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EMU concedido no processo 2017/11631-2: cluster computacional de alto desempenho - ENIAC

Processo: 18/21401-7
Modalidade de apoio:Auxílio à Pesquisa - Programa Equipamentos Multiusuários
Vigência: 01 de fevereiro de 2019 - 31 de janeiro de 2026
Área do conhecimento:Ciências Exatas e da Terra - Química - Físico-química
Pesquisador responsável:Juarez Lopes Ferreira da Silva
Beneficiário:Juarez Lopes Ferreira da Silva
Instituição Sede: Instituto de Química de São Carlos (IQSC). Universidade de São Paulo (USP). São Carlos , SP, Brasil
Vinculado ao auxílio:17/11631-2 - CINE: desenvolvimento computacional de materiais utilizando simulações atomísticas, meso-escala, multi-física e inteligência artificial para aplicações energéticas, AP.PCPE
Assunto(s):Química computacional  Aprendizado computacional  Supercapacitores  Baterias  Células solares  Computação em cluster  Metano  Equipamentos multiusuários  Aquisição de equipamentos 
Palavra(s)-Chave do Pesquisador:Aprendizagem de Maquina | Baterias e Supercapacitores | Células Solares | Cluster computacional de alto desempenho | Conversão de Metano | Reduação de CO2 | Química Computacional
As informações de acesso ao Equipamento Multiusuário são de responsabilidade do Pesquisador responsável
Página web do EMU:http://caqi.iqsc.usp.br/outras/clusterhpc/
Tipo de equipamento:Infraestrutura - Tecnologia da Informação - Computação paralela
Infraestrutura - Tecnologia da Informação - Workstations
Fabricante: HPE
Modelo: SGI Rackable Cluster 1x SGI C2112-GP2-EX Head Node


Cluster computacional de alto-desempenho multi-usuário será utilizando para atender as necessidades da Divisão IV no Centro de Inovação em Novas Energias. O equipamento será instalado no Centro de Informática e Tecnologia de Informação em São Carlos. (AU)

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Publicações científicas (72)
(Referências obtidas automaticamente do Web of Science e do SciELO, por meio da informação sobre o financiamento pela FAPESP e o número do processo correspondente, incluída na publicação pelos autores)
MENDES, PAULO C. D.; OCAMPO-RESTREPO, VIVIANNE K.; DA SILVA, JUAREZ L. F.. Ab initio investigation of quantum size effects on the adsorption of CO2, CO, H2O, and H-2 on transition-metal particles. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, v. 22, n. 16, p. 8998-9008, . (18/21401-7, 17/11631-2)
OZORIO, MAILDE S.; OLIVEIRA, WILLIAN X. C.; SILVEIRA, JULIAN F. R. V.; NOGUEIRA, ANA FLAVIA; DA SILVA, JUAREZ L. F.. Novel zero-dimensional lead-free bismuth based perovskites: from synthesis to structural and optoelectronic characterization. MATERIALS ADVANCES, v. 1, n. 9, p. 3439-3448, . (18/21401-7, 17/11631-2, 17/11986-5)
MENDES, PAULO C. D.; VERGA, LUCAS G.; DA SILVA, JUAREZ L. F.. Ab initio screening of Pt-based transition-metal nanoalloys using descriptors derived from the adsorption and activation of CO2. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, v. 23, n. 10, p. 6029-6041, . (18/21401-7, 17/11631-2, 19/05561-7)
MUCELINI, JOHNATAN; QUILES, MARCOS G.; PRATI, RONALDO C.; DA SILVA, JUAREZ L. F.. Correlation-Based Framework for Extraction of Insights from Quantum Chemistry Databases: Applications for Nanoclusters. JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL INFORMATION AND MODELING, v. 61, n. 3, p. 1125-1135, . (17/11631-2, 18/21401-7, 18/11152-0)
OZORIO, MAILDE S.; DIAS, A. C.; SILVEIRA, JULIAN F. R., V; DA SILVA, JUAREZ L. F.. Theoretical Investigation of the Role of Anion and Trivalent Cation Substitution in the Physical Properties of Lead-Free Zero-Dimensional Perovskites. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, v. 126, n. 16, p. 11-pg., . (18/21401-7, 17/11631-2)
FELICIO-SOUSA, PRISCILLA; ANDRIANI, KARLA F.; DA SILVA, JUAREZ L. F.. Ab initio investigation of the role of the d-states occupation on the adsorption properties of H2, CO, CH4 and CH3OH on the Fe13, Co13, Ni13 and Cu13 clusters. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, v. 23, n. 14, p. 13-pg., . (17/11631-2, 18/21401-7, 18/11152-0)
LIMA, MATHEUS P.; BESSE, RAFAEL; DA SILVA, JUAREZ L. F.. Ab initioinvestigation of topological phase transitions induced by pressure in trilayer van der Waals structures: the example ofh-BN/SnTe/h-BN. JOURNAL OF PHYSICS-CONDENSED MATTER, v. 33, n. 2, p. 7-pg., . (17/09077-7, 18/21401-7, 17/11631-2, 13/07375-0)
DIAS, A. C.; LIMA, MATHEUS P.; DA SILVA, JUAREZ L. F.. Role of Structural Phases and Octahedra Distortions in the Optoelectronic and Excitonic Properties of CsGeX3 (X = Cl, Br, I) Perovskites. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, v. 125, n. 35, SI, p. 19142-19155, . (18/21401-7, 17/11631-2)
SCALON, LUCAS; FREITAS, FLAVIO SANTOS; MARQUES, FRANCISCO DAS CHAGAS; NOGUEIRA, ANA FLAVIA. Tiny spots to light the future: advances in synthesis, properties, and application of perovskite nanocrystals in solar cells. NANOSCALE, v. 15, n. 3, p. 35-pg., . (17/11631-2, 18/21401-7, 20/04406-5)
BRASIL, HENRIQUE; BITTENCOURT, ALBERT F. B.; YOKOO, KATHLEN C. E. S.; MENDES, PAULO C. D.; VERGA, LUCAS G.; ANDRIANI, KARLA F.; LANDERS, RICHARD; DA SILVA, JUAREZ L. F.; VALENCA, GUSTAVO P.. ynthesis modification of hydroxyapatite surface for ethanol conversion: The role of the acidic/basic sites rati. JOURNAL OF CATALYSIS, v. 404, p. 802-813, . (17/11631-2, 18/11152-0, 19/05561-7, 18/21401-7)
OCAMPO-RESTREPO, VIVIANNE K.; VERGA, LUCAS G.; DA SILVA, JUAREZ L. F.. b Initio Study of the C-O Bond Dissociation in CO2 Reduction by Redox and Carboxyl Routes on 3d Transition Metal System. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, v. 125, n. 48, p. 26296-26306, . (17/11631-2, 19/05561-7, 18/21401-7)
FREITAS, LUIS PAULO M.; ESPIRITO SANTO, ANDERSON A.; LOURENCO, TUANAN C.; DA SILVA, JUAREZ L. F.; FELICIANO, GUSTAVO TROIANO. Steric and Electrostatic Effects on the Diffusion of CH4/CH3OH in Copper-Exchanged Zeolites: Insights from Enhanced Sampling Molecular Dynamics and Free Energy Calculations. Langmuir, v. 37, n. 26, p. 8014-8023, . (19/23681-0, 17/11631-2, 18/21401-7)
CATURELLO, NAIDEL A. M. S.; BESSE, RAFAEL; SILVEIRA, JULIAN F. R. V.; LIMA, MATHEUS P.; DA SILVA, JUAREZ L. F.. First-principles insights into the role of edges in the binding mechanisms of Au-4 clusters on MoSe2 nanoflakes. PHYSICA E-LOW-DIMENSIONAL SYSTEMS & NANOSTRUCTURES, v. 126, . (18/21401-7, 17/11631-2, 17/09077-7)
ZIBORDI-BESSE, LARISSA; VERGA, LUCAS G.; OCAMPO-RESTREPO, VIVIANNE K.; DA SILVA, JUAREZ L. F.. Ab initio investigation of the formation mechanism of nano-interfaces between 3d-late transition-metals and ZrO2 nanoclusters. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, v. 22, n. 15, p. 8067-8076, . (19/05561-7, 17/11631-2, 18/21401-7)
OZORIO, MAILDE S.; SRIKANTH, MALLADI; BESSE, RAFAEL; DA SILVA, JUAREZ L. F.. The role of the A-cations in the polymorphic stability and optoelectronic properties of lead-free ASnI(3) perovskites. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, v. 23, n. 3, p. 2286-2297, . (17/11631-2, 18/16801-6, 17/09077-7, 18/21401-7)
PINHEIRO, GABRIEL A.; DA SILVA, JUAREZ L. F.; SOARES, MARINALVA D.; QUILES, MARCOS G.; GERVASI, O; MURGANTE, B; MISRA, S; GARAU, C; BLECIC, I; TANIAR, D; et al. A Graph-Based Clustering Analysis of the QM9 Dataset via SMILES Descriptors. COMPUTATIONAL SCIENCE AND ITS APPLICATIONS - ICCSA 2020, PT I, v. 12249, p. 13-pg., . (17/11631-2, 16/23642-6, 18/21401-7)
SCALON, LUCAS; SZOSTAK, RODRIGO; ARAUJO, FRANCINEIDE L.; ADRIANI, KARLA F.; SILVEIRA, JULIAN F. R., V; OLIVEIRA, WILLIAN X. C.; DA SILVA, JUAREZ L. F.; OLIVEIRA, CAIO C.; NOGUEIRA, ANA FLAVIA. Improving the Stability and Efficiency of Perovskite Solar Cells by a Bidentate Anilinium Salt. JACS AU, v. 2, n. 6, p. 7-pg., . (18/01669-5, 17/11631-2, 20/04406-5, 20/14451-8, 17/12582-5, 19/08257-7, 18/21401-7, 18/11152-0, 14/25770-6)
OZORIO, MAILDE S.; ANDRIANI, KARLA F.; DA SILVA, JUAREZ L. F.. A hybrid-DFT investigation of the Ce oxidation state upon adsorption of F, Na, Ni, Pd and Pt on the (CeO2)(6)cluster. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, v. 22, n. 25, p. 14099-14108, . (18/21401-7, 18/11152-0, 17/11631-2)
LOURENCO, TUANAN C.; EBADI, MAHSA; BRANDELL, DANIEL; DA SILVA, JUAREZ L. F.; COSTA, LUCIANO T.. Interfacial Structures in Ionic Liquid-Based Ternary Electrolytes for Lithium-Metal Batteries: A Molecular Dynamics Study. Journal of Physical Chemistry B, v. 124, n. 43, p. 9648-9657, . (17/11631-2, 18/21401-7)
ANDRIANI, KARLA F.; FELICIO-SOUSA, PRISCILLA; MORAIS, FELIPE ORLANDO; DA SILVA, JUAREZ L. F.. ole of quantum-size effects in the dehydrogenation of CH4 on 3d TMn clusters: DFT calculations combined with data minin. CATALYSIS SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY, v. 12, n. 3, . (18/21401-7, 18/11152-0)
RIBEIRO, ISRAEL C.; MORAES, PEDRO IVO R.; BITTENCOURT, ALBERT F. B.; DA SILVA, JUAREZ L. F.. Role of the Adsorption of Alkali Cations on Ultrathin n-Layers of Two-Dimensional Perovskites. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, v. 127, n. 28, p. 11-pg., . (18/21401-7, 22/12778-5, 17/11631-2, 17/11937-4)
SZOSTAK, RODRIGO; GONCALVES, AGNALDO DE SOUZA; FREITAS, JILIAN NEI DE; MARCHEZI, PAULO E.; ARAUJO, FRANCINEIDE LOPES DE; TOLENTINO, HELIO CESAR NOGUEIRA; TONEY, MICHAEL F.; MARQUES, FRANCISCO DAS CHAGAS; NOGUEIRA, ANA FLAVIA. In Situ and Operando Characterizations of Metal Halide Perovskite and Solar Cells: Insights from Lab-Sized Devices to Upscaling Processes. CHEMICAL REVIEWS, v. 123, n. 6, p. 77-pg., . (17/11631-2, 17/11986-5, 21/01357-6, 18/21401-7, 17/12582-5, 20/14451-8)
DIAS, ALEXANDRE C.; SILVEIRA, JULIAN F. R. V.; QU, FANYAO. WanTiBEXOS: A Wannier based Tight Binding code for electronic band structure, excitonic and optoelectronic properties of solids. COMPUTER PHYSICS COMMUNICATIONS, v. 285, p. 16-pg., . (17/11631-2, 18/21401-7)
BATISTA, KRYS E. A.; SOARES, MARINALVA D.; QUILES, MARCOS G.; PIOTROWSKI, MAURICIO J.; DA SILVA, JUAREZ L. F.. Energy Decomposition to Access the Stability Changes Induced by CO Adsorption on Transition-Metal 13-Atom Clusters. JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL INFORMATION AND MODELING, v. 61, n. 5, p. 2294-2301, . (18/21401-7, 17/11631-2, 19/05561-7)
PERAC, CARINA S. T.; ANDRIANI, KARLA F.; PIOTROWSKI, MAURICIO J.; DA SILVA, JUAREZ L. F.. Ab Initio Investigation of CH4 Dehydrogenation on a (CeO2)(10) Cluster. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, v. N/A, p. 12-pg., . (19/05561-7, 17/11631-2, 21/03357-3, 18/21401-7, 18/11152-0)
BARTAQUIM, EDUARDO O.; BEZERRA, RAQUEL C.; BITTENCOURT, ALBERT F. B.; DA SILVA, JUAREZ L. F.. Computational investigation of van der Waals corrections in the adsorption properties of molecules on the Cu(111) surface. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, v. 24, n. 34, p. 9-pg., . (18/21401-7, 17/11631-2)
QUERNE, MATEUS B. P.; BRACHT, JEAN M.; DA SILVA, JUAREZ L. F.; JANOTTI, ANDERSON; LIMA, MATHEUS P.. Crystal structure and electrical and optical properties of two-dimensional group-IV monochalcogenides. PHYSICAL REVIEW B, v. 108, n. 8, p. 11-pg., . (17/11631-2, 18/21401-7)
CABRAL, L.; LOPEZ-RICHARD, VICTOR; DA SILVA, JUAREZ L. F.; MARQUES, G. E.; LIMA, MATHEUS P.; ONOFRE, Y. J.; TEODORO, M. D.; DE GODOY, M. P. F.. Insights into the nature of optically active defects of ZnO. Journal of Luminescence, v. 227, p. 10-pg., . (17/11631-2, 16/10973-4, 13/18719-1, 18/21401-7, 18/20729-9, 14/19142-2, 14/07375-2)
MENDES, RODRIGO A.; DIAS, LUIS G.; SILVA, JUAREZ L. F. DA; SIQUEIRA, LEONARDO J. A.. Unveiling the mutual ion-storage mechanism of dual-carbon NaTFSI-WiSE Cells: A molecular dynamics study. Carbon, v. 205, p. 11-pg., . (19/18125-0, 17/11631-2, 18/21401-7)
KHALID, MOHMMAD; FONSECA, HENRIQUE A. B.; VERGA, LUCAS G.; HATSHAN, MOHAMMAD RAFE; DA SILVA, JUAREZ L. F.; VARELA, HAMILTON; SHAHGALDI, SAMANEH. Facile synthesis of Ru nanoclusters embedded in carbonaceous shells for hydrogen evolution reaction in alkaline and acidic media. JOURNAL OF ELECTROANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, v. 929, p. 10-pg., . (18/21401-7, 17/11631-2, 19/05561-7, 21/07129-5, 21/05728-9)
TORRES, ISRAEL S.; DA SILVA, JUAREZ L. F.; LIMA, MATHEUS P.. The Role of M3+Substitutional Doping (M = In, Sb, Bi) in the Passivation of the alpha-CsPbI3(100) Surface. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, v. N/A, p. 9-pg., . (18/21401-7, 17/11631-2)
COLLACIQUE, MATHEUS N.; OCAMPO-RESTREPO, VIVIANNE K.; DA SILVA, JUAREZ L. F.. Ab initio investigation of the role of the d-states on the adsorption and activation properties of CO2 on 3d, 4d, and 5d transition-metal clusters. Journal of Chemical Physics, v. 156, n. 12, p. 9-pg., . (18/21401-7, 17/11631-2)
GRIFFITH, M. A. R.; RUFO, S.; DIAS, ALEXANDRE C.; DA SILVA, JUAREZ L. F.. Enhancing topological Weyl Semimetals by Janus transition-metal dichalcogenides structures. COMPUTATIONAL MATERIALS SCIENCE, v. 218, p. 10-pg., . (17/11631-2, 18/21401-7)
FIATES, JULIANE; RATOCHINSKI, RAFAEL H.; LOURENCO, TUANAN C.; DA SILVA, JUAREZ L. F.; DIAS, LUIS G.. Fluoroalkoxyaluminate-based ionic liquids as electrolytes for sodium-ion batteries. JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR LIQUIDS, v. 369, p. 12-pg., . (17/11631-2, 18/21401-7, 19/23681-0)
BESSE, RAFAEL; SILVEIRA, V, JULIAN F. R.; JIANG, ZEYU; WEST, DAMIEN; ZHANG, SHENGBAI; DA SILVA, JUAREZ L. F.. Beyond the Anderson rule: importance of interfacial dipole and hybridization in van der Waals heterostructures. 2D MATERIALS, v. 8, n. 4, . (19/09276-5, 17/09077-7, 17/11631-2, 18/21401-7)
BITTENCOURT, ALBERT F. B.; MENDES, PAULO C. D.; VALENCA, GUSTAVO P.; DA SILVA, JUAREZ L. F.. Acid-base properties of hydroxyapatite(0001) by the adsorption of probe molecules: An ab initio investigation. PHYSICAL REVIEW MATERIALS, v. 5, n. 7, . (17/11631-2, 18/21401-7)
SAMPAIO, ABNER M.; SILVEIRA, JULIAN F. R. V.; DIAS, LUIS G.; DA SILVA, JUAREZ L. F.; SIQUEIRA, LEONARDO J. A.. Adsorption of ionic liquids forming species on Ti(3)C(2)T(x )MXenes surfaces by first-principle calculations. FLATCHEM, v. 35, p. 14-pg., . (19/18125-0, 17/11631-2, 18/21401-7)
CATURELLO, NAIDEL A. M. S.; SILVEIRA, V, JULIAN F. R.; DA SILVA, JUAREZ L. F.. Ab initio insights into the stabilization and binding mechanisms of MoS2 nanoflakes supported on graphene. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, v. 22, n. 46, p. 26865-26875, . (18/21401-7, 17/11631-2)
BEZERRA, RAQUEL C.; DE MENDONCA, JOAO PAULO A.; MENDES, PAULO C. D.; PASSOS, RAIMUNDO R.; DA SILVA, JUAREZ L. F.. Role of the OH-group in the adsorption properties of methanol, ethanol, and ethylene glycol on 15-atom 3d, 4d, and 5d transition-metal clusters. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, v. 23, n. 32, . (18/21401-7, 17/11631-2)
DE SOUZA, RAFAEL MAGLIA; LOURENCO, TUANAN C.; AMARAL DE SIQUEIRA, LEONARDO JOSE; KARTTUNEN, MIKKO; DA SILVA, JUAREZ L. F.; DIAS, LUIS GUSTAVO. Development of coarse-grained force field to investigate sodium-ion transport mechanisms in cyanoborate-based ionic liquid. JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR LIQUIDS, v. 338, . (18/21401-7, 17/26102-5, 17/11631-2, 19/23681-0, 18/13867-6, 19/18125-0)
DA SILVA, LUCAS RODRIGUES; MORAIS, FELIPE ORLANDO; DE MENDONCA, JOAO PAULO A.; GALVAO, BRENO R. L.; DA SILVA, JUAREZ L. F.. Theoretical investigation of the stability of A55-nBn nanoalloys (A, B = Al, Cu, Zn, Ag). COMPUTATIONAL MATERIALS SCIENCE, v. 215, p. 10-pg., . (18/21401-7, 17/11631-2)
LIMA, MATHEUS P.; CATURELLO, NAIDEL A. M. S.; SILVA, JUAREZ L. F. DA. Ab initio investigation of the interface between Mo10S24 nanoflakes and the Au(111) surface: Interplay between interaction energy and morphology. Applied Surface Science, v. 604, p. 10-pg., . (18/21401-7, 17/11631-2)
GOMES, ALEXANDRE C. R.; DE SOUZA, TIAGO M.; DA SILVA, JUAREZ L. F.; GALVAO, BRENO R. L.. An ab initio investigation of the adsorption properties of water on binary AlSi clusters. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, v. 22, n. 42, p. 24669-24676, . (18/21401-7, 17/11631-2)
LOURENCO, TUANAN C.; DIAS, LUIS GUSTAVO; DA SILVA, JUAREZ L. F.. Theoretical Investigation of the Na+ Transport Mechanism and the Performance of Ionic Liquid-Based Electrolytes in Sodium-Ion Batteries. ACS APPLIED ENERGY MATERIALS, v. 4, n. 5, p. 4444-4458, . (18/21401-7, 17/11631-2, 19/23681-0)
SILVEIRA, V, JULIAN F. R.; BESSE, RAFAEL; DA SILVA, JUAREZ L. F.. Stacking Order Effects on the Electronic and Optical Properties of Graphene/Transition Metal Dichalcogenide Van der Waals Heterostructures. ACS APPLIED ELECTRONIC MATERIALS, v. 3, n. 4, p. 1671-1680, . (17/09077-7, 18/21401-7, 17/11631-2)
NETO, MARIONIR M. C. B.; VERGA, LUCAS G.; DA SILVA, JUAREZ L. F.; GALVAO, BRENO R. L.. The role of single-atom Rh-dopants in the adsorption properties of OH and CO on stepped Ag(211) surfaces. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, v. 25, n. 6, p. 11-pg., . (19/05561-7, 18/21401-7, 17/11631-2, 21/07129-5)
DIAS, A. C.; BRAGANCA, HELENA; DE MENDONCA, JOAO PAULO A.; DA SILVA, JUAREZ L. F.. Excitonic Effects on Two-Dimensional Transition-Metal Dichalcogenide Monolayers: Impact on Solar Cell Efficiency. ACS APPLIED ENERGY MATERIALS, v. 4, n. 4, p. 14-pg., . (18/21401-7, 17/11631-2)
LOURENCO, TUANAN C.; BARROS, LETICIA M. S.; ANCHIETA, CHAYENE G.; NEPEL, THAYANE C. M.; JULIO, JULIA P. O.; DIAS, LUIS GUSTAVO; MACIEL FILHO, RUBENS; DOUBEK, GUSTAVO; DA SILVA, JUAREZ L. F.. Tuning aprotic solvent properties with long alkyl chain ionic liquid for lithium-based electrolytes. JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY A, v. 10, n. 21, p. 18-pg., . (17/11958-1, 18/21401-7, 17/11631-2, 19/23681-0)
RASTEIRO, LETICIA F.; DE SOUSA, RAFAEL A.; VIEIRA, LUIZ H.; OCAMPO-RESTREPO, VIVIANNE K.; VERGA, LUCAS G.; ASSAF, JOSE M.; DA SILVA, JUAREZ L. F.; ASSAF, ELISABETE M.. Insights into the alloy-support synergistic effects for the CO2 hydrogenation towards methanol on oxide-supported Ni5Ga3 catalysts: An experimental and DFT study. APPLIED CATALYSIS B-ENVIRONMENTAL, v. 302, . (17/11631-2, 15/06246-7, 19/05561-7, 18/21401-7, 18/12021-6, 14/50279-4, 17/22671-5, 19/22260-0)
DE MENDONCA, JOAO PAULO A.; CALDERAN, FELIPE, V; LOURENCO, TUANAN C.; QUILES, MARCOS G.; DA SILVA, JUAREZ L. F.. Theoretical Framework Based on Molecular Dynamics and Data Mining Analyses for the Study of Potential Energy Surfaces of Finite- Size Particles. JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL INFORMATION AND MODELING, v. 62, n. 22, p. 10-pg., . (20/05329-4, 18/21401-7, 17/11631-2, 19/23681-0)
MORAIS, FELIPE ORLANDO; ANDRIANI, KARLA F.; DA SILVA, JUAREZ L. F.. Investigation of the Stability Mechanisms of Eight-Atom Binary Metal Clusters Using DFT Calculations and k-means Clustering Algorithm. JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL INFORMATION AND MODELING, v. 61, n. 7, p. 3411-3420, . (18/21401-7, 17/11631-2, 18/11152-0)
VERGA, LUCAS G.; MENDES, PAULO C. D.; OCAMPO-RESTREPO, VIVIANNE K.; DA SILVA, JUAREZ L. F.. xploring the adsorption site coordination as a strategy to tune copper catalysts for CO2 electro-reductio. CATALYSIS SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY, v. 12, n. 3, p. 869-879, . (17/11631-2, 18/21401-7, 19/05561-7, 21/07129-5)
FONSECA, HENRIQUE A. B.; VERGA, LUCAS G.; DA SILVA, JUAREZ L. F.. Ab Initio Study of CO2 Activation on Pristine and Fe-Decorated WS2 Nanoflakes. Journal of Physical Chemistry A, v. 125, n. 36, p. 7769-7777, . (19/05561-7, 18/17462-0, 18/21401-7, 17/11631-2)
BEZERRA, RAQUEL C.; MENDES, PAULO C. D.; PASSOS, RAIMUNDO R.; DA SILVA, JUAREZ L. F.. Ab initioinvestigation of the role of transition-metal dopants in the adsorption properties of ethylene glycol on doped Pt(100) surfaces. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, v. 22, n. 31, p. 17646-17658, . (18/21401-7, 17/11631-2)
SRIKANTH, MALLADI; OZORIO, MAILDE S.; DA SILVA, JUAREZ L. F.. Optical and dielectric properties of lead perovskite and iodoplumbate complexes: anab initiostudy. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, v. 22, n. 33, p. 18423-18434, . (18/21401-7, 17/11631-2, 18/16801-6)
SILVEIRA, V, JULIAN F. R.; DA SILVA, JUAREZ L. F.. Mixed Halide Lead-free Double Perovskite Alloys for Band Gap Engineering. ACS APPLIED ENERGY MATERIALS, v. 3, n. 8, p. 7364-7371, . (18/21401-7, 17/11631-2)
DIAS, A. C.; BRAGANCA, HELENA; LIMA, MATHEUS P.; DA SILVA, JUAREZ L. F.. ( )First-principles investigation of the role of Cr in the electronic properties of the two-dimensional MoxCr1-xSe2 and WxCr1-xSe2 alloys. PHYSICAL REVIEW MATERIALS, v. 6, n. 5, p. 11-pg., . (17/11631-2, 18/21401-7)
DE MENDONCA, JOAO PAULO A.; LOURENCO, TUANAN C.; FREITAS, LUIS PAULO M.; SANTO, ANDERSON A. E.; FELICIANO, GUSTAVO T.; DA SILVA, JUAREZ L. F.. Molecular dynamics investigation of the structural and energetic properties of CeO2-MOx (M = Gd, La, Ce, Zr) nanoparticles. MATERIALS ADVANCES, . (19/23681-0, 17/11631-2, 18/21401-7)
PINHEIRO, GABRIEL A.; CALDERAN, FELIPE V.; DA SILVA, JUAREZ L. F.; QUILES, MARCOS G.; WANI, MA; KANTARDZIC, M; PALADE, V; NEAGU, D; YANG, L; CHAN, KY. The impact of low-cost molecular geometry optimization in property prediction via graph neural network. 2022 21ST IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON MACHINE LEARNING AND APPLICATIONS, ICMLA, v. N/A, p. 6-pg., . (21/08852-2, 17/11631-2, 18/21401-7)
MORAES, PEDROIVO IVO R.; BITTENCOURT, ALBERT F. B.; ANDRIANI, KARLA F. F.; DA SILVA, JUAREZ L. F.. Theoretical Insights into Methane Activation on Transition-Metal Single-Atom Catalysts Supported on the CeO2(111) Surface. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, v. N/A, p. 10-pg., . (18/21401-7, 22/12778-5, 17/11631-2, 17/11937-4)
DE SOUSA, RAFAEL A.; OCAMPO-RESTREPO, VIVIANNE K.; VERGA, LUCAS G.; DA SILVA, JUAREZ L. F.. Ab initio study of the adsorption properties of CO2 reduction intermediates: The effect of Ni5Ga3 alloy and the Ni5Ga3/ZrO2 interface. Journal of Chemical Physics, v. 156, n. 21, p. 14-pg., . (21/07129-5, 19/05561-7, 18/21401-7, 17/11631-2)
PINHEIRO, GABRIEL A.; SILVA, JUAREZ L. F.; QUILES, MARCOS G.. SMICLR: Contrastive Learning on Multiple Molecular Representations for Semisupervised and Unsupervised Representation Learning. JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL INFORMATION AND MODELING, v. 62, n. 17, p. 13-pg., . (18/21401-7, 17/11631-2, 21/08852-2)
LOURENCO, TUANAN C.; SIQUEIRA, LEONARDO J. A.; DIAS, LUIS G.; DA SILVA, JUAREZ L. F.. Identification of sodiation mechanisms in graphite-based negative electrodes by molecular dynamics simulations combined with potential of mean force. Electrochimica Acta, v. 468, p. 13-pg., . (17/11631-2, 18/21401-7, 22/05652-5, 19/23681-0)
SOUZA, TAIANE G. F.; OLUSEGUN, SUNDAY J.; GALVAO, BRENO R. L.; DA SILVA, JUAREZ L. F.; MOHALLEM, NELCY D. S.; CIMINELLI, VIRGINIA S. T.. Mechanism of amoxicillin adsorption by ferrihydrites: Experimental and computational approaches. JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR LIQUIDS, v. 373, p. 10-pg., . (17/11631-2, 18/21401-7)
DOS SANTOS, RAMIRO M.; ORNELAS-CRUZ, IVAN; DIAS, ALEXANDRE C.; LIMA, MATHEUS P.; DA SILVA, JUAREZ L. F.. Theoretical Investigation of the Role of Mixed A(+) Cations in the Structure, Stability, and Electronic Properties of Perovskite Alloys. ACS APPLIED ENERGY MATERIALS, v. 6, n. 10, p. 15-pg., . (17/11631-2, 18/21401-7)
SCALON, LUCAS; VAYNZOF, YANA; NOGUEIRA, ANA FLAVIA; OLIVEIRA, CAIO C.. How organic chemistry can affect perovskite photovoltaics. CELL REPORTS PHYSICAL SCIENCE, v. 4, n. 5, p. 21-pg., . (17/11631-2, 21/12104-1, 18/01669-5, 18/21401-7, 20/04406-5, 14/25770-6)
FREIRE, RAFAEL L. H.; ORLANDI, MARCELO O.; DA SILVA, JUAREZ L. F.. Ab initio investigation of the role of charge transfer in the adsorption properties of H-2, N-2, O-2, CO, NO, CO2, NO2, and CH4 on the van der Waals layered Sn3O4 semiconductor. PHYSICAL REVIEW MATERIALS, v. 4, n. 10, p. 10-pg., . (17/26219-0, 17/11631-2, 18/21401-7)
MORAES, ALEX S.; PINHEIRO, GABRIEL A.; LOURENC, TUANAN C.; LOPES, MAURO C.; QUILES, MARCOS G.; DIAS, LUIS G.; DA SILVA, JUAREZ L. F.. Screening of the Role of the Chemical Structure in the Electrochemical Stability Window of Ionic Liquids: DFT Calculations Combined with Data Mining. JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL INFORMATION AND MODELING, v. N/A, p. 11-pg., . (17/11631-2, 18/21401-7, 19/23681-0)
FERREIRA, PEDRO H. L.; SAMPAIO, ABNER M.; SIQUEIRA, LEONARDO J. A.. Energy and power performances of binary mixtures of ionic liquids in planar and porous electrodes by molecular dynamics simulations. Electrochimica Acta, v. 410, p. 11-pg., . (19/18125-0, 17/11631-2, 18/21401-7)

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