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Dimensões da vida marinha: padrões e processos de diversificação em cnidários planctônicos e bentônicos

Processo: 11/50242-5
Modalidade de apoio:Auxílio à Pesquisa - Programa BIOTA - Temático
Vigência: 01 de agosto de 2011 - 31 de julho de 2017
Área do conhecimento:Ciências Biológicas - Zoologia - Taxonomia dos Grupos Recentes
Pesquisador responsável:Antonio Carlos Marques
Beneficiário:Antonio Carlos Marques
Instituição Sede: Instituto de Biociências (IB). Universidade de São Paulo (USP). São Paulo , SP, Brasil
Pesquisadores principais:
André Carrara Morandini
Auxílios(s) vinculado(s):14/00824-6 - Interações animal-fluído em medusas da costa brasileira: soluções biomecânicas e consequências ecológicas, AV.EXT
13/50484-4 - Biodiversity and distribution patterns of the Medusozoa form the South-Western Atlantic, AP.R
Bolsa(s) vinculada(s):17/00641-7 - A variabilidade morfológica no contexto evolutivo de hidrozoários coloniais (Cnidaria, Proboscoida), BP.PD
17/00312-3 - Tempo e espaço na evolução de Staurozoa (Cnidaria), BP.DR
16/23557-9 - Base de dados biogeográficos e de biodiversidade marinha para inclusão no OBIS (Ocean Biogeographic Information System), BP.TT
+ mais bolsas vinculadas 16/04560-9 - Padrões e processos na vida marinha: macroevolução nos Scyphozoa (Medusozoa), BP.PD
16/04203-1 - Matrizes com informação macroecológica e ferramentas de análises para inferir a evolução de nicho em Staurozoa (Cnidaria), BP.TT
15/23695-0 - Relações de homologia em Medusozoa (Cnidaria) com base na anatomia dos diferentes estágios do ciclo de vida, BP.PD
15/21288-8 - Base de dados de hidroides bentônicos de águas profundas do Atlântico e mares ártico e antártico adjacentes, BP.TT
15/19325-2 - Ferramentas de sequenciamento molecular em Staurozoa (Cnidaria), BP.TT
15/01307-8 - Diversidade morfo-funcional de medusas Scyphozoa: uma análise do sistema integrado locomotor-alimentar, BP.PD
14/24407-5 - Áreas de endemismo de hidroides bentônicos da região Subantártica e Antártica, e a influência de seus mecanismos de dispersão em padrões biogeográficos marinhos, BP.PD
14/08785-0 - Ultraestrutura do espermatozóide de espécies de medusas (Scyphozoa e Cubozoa, Medusozoa, Cnidaria) do litoral brasileiro, BP.MS
14/01285-1 - Conectividade genética ao longo da costa brasileira: filogeografia comparativa de duas espécies de poliquetas com estratégias reprodutivas contrastantes, BP.PD
13/02653-1 - Evolução dos mecanismos de transferência de espermatozóides em Cephalopoda: convergências adaptativas associadas a transições de habitats marinhos?, BP.PD
11/18994-7 - Dimensões da vida marinha, BP.PD - menos bolsas vinculadas
Assunto(s):Zoologia (classificação)  Cnidários  Filogenia  Evolução animal  Filogeografia  Biogeografia 
Palavra(s)-Chave do Pesquisador:Biogeografia | Cnidaria | Evolucao | Filogenia | Filogeografia | Taxonomia
Publicação FAPESP:https://media.fapesp.br/bv/uploads/pdfs/Brazilian_biodiversity...future_6OUiXIg_9_10.pdf


Este programa de pesquisa correlaciona micro e macroevolução, incluindo abordagens integradas da biologia do desenvolvimento, ciclos de vida, a especiação, filogeografia/genética de populações, modelagem ecológica de nicho, filogenia/taxonomia, biogeografia/estudos faunísticos. O objetivo deste programa de pesquisa é estudar as dimensões da vida marinha, de modo transversal, investigando padrões e processos em diferentes níveis biológica mais inclusivos, em questões relacionadas às variáveis tempo e espaço em suas várias escalas, utilizando como objeto de estudo os cnidários planctônicos e bentônicos, grupo com ampla distribuição, ciclos de vida e desenvolvimento muito variáveis. (AU)

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Publicações científicas (74)
(Referências obtidas automaticamente do Web of Science e do SciELO, por meio da informação sobre o financiamento pela FAPESP e o número do processo correspondente, incluída na publicação pelos autores)
IMAZU, MAURICIO ANTUNES; ALE, EZEQUIEL; NESTOR GENZANO, GABRIEL; MARQUES, ANTONIO CARLOS. A comparative study of populations of Ectopleura crocea and Ectopleura ralphi (Hydrozoa, Tubulariidae) from the Southwestern Atlantic Ocean. Zootaxa, v. 3753, n. 5, p. 421-439, . (11/50242-5, 04/09961-4)
NAGATA, RENATO M.; MORANDINI, ANDRE C.; COLIN, SEAN P.; MIGOTTO, ALVARO E.; COSTELLO, JOHN H.. Transitions in morphologies, fluid regimes, and feeding mechanisms during development of the medusa Lychnorhiza lucerna. Marine Ecology Progress Series, v. 557, p. 145-159, . (16/05637-5, 15/01307-8, 10/50174-7, 11/50242-5, 11/00436-8, 14/00824-6, 11/50407-4, 13/19478-8)
MARQUES, ANTONIO C.; PENA CANTERO, ALVARO L.; MIRANDA, THAIS P.; MIGOTTO, ALVARO E.. Revision of the genus Filellum Hincks, 1868 (Lafoeidae, Leptothecata, Hydrozoa). Zootaxa, n. 3129, p. 1-28, . (06/58226-0, 11/50242-5, 10/06927-0, 01/02626-7, 01/10677-0, 04/09961-4)
STAMPAR, SERGIO N.; GAMERO-MORA, EDGAR; MARONNA, MAXIMILIANO M.; FRITSCHER, JULIANO M.; OLIVEIRA, BRUNO S. P.; SAMPAIO, CLAUDIO L. S.; MORANDINI, ANDRE C.. The puzzling occurrence of the upside-down jellyfish Cassiopea (Cnidaria: Scyphozoa) along the Brazilian coast: a result of several invasion events?. Zoologia, v. 37, . (11/50242-5, 16/50389-0, 15/24408-4, 16/04560-9, 15/21007-9, 19/03552-0)
BANHA, THOMAS N. S.; MORANDINI, ANDRE C.; ROSARIO, RENAN P.; MARTINELLI FILHO, JOSE E.. Scyphozoan jellyfish (Cnidaria, Medusozoa) from Amazon coast: distribution, temporal variation and length-weight relationship. Journal of Plankton Research, v. 42, n. 6, p. 767-778, . (15/21007-9, 11/50242-5)
ALE, EZEQUIEL; RAMSAK, ANDREJA; STANKOVIC, DAVID; MORANDINI, ANDRE CARRARA; MEYER, DIOGO; MARQUES, ANTONIO C.. Early Pleistocene divergence of Pelagia noctiluca populations (Cnidaria, Medusozoa) between the Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, v. 99, n. 8, p. 1753-1764, . (04/09961-4, 15/21007-9, 11/50242-5, 13/50484-4)
CAMPOS, FELIPE FERREIRA; PEREZ, CARLOS DANIEL; PUCE, STEFANIA; MARQUES, ANTONIO CARLOS. A new species of Zygophylax (Quelch, 1885) (Cnidaria, Hydrozoa) from South Africa, with taxonomic notes on the southern African species of the genus. Zootaxa, v. 4779, n. 4, p. 535-552, . (11/50242-5)
ARRUDA, GIAN LUCAS M.; VIGERELLI, HUGO; BUFALO, MICHELLE C.; LONGATO, GIOVANNA B.; VELOSO, RODINEI V.; ZAMBELLI, VANESSA O.; PICOLO, GISELE; CURY, YARA; MORANDINI, ANDRE C.; MARQUES, ANTONIO CARLOS; et al. Box Jellyfish (Cnidaria, Cubozoa) Extract Increases Neuron's Connection: A Possible Neuroprotector Effect. BIOMED RESEARCH INTERNATIONAL, v. 2021, . (15/21007-9, 15/50040-4, 16/06137-6, 19/19929-6, 13/07467-1, 11/50242-5)
DIAS, GUSTAVO M.; VIEIRA, EDSON A.; PESTANA, LUEJI; MARQUES, ANTONIO C.; KARYTHIS, SIMON; JENKINS, STUART R.; GRIFFITH, KATHERINE. Calcareous defence structures of prey mediate the effects of predation and biotic resistance towards the tropics. DIVERSITY AND DISTRIBUTIONS, v. 26, n. 9, . (11/50242-5, 16/17647-5, 19/26908-5, 12/18432-1, 15/50325-9)
DOONAN, LIAM B.; LYNHAM, STEVEN; QUINLAN, CATHERINE; IBIJI, SPIKE C.; WINTER, CARLOS E.; PADILLA, GABRIEL; JAIMES-BECERRA, ADRIAN; MORANDINI, ANDRE C.; MARQUES, ANTONIO C.; LONG, PAUL F.. Venom Composition Does Not Vary Greatly Between Different Nematocyst Types Isolated from the Primary Tentacles of Olindias sambaquiensis (Cnidaria: Hydrozoa). BIOLOGICAL BULLETIN, v. 237, n. 1, p. 26-35, . (15/21007-9, 10/52324-6, 10/50174-7, 13/50484-4, 11/50242-5, 10/06927-0)
FERNANDEZ, MARINA O.; COLLINS, ALLEN G.; MARQUES, ANTONIO C.. Gradual and rapid shifts in the composition of assemblages of hydroids (Cnidaria) along depth and latitude in the deep Atlantic Ocean. Journal of Biogeography, v. 47, n. 7, . (15/16948-9, 18/04257-0, 11/50242-5, 13/10821-1)
CUNHA, AMANDA FERREIRA; CARMELET-RESCAN, DAVID; MARQUES, ANTONIO CARLOS; MORGAN-RICHARDS, MARY. Contrasting morphological and genetic patterns suggest cryptic speciation and phenotype-environment covariation within three benthic marine hydrozoans. Marine Biology, v. 169, n. 8, p. 17-pg., . (18/24781-5, 11/50242-5, 17/00641-7)
FERNANDEZ, MARINA OLIVEIRA; COLLINS, ALLEN G.; GITTENBERGER, ARJAN; ROY, KAUSTUV; MARQUES, ANTONIO CARLOS. Traits and depth: What do hydroids tell us about morphology and life-history strategies in the deep sea?. GLOBAL ECOLOGY AND BIOGEOGRAPHY, v. 29, n. 5, . (11/50242-5, 18/04257-0, 13/10821-1)
TISEO, GISELE R.; GARCIA-RODRIGUEZ, JIMENA; ZARA, FERNANDO J.; AMES, CHERYL LEWIS; MARQUES, ANTONIO C.; MORANDINI, ANDRE C.. Spermatogenesis and gonadal cycle in male Tamoya haplonema and Chiropsalmus quadrumanus (Cnidaria, Cubozoa). ZOOLOGISCHER ANZEIGER, v. 279, p. 59-67, . (10/50174-7, 13/50484-4, 11/50242-5, 05/04707-5, 12/19080-1, 10/50188-8)
STAMPAR, SERGIO N.; GONZALEZ-MUNOZ, RICARDO; MORANDINI, ANDRE C.. Botruanthus mexicanus (Cnidaria: Ceriantharia), a new species of tube-dwelling anemone from the Gulf of Mexico. MARINE BIODIVERSITY, v. 47, n. 1, p. 113-118, . (11/50242-5, 15/24408-4, 10/50174-7)
MENDOZA-BECERRIL, MARIA A.; JAIMES-BECERRA, ADRIAN JOSE; COLLINS, ALLEN G.; MARQUES, ANTONIO C.. Phylogeny and morphological evolution of the so-called bougainvilliids (Hydrozoa, Hydroidolina). ZOOLOGICA SCRIPTA, v. 47, n. 5, p. 608-622, . (13/50484-4, 11/50242-5)
MENDOZA-BECERRIL, MARIA A.; MARONNA, MAXIMILIANO M.; PACHECO, MIRIAN L. A. F.; SIMOES, MARCELLO G.; LEME, JULIANA M.; MIRANDA, LUCILIA S.; MORANDINI, ANDRE C.; MARQUES, ANTONIO C.. An evolutionary comparative analysis of the medusozoan (Cnidaria) exoskeleton. ZOOLOGICAL JOURNAL OF THE LINNEAN SOCIETY, v. 178, n. 2, p. 20-pg., . (04/09961-4, 11/50242-5, 10/52324-6, 06/58226-0, 13/50484-4, 09/02312-4, 10/06927-0, 10/50174-7)
OLIVEIRA, OTTO M. P.; MIRANDA, THAIS P.; ARAUJO, ENILMA M.; AYON, PATRICIA; CEDENO-POSSO, CRISTINA M.; CEPEDA-MERCADO, AMANCAY A.; CORDOVA, PABLO; CUNHA, AMANDA F.; GENZANO, GABRIEL N.; HADDAD, MARIA ANGELICA; et al. Census of Cnidaria (Medusozoa) and Ctenophora from South American marine waters. Zootaxa, v. 4194, n. 1, p. 1-256, . (13/50484-4, 11/50242-5, 04/09961-4, 10/52324-6)
MIRANDA, LUCILIA S.; COLLINS, ALLEN G.; HIRANO, YAYOI M.; MILLS, CLAUDIA E.; MARQUES, ANTONIO C.. Comparative internal anatomy of Staurozoa (Cnidaria), with functional and evolutionary inferences. PeerJ, v. 4, . (10/07362-7, 11/50242-5, 13/50484-4, 15/23695-0, 10/52324-6)
VIEIRA, LEANDRO M.; JONES, MARY E. SPENCER; WINSTON, JUDITH E.; MIGOTTO, ALVARO E.; MARQUES, ANTONIO C.. Evidence for Polyphyly of the Genus Scrupocellaria (Bryozoa: Candidae) Based on a Phylogenetic Analysis of Morphological Characters. PLoS One, v. 9, n. 4, . (10/52324-6, 13/50484-4, 11/50242-5, 12/24285-1, 08/10619-0)
FERNANDEZ, MARINA O.; MARQUES, ANTONIO C.. Combining bathymetry, latitude, and phylogeny to understand the distribution of deep Atlantic hydroids (Cnidaria). DEEP-SEA RESEARCH PART I-OCEANOGRAPHIC RESEARCH PAPERS, v. 133, p. 39-48, . (15/16948-9, 11/50242-5, 13/10821-1)
GACESA, RANKO; CHUNG, RAY; DUNN, SIMON R.; WESTON, ANDREW J.; JAIMES-BECERRA, ADRIAN; MARQUES, ANTONIO C.; MORANDINI, ANDRE C.; HRANUELI, DASLAV; STARCEVIC, ANTONIO; WARD, MALCOLM; et al. Gene duplications are extensive and contribute significantly to the toxic proteome of nematocysts isolated from Acropora digitifera (Cnidaria: Anthozoa: Scleractinia). BMC Genomics, v. 16, . (10/50174-7, 11/50242-5)
MARQUES, ANTONIO C.; HADDAD, JR., VIDAL; RODRIGO, LENORA; MARQUES-DA-SILVA, EMANUEL; MORANDINI, ANDRE C.. Jellyfish (Chrysaora lactea, Cnidaria, Semaeostomeae) aggregations in southern Brazil and consequences of stings in humans. Latin American Journal of Aquatic Research, v. 42, n. 5, p. 1194-1199, . (03/02432-3, 10/50174-7, 13/50484-4, 11/50242-5, 04/09961-4)
RODRIGUEZ, CAROLINA S.; MARQUES, ANTONIO C.; MIANZAN, HERMES W.; TRONOLONE, VALQUIRIA B.; MIGOTTO, ALVARO E.; GENZANO, GABRIEL N.. Environment and life cycles influence distribution patterns of hydromedusae in austral South America. MARINE BIOLOGY RESEARCH, v. 13, n. 6, p. 659-670, . (12/21583-1, 10/52324-6, 13/50484-4, 11/50242-5, 04/09961-4)
MARONNA, MAXIMILIANO M.; MIRANDA, THAIS P.; CANTERO, ALVARO L. PENA; BARBEITOS, MARCOS S.; MARQUES, ANTONIO C.. Towards a phylogenetic classification of Leptothecata (Cnidaria, Hydrozoa). SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, v. 6, . (14/24407-5, 10/52324-6, 13/50484-4, 11/50242-5, 10/06927-0, 06/56211-6, 04/09961-4)
MIRANDA, LUCILIA S.; GARCIA-RODRIGUEZ, JIMENA; COLLINS, ALLEN G.; MORANDINI, ANDRE C.; MARQUES, ANTONIO C.. Evolution of the claustrum in Cnidaria: comparative anatomy reveals that it is exclusive to some species of Staurozoa and absent in Cubozoa. ORGANISMS DIVERSITY & EVOLUTION, v. 17, n. 4, p. 753-766, . (10/50174-7, 15/23695-0, 13/50484-4, 10/07362-7, 11/50242-5, 15/21007-9)
ANDRÉ C. MORANDINI; SHAHNAWAZ GUL. Rediscovery of Sanderia malayensis and remarks on Rhopilema nomadica record in Pakistan (Cnidaria: Scyphozoa). Papéis Avulsos de Zoologia (São Paulo), v. 56, n. 15, p. 171-175, . (11/50242-5, 10/50174-7)
MIRANDA, LUCILIA S.; HIRANO, YAYOI M.; MILLS, CLAUDIA E.; FALCONER, AUDREY; FENWICK, DAVID; MARQUES, ANTONIO C.; COLLINS, ALLEN G.. Systematics of stalked jellyfishes (Cnidaria: Staurozoa). PeerJ, v. 4, . (13/50484-4, 11/50242-5, 10/07362-7, 10/52324-6)
SCHIARITI, AGUSTIN; MORANDINI, ANDRE C.; JARMS, GERHARD; PAES, RENATO VON GLEHN; FRANKE, SEBASTIAN; MIANZAN, HERMES. Asexual reproduction strategies and blooming potential in Scyphozoa. MARINE ECOLOGY-PROGRESS SERIES, v. 510, p. 13-pg., . (10/50174-7, 11/50242-5)
IMAZU, MAURICIO ANTUNES; ALE, EZEQUIEL; NESTOR GENZANO, GABRIEL; MARQUES, ANTONIO CARLOS. A comparative study of populations of Ectopleura crocea and Ectopleura ralphi (Hydrozoa, Tubulariidae) from the Southwestern Atlantic Ocean. Zootaxa, v. 3753, n. 5, p. 19-pg., . (04/09961-4, 11/50242-5)
SCHIARITI, AGUSTIN; SOFIA DUTTO, M.; PEREYRA, DAIANA Y.; FAILLA SIQUIER, GABRIELA; MORANDINI, ANDRE C.. Medusae (Scyphozoa and Cubozoa) from southwestern Atlantic and Subantarctic region (32-60 degrees S, 34-70 degrees W): species composition, spatial distribution and life history traits. Latin American Journal of Aquatic Research, v. 46, n. 2, p. 240-257, . (10/50174-7, 11/50242-5, 15/21007-9)
GARCIA-RODRIGUEZ, JIMENA; AMES, CHERYL LEWIS; MARIAN, JOSE EDUARDO A. R.; MARQUES, ANTONIO CARLOS. Gonadal histology of box jellyfish (Cnidaria: Cubozoa) reveals variation between internal fertilizing species Alatina alata (Alatinidae) and Copula sivickisi (Tripedaliidae). Journal of Morphology, v. 279, n. 6, p. 841-856, . (11/50242-5, 04/09961-4)
MIRANDA, THAIS P.; CUNHA, AMANDA F.; MARQUES, ANTONIO C.. Status of the names of some hydroid species (Cnidaria, Hydrozoa), described from the Atlantic coast of Patagonia. Zootaxa, v. 4171, n. 3, p. 595-600, . (14/24407-5, 11/22260-9, 13/50484-4, 11/50242-5, 10/06927-0, 04/09961-4)
PACHECO, MRIAN L. A. FORANCELLI; GALANTE, DOUGLAS; RODRIGUES, FABIO; LEME, JULIANA DE M.; BIDOLA, PIDASSA; HAGADORN, WHITEY; STOCKMAR, MARCO; HERZEN, JULIA; RUDNITZKI, ISAAC D.; PFEIFFER, FRANZ; et al. Insights into the Skeletonization, Lifestyle, and Affinity of the Unusual Ediacaran Fossil Corumbella. PLoS One, v. 10, n. 3, . (09/02312-4, 11/50242-5)
FERNANDEZ, MARINA O.; NAVARRETE, SERGIO A.; MARQUES, ANTONIO C.. A comparison of temporal turnover of species from benthic cnidarian assemblages in tropical and subtropical harbours. MARINE BIOLOGY RESEARCH, v. 11, n. 5, p. 492-503, . (13/50484-4, 11/50242-5, 10/52324-6)
SCHIARITI, AGUSTIN; MORANDINI, ANDRE C.; JARMS, GERHARD; PAES, RENATO VON GLEHN; FRANKE, SEBASTIAN; MIANZAN, HERMES. Asexual reproduction strategies and blooming potential in Scyphozoa. Marine Ecology Progress Series, v. 510, p. 241-253, . (10/50174-7, 11/50242-5)
MENDOZA-BECERRIL, MARIA A.; MARONNA, MAXIMILIANO M.; PACHECO, MIRIAN L. A. F.; SIMOES, MARCELLO G.; LEME, JULIANA M.; MIRANDA, LUCILIA S.; MORANDINI, ANDRE C.; MARQUES, ANTONIO C.. An evolutionary comparative analysis of the medusozoan (Cnidaria) exoskeleton. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, v. 178, n. 2, p. 206-225, . (09/02312-4, 06/58226-0, 10/52324-6, 10/50174-7, 13/50484-4, 11/50242-5, 10/06927-0, 04/09961-4)
MENDOZA-BECERRIL, MARIA A.; MARIAN, JOSE EDUARDO A. R.; MIGOTTO, ALVARO ESTEVES; MARQUES, ANTONIO CARLOS. Exoskeletons of Bougainvilliidae and other Hydroidolina (Cnidaria, Hydrozoa) : structure and composition. PeerJ, v. 5, . (13/50484-4, 11/50242-5)
BROTZ, LUCAS; SCHIARITI, AGUSTIN; LOPEZ-MARTINEZ, JUANA; ALVAREZ-TELLO, JAVIER; HSIEH, Y. -H. PEGGY; JONES, ROBERT P.; QUINONES, JAVIER; DONG, ZHIJUN; MORANDINI, ANDRE C.; PRECIADO, MERCY; et al. Jellyfish fisheries in the Americas: origin, state of the art, and perspectives on new fishing grounds. Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries, v. 27, n. 1, p. 1-29, . (10/50174-7, 13/50484-4, 11/50242-5)
MORANDINI, ANDRE C.; STAMPAR, SERGIO N.; MARONNA, MAXIMILIANO M.; DA SILVEIRA, FABIO L.. All non-indigenous species were introduced recently? The case study of Cassiopea (Cnidaria: Scyphozoa) in Brazilian waters. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, v. 97, n. 2, p. 321-328, . (10/50174-7, 13/50484-4, 11/50242-5)
GENZANO, GABRIEL; BREMEC, CLAUDIA S.; DIAZ-BRIZ, LUCIANA; COSTELLO, JOHN H.; MORANDINI, ANDRE C.; MIRANDA, THAIS P.; MARQUES, ANTONIO C.. Faunal assemblages of intertidal hydroids (Hydrozoa, Cnidaria) from Argentinean Patagonia (Southwestern Atlantic Ocean). Latin American Journal of Aquatic Research, v. 45, n. 1, p. 177-187, . (10/52324-6, 13/50484-4, 14/24407-5, 11/50242-5)
FERNANDEZ, MARINA O.; NAVARRETE, SERGIO A.; MARQUES, ANTONIO C.. Temporal variation in richness and composition of recruits in a diverse cnidarian assemblage of subtropical Brazil. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, v. 460, p. 144-152, . (13/50484-4, 11/50242-5, 10/52324-6)
CUNHA, AMANDA F.; MARONNA, MAXIMILIANO M.; MARQUES, ANTONIO C.. Variability on microevolutionary and macroevolutionary scales: a review on patterns of morphological variation in Cnidaria Medusozoa. ORGANISMS DIVERSITY & EVOLUTION, v. 16, n. 3, p. 431-442, . (10/52324-6, 11/22260-9, 13/50484-4, 11/50242-5, 06/56211-6, 13/25874-3)
KNITTEL, PALOMA S.; LONG, PAUL F.; BRAMMALL, LUCAS; MARQUES, ANTONIO C.; ALMEIDA, MICHELLE T.; PADILLA, GABRIEL; MOURA-DA-SILVA, ANA M.. Characterising the enzymatic profile of crude tentacle extracts from the South Atlantic jellyfish Olindias sambaquiensis (Cnidaria: Hydrozoa). Toxicon, v. 119, p. 1-7, . (11/50242-5, 14/26058-8, 13/25593-4)
ACEVEDO, MELISSA J.; STRAEHLER-POHL, ILKA; MORANDINI, ANDRE C.; STAMPAR, SERGIO N.; BENTLAGE, BASTIAN; MATSUMOTO, I, GEORGE; YANAGIHARA, ANGEL; TOSHINO, SHO; BORDEHORE, CESAR; FUENTES, VERONICA L.. Revision of the genus Carybdea (Cnidaria: Cubozoa: Carybdeidae): clarifying the identity of its type species Carybdea marsupialis. Zootaxa, v. 4543, n. 4, p. 515-548, . (11/50242-5, 10/50174-7, 16/50389-0, 15/24408-4, 15/21007-9)
OHDERA, AKI H.; ABRAMS, MICHAEL J.; AMES, CHERYL L.; BAKER, DAVID M.; SUESCUN-BOLIVAR, LUIS P.; COLLINS, ALLEN G.; FREEMAN, CHRISTOPHER J.; GAMERO-MORA, EDGAR; GOULET, TAMAR L.; HOFMANN, DIETRICH K.; et al. Upside-Down but Headed in the Right Direction: Review of the Highly Versatile Cassiopea xamachana System. FRONTIERS IN ECOLOGY AND EVOLUTION, v. 6, . (11/50242-5, 15/24408-4, 17/50028-0)
MIRANDA, THAIS PIRES; NESTOR GENZANO, GABRIEL; MARQUES, ANTONIO CARLOS. Areas of endemism in the Southwestern Atlantic Ocean based on the distribution of benthic hydroids (Cnidaria: Hydrozoa). Zootaxa, v. 4033, n. 4, p. 484-506, . (06/58226-0, 10/52324-6, 14/24407-5, 13/50484-4, 11/50242-5, 10/06927-0, 04/09961-4)
PERES, RAFAEL; AMARAL, FERNANDA GASPARDO; MARQUES, ANTONIO CARLOS; NETO, JOSE CIPOLLA. Melatonin Production in the Sea Star Echinaster brasiliensis (Echinodermata). BIOLOGICAL BULLETIN, v. 226, n. 2, p. 146-151, . (09/51184-9, 09/01128-5, 11/50242-5, 04/09961-4)
MORANDINI, ANDRE C.; SCHIARITI, AGUSTIN; STAMPAR, SERGIO N.; MARONNA, MAXIMILIANO M.; STRAEHLER-POHL, ILKA; MARQUES, ANTONIO C.. Succession of generations is still the general paradigm for scyphozoan life cycles. BULLETIN OF MARINE SCIENCE, v. 92, n. 3, p. 343-351, . (10/50174-7, 13/50484-4, 11/50242-5, 15/24408-4)
PESTANA, LUEJI BARROS; DIAS, GUSTAVO MUNIZ; MARQUES, ANTONIO CARLOS. A century of introductions by coastal sessile marine invertebrates in Angola, South East Atlantic Ocean. Marine Pollution Bulletin, v. 125, n. 1-2, p. 426-432, . (16/17647-5, 11/50242-5)
MIRANDA, LUCILIA S.; BRANCH, GEORGE M.; COLLINS, ALLEN G.; HIRANO, YAYOI M.; MARQUES, ANTONIO C.; GRIFFITHS, CHARLES L.. Stalked jellyfishes (Cnidaria: Staurozoa) of South Africa, with the description of Calvadosia lewisi sp nov.. Zootaxa, v. 4227, n. 3, p. 369-389, . (10/07362-7, 10/52324-6, 13/50484-4, 11/50242-5, 15/23695-0)
JAIMES-BECERRA, ADRIAN; CHUNG, RAY; MORANDINI, ANDRE C.; WESTON, ANDREW J.; PADILLA, GABRIEL; GACESA, RANKO; WARD, MALCOLM; LONG, PAUL F.; MARQUES, ANTONIO C.. Comparative proteomics reveals recruitment patterns of some protein families in the venoms of Cnidaria. Toxicon, v. 137, p. 19-26, . (10/52324-6, 10/50174-7, 13/50484-4, 11/50242-5, 10/06927-0)
DE CAMPOS, CARLOS JOSE ALEXANDRE; MIGOTTO, ALVARO ESTEVES; PINHEIRO, ULISSES; MARQUES, ANTONIO CARLOS. Sponges as substrata and early life history of the tubulariid Zyzzyzus warreni (Cnidaria: Hydrozoa) in the Sao Sebastiao Channel, Brazil. MARINE BIOLOGY RESEARCH, v. 8, n. 7, p. 573-583, . (06/05821-9, 03/02432-3, 11/50242-5, 98/07090-3, 01/02626-7, 04/09961-4)
MIRANDA, LUCILIA S.; COLLINS, ALLEN G.; MARQUES, ANTONIO C.. Internal Anatomy of Haliclystus antarcticus (Cnidaria, Staurozoa) with a Discussion on Histological Features Used in Staurozoan Taxonomy. Journal of Morphology, v. 274, n. 12, p. 1365-1383, . (11/50242-5, 04/09961-4, 10/07362-7)
STAMPAR, SERGIO N.; GAMERO-MORA, EDGAR; MARONNA, MAXIMILIANO M.; FRITSCHER, JULIANO M.; OLIVEIRA, BRUNO S. P.; SAMPAIO, CLAUDIO L. S.; MORANDINI, ANDRE C.. The puzzling occurrence of the upside-down jellyfish Cassiopea (Cnidaria: Scyphozoa) along the Brazilian coast: a result of several invasion events?. ZOOLOGIA, v. 37, p. 10-pg., . (15/24408-4, 15/21007-9, 11/50242-5, 19/03552-0, 16/50389-0, 16/04560-9)
CUNHA, AMANDA F.; COLLINS, ALLEN G.; MARQUES, ANTONIO C.. When morphometry meets taxonomy: morphological variation and species boundaries in Proboscoida (Cnidaria: Hydrozoa). ZOOLOGICAL JOURNAL OF THE LINNEAN SOCIETY, v. 190, n. 2, p. 417-447, . (17/00641-7, 10/52324-6, 11/22260-9, 13/50484-4, 11/50242-5, 18/24781-5, 13/25874-3, 04/09961-4)
PESTANA, L. B.; DIAS, G. M.; MARQUES, A. C.. Spatial and temporal diversity of non-native biofouling species associated with marinas in two Angolan bays. AFRICAN JOURNAL OF MARINE SCIENCE, v. 42, n. 4, p. 413-422, . (11/50242-5, 16/17647-5)
KITAHARA, MARCELO V.; JAIMES-BECERRA, ADRIAN; GAMERO-MORA, EDGAR; PADILLA, GABRIEL; DOONAN, LIAM B.; WARD, MALCOLM; MARQUES, ANTONIO C.; MORANDINI, ANDRE C.; LONG, PAUL F.. Reciprocal transplantation of the heterotrophic coral Tubastraea coccinea (Scleractinia: Dendrophylliidae) between distinct habitats did not alter its venom toxin composition. ECOLOGY AND EVOLUTION, v. 10, n. 4, . (11/50242-5, 14/01332-0)
BUENO, THAIS CAVENATTI; COLLACO, RITA DE CASSIA; CARDOSO, BIANCA APARECIDA; BREDARIOL, RAFAEL FUMACHI; ESCOBAR, MARILIA LEAL; CAJADO, ISABELA BUBENIK; GRACIA, MARTA; ANTUNES, EDSON; ZAMBELLI, VANESSA O.; PICOLO, GISELE; et al. Neurotoxicity of Olindias sambaquiensis and Chiropsalmus quadrumanus extracts in sympathetic nervous system. Toxicon, v. 199, p. 127-138, . (11/50242-5, 13/07467-1)
HARTIGAN, ASHLIE; JAIMES-BECERRA, ADRIAN; OKAMURA, BETH; DOONAN, LIAM B.; WARD, MALCOLM; MARQUES, ANTONIO C.; LONG, PAUL F.. Recruitment of toxin-like proteins with ancestral venom function supports endoparasitic lifestyles of Myxozoa. PeerJ, v. 9, . (11/50242-5)
NAGATA, RENATO M.; MORANDINI, ANDRE C.; COLIN, SEAN P.; MIGOTTO, ALVARO E.; COSTELLO, JOHN H.. Transitions in morphologies, fluid regimes, and feeding mechanisms during development of the medusa Lychnorhiza lucerna. MARINE ECOLOGY-PROGRESS SERIES, v. 557, p. 15-pg., . (15/01307-8, 11/50242-5, 14/00824-6, 16/05637-5, 13/19478-8, 11/50407-4, 11/00436-8, 10/50174-7)
MIRANDA, THAIS P.; FERNANDEZ, MARINA O.; GENZANO, GABRIEL N.; PENA CANTERO, ALVARO L.; COLLINS, ALLEN G.; MARQUES, ANTONIO C.. Biodiversity and biogeography of hydroids across marine ecoregions and provinces of southern South America and Antarctica. POLAR BIOLOGY, v. 44, n. 8, p. 1669-1689, . (14/24407-5, 10/06927-0, 12/21453-0, 11/50242-5, 13/10821-1, 18/04257-0)
PUENTE TAPIA, FRANCISCO ALEJANDRO; GASCA, REBECA; GENZANO, GABRIEL; SCHIARITI, AGUSTIN; MORANDINI, ANDRE CARRARA. New records of association between Brachyscelus cf. rapacoides (Arthropoda: Amphipoda) and medusae (Cnidaria: Scyphozoa and Hydrozoa) from São Sebastião Channel, southeast Brazil. Brazilian Journal of Oceanography, v. 66, n. 3, . (15/21007-9, 13/50484-4, 11/50242-5)
CAMPOS, FELIPE FERREIRA; MARQUES, ANTONIO CARLOS; PUCE, STEFANIA; PEREZ, CARLOS DANIEL. Zygophylax kakaiba, a new species of hydroid (Cnidaria: Hydrozoa: Zygophylacidae) from the Philippine Islands. Zootaxa, v. 4088, n. 3, p. 438-444, . (11/50242-5)
GARCIA-RODRIGUEZ, JIMENA; AMES, CHERYL LEWIS; JAIMES-BECERRA, ADRIAN; TISEO, GISELE RODRIGUES; MORANDINI, ANDRE CARRARA; CUNHA, AMANDA FERREIRA; MARQUES, ANTONIO CARLOS. Histological Investigation of the Female Gonads of Chiropsalmus quadrumanus (Cubozoa: Cnidaria) Suggests Iteroparous Reproduction. DIVERSITY-BASEL, v. 15, n. 7, p. 15-pg., . (17/12970-5, 21/09739-5, 19/01370-2, 11/50242-5)
FERNANDEZ, MARINA OLIVEIRA; JAIMES-BECERRA, ADRIAN; MARQUES, ANTONIO CARLOS. Trait-environment relationships of hydroids (Cnidaria: Hydrozoa) across large spatial and environmental gradients in the Atlantic Ocean. GLOBAL ECOLOGY AND BIOGEOGRAPHY, v. N/A, p. 13-pg., . (18/04257-0, 11/50242-5)
MARQUES, ANTONIO C.; PENA CANTERO, ALVARO L.; MIRANDA, THAIS P.; MIGOTTO, ALVARO E.. Revision of the genus Filellum Hincks, 1868 (Lafoeidae, Leptothecata, Hydrozoa). Zootaxa, v. N/A, n. 3129, p. 28-pg., . (04/09961-4, 11/50242-5, 06/58226-0, 01/10677-0, 01/02626-7, 10/06927-0)

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