chronic exposure to sublethal doses of neonicotinoids in the social wasp Polybia paulista: Survival, mobility, and histopathology. Science of The Total Environment, v. 904, p. 12-pg., . (17/21097-3, 21/09996-8)
AGUIAR, JOAO MARCELO ROBAZZI BIGNELLI VALENTE; NOCELLI, ROBERTA CORNELIO FERREIRA; GIURFA, MARTIN; NASCIMENTO, FABIO SANTOS. Neonicotinoid effects on tropical bees: Imidacloprid impairs innate appetitive responsiveness, learning and memory in the stingless bee Melipona quadrifasciata. Science of The Total Environment, v. 877, p. 8-pg., . (17/21097-3, 21/05598-8, 19/20408-0)
SIGLEY, EVELYN; KALINKE, CRISTIANE; CRAPNELL, ROBERT D.; WHITTINGHAM, MATTHEW J.; WILLIAMS, RHYS J.; KEEFE, EDMUND M.; JANEGITZ, BRUNO CAMPOS; BONACIN, JULIANO ALVES; BANKS, CRAIG E.. Circular Economy Electrochemistry: Creating Additive Manufacturing Feedstocks for Caffeine Detection from Post- Industrial Coffee Pod Waste. ACS SUSTAINABLE CHEMISTRY & ENGINEERING, v. 11, n. 7, p. 11-pg., . (19/01844-4, 19/00473-2, 17/21097-3, 21/07989-4, 13/22127-2)
JANEGITZ, BRUNO CAMPOS. The Preparation and Use of Low-Cost Electrochemical Sensors. BRAZILIAN JOURNAL OF ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, v. 10, n. 39, p. 3-pg., . (17/21097-3)
SILVA, LUIZ RICARDO GUTERRES; STEFANO, JESSICA SANTOS; CRAPNELL, ROBERT D.; BANKS, CRAIG E.; JANEGITZ, BRUNO CAMPOS. Additive manufacturing of carbon black immunosensors based on covalent immobilization for portable electrochemical detection of SARS-CoV-2 spike S1 protein. TALANTA OPEN, v. 8, p. 9-pg., . (17/21097-3, 22/06145-0)
CARVALHO, JEFFERSON H. S.; GOGOLA, JEFERSON L.; BERGAMINI, MARCIO F.; MARCOLINO-JUNIOR, LUIZ H.; JANEGITZ, BRUNO C.. Disposable and low-cost lab-made screen-printed electrodes for voltammetric determination of L-dopa. SENSORS AND ACTUATORS REPORTS, v. 3, . (19/04085-7, 17/21097-3)
INOUE, LAIS V. B.; DOMINGUES, CAIO E. C.; GREGORC, ALES; SILVA-ZACARIN, ELAINE C. M.; MALASPINA, OSMAR. Harmful Effects of Pyraclostrobin on the Fat Body and Pericardial Cells of Foragers of Africanized Honey Bee. TOXICS, v. 10, n. 9, p. 14-pg., . (16/15743-7, 17/21097-3)
SILVA, RAFAEL MATIAS; DA SILVA, ALEXSANDRA DIAS; CAMARGO, JESSICA ROCHA; DE CASTRO, BRUNA SANTOS; MEIRELES, LAIS MUNIZ; SILVA, PATRICIA SOARES; JANEGITZ, BRUNO CAMPOS; SILVA, TIAGO ALMEIDA. Carbon Nanomaterials-Based Screen-Printed Electrodes for Sensing Applications. BIOSENSORS-BASEL, v. 13, n. 4, p. 38-pg., . (17/21097-3, 19/23177-0, 23/00321-3)
SILVA, LUIZ R. G.; CARVALHO, JEFFERSON H. S.; STEFANO, JESSICA S.; OLIVEIRA, GEISER G.; PRAKASH, JAI; JANEGITZ, BRUNO C.. Electrochemical sensors and biosensors based on nanodiamonds: A review. MATERIALS TODAY COMMUNICATIONS, v. 35, p. 14-pg., . (17/21097-3, 22/06145-0, 20/11336-3)
OLIVEIRA, PAULO ROBERTO; GUTERRES E SILVA, LUIZ RICARDO; KALINKE, CRISTIANE; FERRARI, ALEJANDRO GARCIA-MIRANDA; PRAKASH, JAI; WEN, YANGPING; NOCELLI, ROBERTA CORNELIO FERREIRA; BONACIN, JULIANO ALVES; BANKS, CRAIG E.; JANEGITZ, BRUNO CAMPOS. Conductive Biofilm Propolis-Based: Electrochemical Determination of Hydroxymethylfurfural in Honey. FOOD ANALYTICAL METHODS, v. N/A, p. 10-pg., . (19/01844-4, 19/00473-2, 17/21097-3, 22/01601-7, 21/07989-4, 13/22127-2)
PACHU, JESSICA K. S.; MACEDO, FRANCYNES C. O.; MALAQUIAS, JOSE B.; RAMALHO, FRANCISCO S.; OLIVEIRA, RICARDO F.; FRANCO, FLAVIA PEREIRA; GODOY, WESLEY A. C.. Electrical signalling on Bt and non-Bt cotton plants under stress by Aphis gossypii. PLoS One, v. 16, n. 4, . (15/20380-8, 17/21097-3, 17/05953-7, 14/16609-7, 18/20435-5)
SILVA, LUIZ RICARDO GUTERRES; STEFANO, JESSICA SANTOS; NOCELLI, ROBERTA CORNELIO FERREIRA; JANEGITZ, BRUNO CAMPOS. 3D electrochemical device obtained by additive manufacturing for sequential determination of paraquat and carbendazim in food samples. Food Chemistry, v. 406, p. 9-pg., . (17/21097-3, 22/06145-0, 18/19750-3)
BRAZACA, LAIS CANNIATTI; IMAMURA, AMANDA HIKARI; GOMES, NATHALIA OEZAU; ALMEIDA, MARIANA BORTHOLAZZI; SCHEIDT, DESIREE TAMARA; RAYMUNDO-PEREIRA, PAULO A.; OLIVEIRA JR, OSVALDO N.; JANEGITZ, BRUNO CAMPOS; SPINOLA MACHADO, SERGIO ANTONIO; CARRILHO, EMANUEL. Electrochemical immunosensors using electrodeposited gold nanostructures for detecting the S proteins from SARS-CoV and SARS-CoV-2. ANALYTICAL AND BIOANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, v. 414, n. 18, p. 11-pg., . (20/09587-8, 17/21097-3, 19/01777-5, 17/05362-9, 18/22214-6, 16/01919-6, 18/19750-3)
DE ASSIS, JOSIMERE CONCEICAO; DA COSTA DOMINGUES, CAIO EDUARDO; TADEI, RAFAELA; DA SILVA, CLAUDIA INES; SOARES LIMA, HELLEN MARIA; DECIO, PAMELA; SILVA-ZACARIN, ELAINE C. M.. Sublethal doses of imidacloprid and pyraclostrobin impair fat body of solitary bee Tetrapedia diversipes (Klug, 1810). Environmental Pollution, v. 304, p. 10-pg., . (17/21097-3)
STEFANO, JESSICA SANTOS; KALINKE, CRISTIANE; DA ROCHA, RAQUEL GOMES; ROCHA, DIEGO PESSOA; OLIANI PEDRO DA SILVA, VINICIUS APARECIDO; BONACIN, JULIANO ALVES; ANGNES, LUCIO; RICHTER, EDUARDO MATHIAS; JANEGITZ, BRUNO CAMPOS; ABARZA MUNOZ, RODRIGO ALEJANDRO. Electrochemical (Bio)Sensors Enabled by Fused Deposition Modeling-Based 3D Printing: A Guide to Selecting Designs, Printing Parameters, and Post-Treatment Protocols. Analytical Chemistry, v. 94, n. 17, p. 13-pg., . (17/21097-3, 13/22127-2, 20/00325-0)
MUTZ, YHAN S.; DO ROSARIO, DENES; SILVA, LUIZ R. G.; GALVAN, DIEGO; STEFANO, JESSICA S.; JANEGITZ, BRUNO C.; WEITZ, DAVID A.; BERNARDES, PATRICIA C.; CONTE-JUNIOR, CARLOS A.. Lab-made 3D printed electrochemical sensors coupled with chemometrics for Brazilian coffee authentication. Food Chemistry, v. 403, p. 9-pg., . (17/21097-3)
DA SILVA, VINICIUS A. O. P.; STEFANO, JESSICA S.; KALINKE, CRISTIANE; BONACIN, JULIANO. A. A.; JANEGITZ, BRUNO. C. C.. Additive Manufacturing Sensor for Stress Biomarker Detection. CHEMOSENSORS, v. 11, n. 5, p. 14-pg., . (22/06145-0, 19/00473-2, 17/21097-3, 21/03179-8, 21/07989-4)
KALINKE, CRISTIANE; CRAPNELL, ROBERT D.; SIGLEY, EVELYN; WHITTINGHAM, MATTHEW J.; DE OLIVEIRA, PAULO R.; BRAZACA, LAIS C.; JANEGITZ, BRUNO C.; BONACIN, JULIANO A.; BANKS, CRAIG E.. Recycled additive manufacturing feedstocks with carboxylated multi-walled carbon nanotubes toward the detection of yellow fever virus cDNA. CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL, v. 467, p. 10-pg., . (19/01844-4, 19/00473-2, 17/21097-3, 21/07989-4, 13/22127-2)
KALINKE, CRISTIANE; DE OLIVEIRA, PAULO ROBERTO; JANEGITZ, BRUNO CAMPOS; BONACIN, JULIANO ALVES. Prussian blue nanoparticles anchored on activated 3D printed sensor for the detection of L-cysteine. SENSORS AND ACTUATORS B-CHEMICAL, v. 362, p. 9-pg., . (19/00473-2, 19/01844-4, 17/21097-3, 13/22127-2)
ARAUJO, DIELE A. G.; CAMARGO, JESSICA R.; PRADELA-FILHO, LAURO A.; LIMA, ANA P.; MUNOZ, RODRIGO A. A.; TAKEUCHI, REGINA M.; JANEGITZ, BRUNO C.; SANTOS, ANDRE L.. A lab-made screen-printed electrode as a platform to study the effect of the size and functionalization of carbon nanotubes on the voltammetric determination of caffeic acid. Microchemical Journal, v. 158, . (17/21097-3, 18/02162-1)
FERNANDES-JUNIOR, WILSON SILVA; ZACCARIN, LETICIA FERNANDA; OLIVEIRA, GEISER GABRIEL; DE OLIVEIRA, PAULO ROBERTO; KALINKE, CRISTIANE; BONACIN, JULIANO ALVES; PRAKASH, JAI; JANEGITZ, BRUNO CAMPOS. Electrochemical Sensor Based on Nanodiamonds and Manioc Starch for Detection of Tetracycline. JOURNAL OF SENSORS, v. 2021, . (17/21097-3, 19/26953-0, 13/22127-2, 19/01844-4)
LOURENCETTI, ANA PAULA SALOME; AZEVEDO, PATRICIA; MIOTELO, LUCAS; MALASPINA, OSMAR; NOCELLI, ROBERTA CORNELLO FERRERIA. Surrogate species in pesticide risk assessments: Toxicological data of three stingless bees species. Environmental Pollution, v. 318, p. 6-pg., . (17/21097-3, 18/24245-6, 20/03527-3)
CAMARGO, JESSICA R.; FERNANDES-JUNIOR, WILSON S.; AZZI, DEBORAH C.; ROCHA, RAQUEL G.; FARIA, LUCAS, V; RICHTER, EDUARDO M.; MUNOZ, RODRIGO A. A.; JANEGITZ, BRUNO C.. Development of New Simple Compositions of Silver Inks for the Preparation of Pseudo-Reference Electrodes. BIOSENSORS-BASEL, v. 12, n. 9, p. 17-pg., . (20/04189-4, 19/23177-0, 17/21097-3, 19/26953-0)
CRISPIM, PAULA DANYELLE; DE OLIVEIRA, VINICIUS EDSON SOARES; BATISTA, NATHAN RODRIGUES; NOCELLI, ROBERTA CORNELIO FERREIRA; ANTONIALLI-JUNIOR, WILLIAM FERNANDO. Lethal and Sublethal Dose of Thiamethoxam and Its Effects on the Behavior of a Non-target Social Wasp. Neotropical Entomology, v. N/A, p. 9-pg., . (17/21097-3)

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