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Reconstrução em grande volume: sistema de alta precisão para detecção de posição em esportes

Processo: 19/22262-3
Modalidade de apoio:Auxílio Organização - Reunião Científica
Vigência: 01 de janeiro de 2022 - 30 de setembro de 2023
Área do conhecimento:Interdisciplinar
Convênio/Acordo: BAYLAT/StMBW - Bavarian Academic Center for Latin America and Bavarian State Ministry of Science and the Arts
Pesquisador responsável:Paulo Roberto Pereira Santiago
Beneficiário:Paulo Roberto Pereira Santiago
Instituição Sede: Escola de Educação Física e Esporte de Ribeirão Preto (EEFERP). Universidade de São Paulo (USP). Ribeirão Preto , SP, Brasil
Assunto(s):Ciências do esporte  Esportes  Desempenho atlético  Biomecânica  Ciência da computação  Visão computacional  Eventos científicos e de divulgação  Reuniões científicas 
Palavra(s)-Chave do Pesquisador:compution vision | eScience | Perfomance Analysis | reconstruction | soccer tracking | sports biomechanics | Sports sciences


The workshop Baylat/Fapesp between the Technical University of Munich and the University of São Paulo has high importance for the development of science and research in the area of sports science and computer science, not only between German and Brazilian researchers but worldwide. Since the participants of both sides have large experience in the fields of sports science and computer science, with high impacts publications in the field and participation in different international research societies, making this event not only crucial for the Free State of Bavaria but also for the State of São Paulo. The workshop will be an opportunity for the local community to meet international scientists and exchange experiences and future agreements between researches, universities, and countries. We expect that the primary outcome of these workshops is going to be a big project for the next years for Germany and Brazil in the field of position detection in sports. The aim of the workshop is to be the first step in the development of a Large Volume - High precision system for position detection in sports. Our main goal is to develop a gold standard for full-size pitch based on the use of active infrared LED markers, with the following specific goals:(1)Develop InfraRed LEDs capable of being seen by Vicon cameras and other video-based systems.(2) Develop InfraRed LEDs capable of blinking in different frequencies for automatic labeling. The workshop will be held at the University of São Paulo at the Ribeirão Preto School of Physical Education and Sports. During the workshop we will build our agenda for the development and testing of the system, establishing the methods for the development and the field tests. The 2nd workshop will be one year after, at the Technical University of Munich, at the Faculty for Health and Sport Science, where the results of the first meeting in Brazil will be presented and discussed in order to make improvements, and apply for project funding. (AU)

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Publicações científicas
(Referências obtidas automaticamente do Web of Science e do SciELO, por meio da informação sobre o financiamento pela FAPESP e o número do processo correspondente, incluída na publicação pelos autores)
MARTINS MONTEIRO, RAFAEL LUIZ; SOUZA BEDO, BRUNO LUIZ; MARTINS MONTEIRO, PEDRO HENRIQUE; PINTO DE ANDRADE, FELIPE DOS SANTOS; MOURA, FELIPE ARRUDA; CUNHA, SERGIO AUGUSTO; TORRES, RICARDO DA SILVA; MEMMERT, DANIEL; PEREIRA SANTIAGO, PAULO ROBERTO. Penalty feet positioning rule modification and laterality effect on soccer goalkeepers' diving kinematics. SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, v. 12, n. 1, p. 9-pg., . (21/00050-4, 20/14845-6, 19/17729-0, 19/16253-1, 19/22262-3, 20/11946-6)
CORDOVA, MANUEL; PINTO, ALLAN; HELLEVIK, CHRISTINA CARROZZO; ALALIYAT, SALEH ABDEL-AFOU; HAMEED, IBRAHIM A.; PEDRINI, HELIO; TORRES, RICARDO DA S.. itter Detection with Deep Learning: A Comparative Stud. ENSOR, v. 22, n. 2, . (15/24494-8, 19/17729-0, 19/16253-1, 14/12236-1, 16/50250-1, 17/20945-0, 19/22262-3)

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