Auxílio à pesquisa 18/20571-6 - Radiação ionizante, Estresse oxidativo - BV FAPESP
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International Symposium on Fungal Stress - ISFUS

Processo: 18/20571-6
Modalidade de apoio:Auxílio Organização - Reunião Científica
Área do conhecimento:Ciências Biológicas - Microbiologia - Microbiologia Aplicada
Pesquisador responsável:Drauzio Eduardo Naretto Rangel
Beneficiário:Drauzio Eduardo Naretto Rangel
Instituição Sede: Universidade Brasil. Campus São Paulo. São Paulo , SP, Brasil
Assunto(s):Radiação ionizante  Estresse oxidativo  Raios ultravioleta  Micologia 
Palavra(s)-Chave do Pesquisador:heat stress | ionizing radiation | Nutritive stress | osmotic stress | Oxidative stress | UV radiation | Micologia


O terceiro International Symposium on Fungal Stress - ISFUS está dividido em 7 sub-áreas. No dia 20 de maio de 2019 - Segunda-Feira, serão apresentadas palestras na sub-area 1) Stress mechanisms and responses in fungi: molecular biology, biochemistry, biophysics, and cellular biology. No dia 21 de maio de 2019 - Terca-Feira, serão apresentadas palestras nas sub-áreas 2) Fungal photobiology, clock regulation, and stress; e 3) Fungal stress in industry. No dia 22 de maio de 2019 - Quarta-Feira, serão apresentadas palestras nas sub-áreas 4) Fungal biology in extreme environments, including astrobiology; 5) Ionizing radiation, heat, and other stresses in fungal biology; e 6) Fungal stress in agriculture: including biological control of insect pests. No dia 23 de maio de 2019 - Quinta-Feira, serão apresentadas palestras na sub-área 7) Stress in fungal pathogenesis (plant and animal). (AU)

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Publicações científicas (32)
(Referências obtidas automaticamente do Web of Science e do SciELO, por meio da informação sobre o financiamento pela FAPESP e o número do processo correspondente, incluída na publicação pelos autores)
DIJKSTERHUIS, JAN; VAN EGMOND, WIM; YARWOOD, ANDREW. From colony to rodlet: ``A six meter long portrait of the xerophilic fungus Aspergillus restrictus decorates the hall of the Westerdijk institute.{''}. FUNGAL BIOLOGY, v. 124, n. 5, p. 509-515, . (18/20571-6)
COLEINE, CLAUDIA; MASONJONES, SAWYER; STERFLINGER, KATJA; ONOFRI, SILVANO; SELBMANN, LAURA; STAJICH, JASON E.. Peculiar genomic traits in the stress-adapted cryptoendolithic Antarctic fungus Friedmanniomyces endolithicus. FUNGAL BIOLOGY, v. 124, n. 5, p. 458-467, . (18/20571-6)
OSHIQUIRI, LETICIA HARUMI; GOMES, SUELY LOPES; GEORG, RAPHAELA CASTRO. Blastocladiella emersonii spliceosome is regulated in response to the splicing inhibition caused by the metals cadmium, cobalt and manganese. FUNGAL BIOLOGY, v. 124, n. 5, p. 468-474, . (12/19960-1, 18/20571-6)
ALDER-RANGEL, ALENE; IDNURM, ALEXANDER; BRAND, ALEXANDRA C.; BROWN, ALISTAIR J. P.; GORBUSHINA, ANNA; KELLIHER, CHRISTINA M.; CAMPOS, CLAUDIA B.; LEVIN, DAVID E.; BELL-PEDERSEN, DEBORAH; DADACHOVA, EKATERINA; et al. The Third International Symposium on Fungal Stress - ISFUS. FUNGAL BIOLOGY, v. 124, n. 5, p. 235-252, . (15/24305-0, 16/11386-5, 18/17172-2, 17/22669-0, 11/51298-4, 13/50518-6, 18/20571-6, 10/06374-1, 16/14542-8, 14/01229-4)
MENDOZA-MARTINEZ, ARIANN E.; CANO-DOMINGUEZ, NALLELY. Yap1 homologs mediate more than the redox regulation of the antioxidant response in filamentous fungi. FUNGAL BIOLOGY, v. 124, n. 5, p. 253-262, . (18/20571-6)
DIAS, LUCIANA P.; PEDRINI, NICOLAS; BRAGA, GILBERTO U. L.; FERREIRA, PAULO C.; PUPIN, BRENO; ARAUJO, CLAUDINEIA A. S.; CORROCHANO, LUIS M.; RANGEL, DRAUZIO E. N.. Outcome of blue, green, red, and white light on Metarhizium robertsii during mycelial growth on conidial stress tolerance and gene expression. FUNGAL BIOLOGY, v. 124, n. 5, p. 263-272, . (13/25964-2, 16/11386-5, 14/02467-6, 14/13573-1, 12/15204-8, 13/50518-6, 18/20571-6, 10/06374-1)
FOMINA, MARINA; HONG, JI WON; GADD, GEOFFREY MICHAEL. Effect of depleted uranium on a soil microcosm fungal community and influence of a plant-ectomycorrhizal association. FUNGAL BIOLOGY, v. 124, n. 5, p. 289-296, . (18/20571-6)
RODRIGUES, GABRIELA BRAGA; PINTO, MARCELO RODRIGUES; LEITE BRAGA, GILBERTO UBIDA. Photodynamic inactivation of Candida albicans and Candida tropicalis with aluminum phthalocyanine chloride nanoemulsion. FUNGAL BIOLOGY, v. 124, n. 5, p. 297-303, . (12/22933-6, 12/15204-8, 16/11386-5, 18/20571-6)
ACHEAMPONG, M. A.; HILL, M. P.; MOORE, S. D.; COOMBES, C. A.. UV sensitivity of Beauveria bassiana and Metarhizium anisopliae isolates under investigation as potential biological control agents in South African citrus orchards. FUNGAL BIOLOGY, v. 124, n. 5, p. 304-310, . (18/20571-6)
YUAN, ZHILIN; DRUZHININA, IRINA S.; WANG, XINYU; ZHANG, XIAOGUO; PENG, LONG; LABBE, JESSY. Insight into a highly polymorphic endophyte isolated from the roots of the halophytic seepweed Suaeda salsa: Laburnicola rhizohalophila sp. nov. (Didymosphaeriaceae, Pleosporales). FUNGAL BIOLOGY, v. 124, n. 5, p. 327-337, . (18/20571-6)
KIRALY, ANITA; HAMORI, CSABA; GYEMANT, GYONGYI; KOVER, KATALIN E.; POCSI, ISTVAN; LEITER, EVA. Characterization of gfdB, putatively encoding a glycerol 3-phosphate dehydrogenase in Aspergillus nidulans. FUNGAL BIOLOGY, v. 124, n. 5, p. 352-360, . (18/20571-6)
MALO, MACKENZIE E.; FRANK, CONNOR; DADACHOVA, EKATERINA. Radioadapted Wangiella dermatitidis senses radiation in its environment in a melanin-dependent fashion. FUNGAL BIOLOGY, v. 124, n. 5, p. 368-375, . (18/20571-6)
KELLIHER, CHRISTINA M.; LOROS, JENNIFER J.; DUNLAP, JAY C.. Evaluating the circadian rhythm and response to glucose addition in dispersed growth cultures of Neurospora crassa. FUNGAL BIOLOGY, v. 124, n. 5, p. 398-406, . (18/20571-6)
BROWN, ALISTAIR J. P.; LARCOMBE, DANIEL E.; PRADHAN, ARNAB. Thoughts on the evolution of Core Environmental Responses in yeasts. FUNGAL BIOLOGY, v. 124, n. 5, p. 475-481, . (18/20571-6)
HARTING, REBEKKA; HOEFER, ANNALENA; TRAN, VAN-TUAN; WEINHOLD, LISA-MARIA; BARGHAHN, SINA; SCHLUETER, RABEA; BRAUS, GERHARD H.. The Vta1 transcriptional regulator is required for microsclerotia melanization in Verticillium dahliae. FUNGAL BIOLOGY, v. 124, n. 5, p. 490-500, . (18/20571-6)
DIAZ, RODRIGO D.; LARRONDO, LUIS F.. A circadian clock in Neurospora crassa functions during plant cell wall deconstruction. FUNGAL BIOLOGY, v. 124, n. 5, p. 501-508, . (18/20571-6)
WEHMEIER, SILVIA; MORRISON, EMMA; PLATO, ANTHONY; RAAB, ANDREA; FELDMANN, JORG; BEDEKOVIC, TINA; WILSON, DUNCAN; BRAND, ALEXANDRA C.. Multi trace element profiling in pathogenic and non-pathogenic fungi. FUNGAL BIOLOGY, v. 124, n. 5, p. 516-524, . (18/20571-6)
ARAUJO, CLAUDINEIA A. S.; FERREIRA, PAULO C.; PUPIN, BRENO; DIAS, LUCIANA P.; AVALOS, JAVIER; EDWARDS, JESSICA; HALLSWORTH, JOHN E.; RANGEL, DRAUZIO E. N.. Osmotolerance as a determinant of microbial ecology: A study of phylogenetically diverse fungi. FUNGAL BIOLOGY, v. 124, n. 5, p. 273-288, . (13/25964-2, 14/02467-6, 14/13573-1, 18/20571-6, 13/50518-6, 10/06374-1)
SETHIYA, POOJA; RAI, MARUTI NANDAN; RAI, RIKKY; PARSANIA, CHIRAG; TAN, KAELING; WONG, KOON HO. Transcriptomic analysis reveals global and temporal transcription changes during Candida glabrata adaptation to an oxidative environment. FUNGAL BIOLOGY, v. 124, n. 5, p. 427-439, . (18/20571-6)
DIJKSTERHUIS, JAN; VAN EGMOND, WIM; YARWOOD, ANDREW. From colony to rodlet: "A six meter long portrait of the xerophilic fungus Aspergillus restrictus decorates the hall of the Westerdijk institute.". FUNGAL BIOLOGY, v. 124, n. 5, p. 7-pg., . (18/20571-6)
HARARI, YANIV; GERSHON, LIHI; ALONSO-PEREZ, ELISA; KLEIN, SHIR; BERNEMAN, YAEL; CHOUDHARI, KARAN; SINGH, PRAGYAN; SAU, SOUMITRA; LIEFSHITZ, BATIA; KUPIEC, MARTIN. Telomeres and stress in yeast cells: When genes and environment interact. FUNGAL BIOLOGY, v. 124, n. 5, p. 311-315, . (18/20571-6)
DE ANDRADE, VITOR MARTINS; BARDAJI, EDUARD; HERAS, MONTSERRAT; RAMU, VASANTHAKUMAR G.; JUNQUEIRA, JULIANA CAMPOS; DOS SANTOS, JESSICA DIANE; CASTANHO, MIGUEL A. R. B.; CONCEICAO, KATIA. Antifungal and anti-biofilm activity of designed derivatives from kyotorphin. FUNGAL BIOLOGY, v. 124, n. 5, p. 316-326, . (17/00032-0, 18/20571-6)
TAGUA, VICTOR G.; NAVARRO, EUSEBIO; GUTIERREZ, GABRIEL; GARRE, VICTORIANO; CORROCHANO, LUIS M.. Light regulates a Phycomyces blakesleeanus gene family similar to the carotenogenic repressor gene of Mucor circinelloides. FUNGAL BIOLOGY, v. 124, n. 5, p. 338-351, . (18/20571-6)
MEDINA, EDGAR Q. A.; OLIVEIRA, ARIEL S.; MEDINA, HUMBERTO R.; RANGEL, DRAUZIO E. N.. Serendipity in the wrestle between Trichoderma and Metarhizium. FUNGAL BIOLOGY, v. 124, n. 5, p. 418-426, . (18/20571-6, 10/06374-1, 13/50518-6)
SPAGNOL, BRIGIDA A. A.; ANTUNES, TATHIANA F. S.; QUADROS, OEBER F.; FERNANDES, A. ALBERTO R.; FERNANDES, PATRICIA M. B.. Differences in gene modulation in Saccharomyces cerevisiae indicate that maturity plays an important role in the high hydrostatic pressure stress response and resistance. FUNGAL BIOLOGY, v. 124, n. 5, p. 440-446, . (18/20571-6)
GEORG, RAPHAELA CASTRO; OSHIQUIRI, LETICIA HARUMI; BARBOSA-FILHO, JOMAL RODRIGUES; GOMES, SUELY LOPES. Small heat shock protein genes are developmentally regulated during stress and non-stress conditions in Blastocladiella emersonii. FUNGAL BIOLOGY, v. 124, n. 5, p. 482-489, . (12/19960-1, 18/20571-6)
LAZ, V, EKATERINA; LEE, JONGMIN; LEVIN, DAVID E.. Crosstalk between Saccharomyces cerevisiae SAPKs Hog1 and Mpk1 is mediated by glycerol accumulation. FUNGAL BIOLOGY, v. 124, n. 5, p. 361-367, . (18/20571-6)
ANTAL, KAROLY; GILA, BARNABAS CS; POCSI, ISTVAN; EMRI, TAMAS. General stress response or adaptation to rapid growth in Aspergillus nidulans?. FUNGAL BIOLOGY, v. 124, n. 5, p. 376-386, . (18/20571-6)
WALKER, GRAEME M.; BASSO, THIAGO O.. Mitigating stress in industrial yeasts. FUNGAL BIOLOGY, v. 124, n. 5, p. 387-397, . (18/17172-2, 18/20571-6)
SCHUMACHER, JULIA; GORBUSHINA, ANNA A.. Light sensing in plant- and rock-associated black fungi. FUNGAL BIOLOGY, v. 124, n. 5, p. 407-417, . (18/20571-6)
FISCHER, REINHARD. On the role of the global regulator RlcA in red-light sensing in Aspergillus nidulans. FUNGAL BIOLOGY, v. 124, n. 5, p. 447-457, . (18/20571-6)
RANGEL, DRAUZIO E. N.; ALDER-RANGEL, ALENE. History of the International Symposium on Fungal Stress - ISFUS, a dream come true!. FUNGAL BIOLOGY, v. 124, n. 5, p. 525-535, . (12/00752-0, 13/50518-6, 18/20571-6, 10/06374-1, 10/09606-0, 14/01229-4)

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