Auxílio à pesquisa 13/50421-2 - Ecologia de populações, Biodiversidade - BV FAPESP
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Novos métodos de amostragem e ferramentas estatísticas para pesquisa em biodiversidade: integrando ecologia de movimento com ecologia de população e comunidade

Processo: 13/50421-2
Modalidade de apoio:Auxílio à Pesquisa - Regular
Área do conhecimento:Ciências Biológicas - Ecologia
Acordo de Cooperação: AKA
Pesquisador responsável:Milton Cezar Ribeiro
Beneficiário:Milton Cezar Ribeiro
Pesquisador Responsável no exterior: Otso Vaskainen
Instituição Parceira no exterior: University of Helsinki, Finlândia
Instituição Sede: Instituto de Biociências (IB). Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP). Campus de Rio Claro. Rio Claro , SP, Brasil
Bolsa(s) vinculada(s):15/04811-9 - TT3 - técnico para análise genética e de laboratório, BP.TT
Assunto(s):Ecologia de populações  Biodiversidade  Conservação biológica  Florestas tropicais  Estatísticas ambientais  Inferência bayesiana 
Palavra(s)-Chave do Pesquisador:Bayesian Statistics | Biodiversity Survey | Conservation Biology | Spatial Ecology | Tropical Ecology


Um dos principais desafios nas pesquisas ecológicas é entender a interação entre fatores bióticos e abióticos que afetam a dinâmica espaço-temporal de indivíduos, populações e comunidades. Os fundamentos de ecologia, junto com métodos robustos e com custo-benefício de monitoramento em larga-escala e a longo prazo, formam a base para pesquisa aplicada, como a avaliação das consequências da mudança ambiental. Estudos nos hotspots de biodiversidade, como florestas tropicais brasileiras, são especialmente relevantes no contexto da mudança ambiental global e da perda da biodiversidade. Esclarecer interações complexas entre fatores bióticos e abióticos requer estudos multidisciplinares, com amplo conhecimento da história natural, amostragem bem delineada, e habilidades analíticas eficientes. O desenvolvimento de novas técnicas tem possibilitado aumento significativo na quantidade e acurácia dos dados, mas simultaneamente eles trazem novos desafios no processamento e análises dos mesmos. Um exemplo dessas oportunidades e desafios, relevantes no contexto desse projeto, é o uso de unidades autônomas de registro de áudio em comunidades de animais que vocalizam, como as aves. Com o avanço das unidades apropriadas de registro, os maiores desafios para amostragens em larga escala não são nas coletas dos dados, mas em como processá-los, p.e. identificar indivíduos ou espécies a partir das suas vocalizações e usar ferramentas estatísticas para extrair informações biologicamente relevantes a partir dos dados. Outro exemplo é o uso da variedade de marcações que acompanham continuamente os movimentos e comportamentos dos indivíduos, como pequenos dispositivos GPS, coletores de dados de rádio-telemetria digital, e tecnologia de radar harmônico que possibilita mapear o movimento de insetos de forma continua. Nós planejamos desenvolver uma abordagem multidisciplinar para estudar a biodiversidade local em dois principais ecossistemas brasileiros: Amazônia e a Mata Atlântica. A principal novidade desse plano é no uso de novas tecnologias de amostragem combinadas com o desenvolvimento de arcabouços estatísticos e teóricos inovadores para fazer inferências robustas em nível de indivíduo, população e comunidade. Nós integraremos ecologia do movimento com a ecologia de população e de comunidades, para produzir novas informações para a biodiversidade tropical, incluindo aspectos básicos e aplicados. (AU)

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Publicações científicas (126)
(Referências obtidas automaticamente do Web of Science e do SciELO, por meio da informação sobre o financiamento pela FAPESP e o número do processo correspondente, incluída na publicação pelos autores)
BECA, GABRIELLE; VANCINE, MAURICIO H.; CARVALHO, CAROLINA S.; PEDROSA, FELIPE; ALVES, RAFAEL SOUZA C.; BUSCARIOL, DAIANE; PERES, CARLOS A.; RIBEIRO, MILTON CEZAR; GALETTI, MAURO. High mammal species turnover in forest patches immersed in biofuel plantations. Biological Conservation, v. 210, n. A, p. 352-359, . (15/18381-6, 14/01986-0, 14/23095-0, 13/50421-2, 14/01029-5)
MARTELLO, FELIPE; ANDRIOLLI, FERNANDO; DE SOUZA, THAMYRYS BEZERRA; DODONOV, PAVEL; RIBEIRO, MILTON CEZAR. Edge and land use effects on dung beetles (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Scarabaeinae) in Brazilian cerrado vegetation. Journal of Insect Conservation, v. 20, n. 6, p. 957-970, . (13/50421-2)
NERY, L. S.; TAKATA, J. T.; CAMARGO, B. B.; CHAVES, A. M.; FERREIRA, P. A.; BOSCOLO, D.. Bee diversity responses to forest and open areas in heterogeneous Atlantic Forest. Sociobiology, v. 65, n. 4, SI, p. 686-695, . (15/04973-9, 13/50421-2)
BERTASSONI, ALESSANDRA; RIBEIRO, MILTON CEZAR. Space use by the giant anteater (Myrmecophaga tridactyla): a review and key directions for future research. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF WILDLIFE RESEARCH, v. 65, n. 6, . (13/50421-2, 13/04957-8)
REGOLIN, ANDRE LUIS; OLIVEIRA-SANTOS, LUIZ GUSTAVO; RIBEIRO, MILTON CEZAR; BAILEY, LARISSA LYNN. Habitat quality, not habitat amount, drives mammalian habitat use in the Brazilian Pantanal. LANDSCAPE ECOLOGY, . (13/50421-2)
MONTEIRO, ERISON C. S.; PIZO, MARCO A.; VANCINE, MAURICIO HUMBERTO; RIBEIRO, MILTON CEZAR. Forest cover and connectivity have pervasive effects on the maintenance of evolutionary distinct interactions in seed dispersal networks. OIKOS, . (20/01779-5, 13/50421-2)
NAGY-REIS, MARIANA; OSHIMA, JULIA EMI DE FARIA; KANDA, CLAUDIA ZUKERAN; PALMEIRA, FRANCESCA BELEM LOPES; DE MELO, FABIANO RODRIGUES; MORATO, RONALDO GONCALVES; BONJORNE, LILIAN; MAGIOLI, MARCELO; LEUCHTENBERGER, CAROLINE; ROHE, FABIO; et al. NEOTROPICAL CARNIVORES: a data set on carnivore distribution in the Neotropics. ECOLOGY, v. 101, n. 11, . (14/01986-0, 12/14245-2, 10/05343-5, 13/50421-2, 05/60016-1, 06/04878-7, 17/21816-0, 05/00405-4, 13/24453-4, 15/22844-1, 13/07162-6, 15/19439-8, 16/11595-3, 08/03500-6, 19/04851-1, 15/18381-6, 13/04957-8, 14/23095-0, 14/09300-0, 11/06782-5, 15/17739-4, 11/22449-4, 14/23132-2, 14/10192-7, 12/00534-2, 14/14925-9)
BERTASSONI, ALESSANDRA; COSTA, ROMULO THEODORO; GOUVEA, JESSICA ABONIZIO; BIANCHI, RITA DE CASSIA; RIBEIRO, JOHN WESLEY; VANCINE, MAURICIO HUMBERTO; RIBEIRO, MILTON CEZAR. Land-use changes and the expansion of biofuel crops threaten the giant anteater in southeastern Brazil. JOURNAL OF MAMMALOGY, v. 100, n. 2, p. 435-444, . (13/04957-8, 17/09676-8, 13/50421-2)
MEDEIROS, HUGO REIS; HOSHINO, ADRIANO THIBES; RIBEIRO, MILTON CEZAR; MENEZES JUNIOR, AYRES DE OLIVEIRA. Landscape complexity affects cover and species richness of weeds in Brazilian agricultural environments. BASIC AND APPLIED ECOLOGY, v. 17, n. 8, p. 731-740, . (13/50421-2)
BOVO, ALEX A. A.; FERRAZ, KATIA M. P. M. B.; MAGIOLI, MARCELO; ALEXANDRINO, EDUARDO R.; HASUI, ERICA; RIBEIRO, MILTON C.; TOBIAS, JOSEPH A.. Habitat fragmentation narrows the distribution of avian functional traits associated with seed dispersal in tropical forest. PERSPECTIVES IN ECOLOGY AND CONSERVATION, v. 16, n. 2, p. 90-96, . (13/24929-9, 14/14925-9, 14/10192-7, 11/06782-5, 14/23809-2, 10/05343-5, 14/09300-0, 13/50421-2)
DA SILVA, LUCAS GOULART; RIBEIRO, MILTON CEZAR; HASUI, ERICA; DA COSTA, CARLA APARECIDA; TEIXEIRA DA CUNHA, ROGERIO GRASSETTO. Patch Size, Functional Isolation, Visibility and Matrix Permeability Influences Neotropical Primate Occurrence within Highly Fragmented Landscapes. PLoS One, v. 10, n. 2, . (13/50421-2)
MARTELLO, FELIPE; DE BELLO, FRANCESCO; DE CASTRO MORINI, MARIA SANTINA; SILVA, ROGERIO R.; DE SOUZA-CAMPANA, DEBORA RODRIGES; RIBEIRO, MILTON CEZAR; CARMONA, CARLOS P.. Homogenization and impoverishment of taxonomic and functional diversity of ants in Eucalyptus plantations. SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, v. 8, . (10/50294-2, 15/05126-8, 10/50973-7, 13/50421-2)
SOBRAL-SOUZA, THADEU; VANCINE, MAURICIO HUMBERTO; RIBEIRO, MILTON CEZAR; LIMA-RIBEIRO, MATHEUS S.. Efficiency of protected areas in Amazon and Atlantic Forest conservation: A spatio-temporal view. ACTA OECOLOGICA-INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ECOLOGY, v. 87, p. 1-7, . (13/50421-2)
BOSCOLO, DANILO; TOKUMOTO, PAOLA MANDETTA; FERREIRA, PATRICIA ALVES; RIBEIRO, JOHN WESLEY; DOS SANTOS, JULIANA SILVEIRA. Positive responses of flower visiting bees to landscape heterogeneity depend on functional connectivity levels. PERSPECTIVES IN ECOLOGY AND CONSERVATION, v. 15, n. 1, p. 18-24, . (13/50421-2)
MORAES, ANDREIA MAGRO; RUIZ-MIRANDA, CARLOS R.; RIBEIRO, MILTON CEZAR; GRATIVOL, ADRIANA D.; CARVALHO, CAROLINA DA S.; DIETZ, JAMES M.; KIERULFF, MARIA CECILIA M.; FREITAS, LUCAS A.; GALETTI, JR., PEDRO M.. Temporal genetic dynamics of reintroduced and translocated populations of the endangered golden lion tamarin (Leontopithecus rosalia). CONSERVATION GENETICS, v. 18, n. 5, p. 995-1009, . (13/50421-2, 14/01029-5)
MEDEIROS, HUGO REIS; BOCHIO, GABRIELA MENEZES; RIBEIRO, MILTON CEZAR; TOREZAN, JOSE MARCELO; DOS ANJOS, LUIZ. Combining plant and bird data increases the accuracy of an Index of Biotic Integrity to assess conservation levels of tropical forest fragments. JOURNAL FOR NATURE CONSERVATION, v. 25, p. 1-7, . (13/50421-2)
MUYLAERT, RENATA L.; STEVENS, RICHARD D.; RIBEIRO, MILTON C.. Threshold effect of habitat loss on bat richness in cerrado-forest landscapes. Ecological Applications, v. 26, n. 6, p. 1854-1867, . (12/04096-0, 13/18465-0, 13/50421-2)
MORAES, ANDREIA MAGRO; RUIZ-MIRANDA, CARLOS R.; GALETTI JR, PEDRO M.; NIEBUHR, BERNARDO BRANDAO; ALEXANDRE, BRENDA R.; MUYLAERT, RENATA L.; GRATIVOL, ADRIANA D.; RIBEIRO, JOHN W.; FERREIRA, ARYSTENE N.; RIBEIRO, MILTON CEZAR. Landscape resistance influences effective dispersal of endangered golden lion tamarins within the Atlantic Forest. Biological Conservation, v. 224, p. 178-187, . (15/17739-4, 13/50421-2)
DUARTE, GABRIELA TEIXEIRA; RIBEIRO, MILTON CEZAR; PAGLIA, ADRIANO PEREIRA. Ecosystem Services Modeling as a Tool for Defining Priority Areas for Conservation. PLoS One, v. 11, n. 5, . (13/50421-2)
AHUATZIN, DIANA A.; CORRO, ERICK J.; AGUIRRE JAIMES, ARMANDO; VALENZUELA GONZALEZ, JORGE E.; MACHADO FEITOSA, RODRIGO; CEZAR RIBEIRO, MILTON; LOPEZ ACOSTA, JUAN CARLOS; COATES, ROSAMOND; DATTILO, WESLEY. Forest cover drives leaf litter ant diversity in primary rainforest remnants within human-modified tropical landscapes. BIODIVERSITY AND CONSERVATION, v. 28, n. 5, p. 1091-1107, . (13/50421-2)
PENA, JOAO CARLOS DE CASTRO; DE ASSIS, JULIA CAMARA; DA SILVA, RAFAELA APARECIDA; HONDA, LAURA KYOKO; PAGANI, MARIA INEZ; RIBEIRO, MILTON CEZAR. Beyond the mining pit: the academic role in social deliberation for participatory environmental planning. PERSPECTIVES IN ECOLOGY AND CONSERVATION, v. 15, n. 3, p. 194-198, . (13/50421-2)
DE LIMA, KAROLINE BAPTISTA; FERREIRA, PATRICIA ALVES; GROPPO, MILTON; GOLDENBERG, RENATO; PANSARIN, EMERSON RICARDO; BARRETO, ROXANA CARDOSO; COELHO, GUILHERME PERES; BARROS-SOUZA, YAGO; BOSCOLO, DANILO. Does landscape context affect pollination-related functional diversity and richness of understory flowers in forest fragments of Atlantic Rainforest in southeastern Brazil?. ECOLOGICAL PROCESSES, v. 9, n. 1, . (18/04337-3, 13/50421-2)
COLLEVATTI, ROSANE GARCIA; DOS SANTOS, JULIANA SILVEIRA; ROSA, FERNANDA FRAGA; AMARAL, TATIANA S.; CHAVES, LAZARO JOSE; RIBEIRO, MILTON CEZAR. Multi-Scale Landscape Influences on Genetic Diversity and Adaptive Traits in a Neotropical Savanna Tree. FRONTIERS IN GENETICS, v. 11, . (19/09713-6, 13/50421-2)
DE CAMARGO BARBOSA, KARLLA VANESSA; RODEWALD, AMANDA D.; RIBEIRO, MILTON C.; JAHN, ALEX E.. Noise level and water distance drive resident and migratory bird species richness within a Neotropical megacity. LANDSCAPE AND URBAN PLANNING, v. 197, . (13/50421-2)
KERCHES-ROGERI, PATRICIA; RAMOS, DANIELLE LEAL; SIREN, JUKKA; TELES, BEATRIZ DE OLIVEIRA; CRUZ ALVES, RAFAEL SOUZA; PRIANTE, CAMILA FATIMA; RIBEIRO, MILTON CEZAR; ARAUJO, MARCIO SILVA; OVASKAINEN, OTSO. Movement syndromes of a Neotropical frugivorous bat inhabiting heterogeneous landscapes in Brazil. MOVEMENT ECOLOGY, v. 9, n. 1, . (16/14939-5, 13/50421-2, 14/24219-4)
RIBEIRO, JR., JOSE WAGNER; SIQUEIRA, TADEU; BREJAO, GABRIEL LOURENCO; ZIPKIN, ELISE F.. Effects of agriculture and topography on tropical amphibian species and communities. Ecological Applications, v. 28, n. 6, p. 1554-1564, . (14/07113-8, 13/50424-1, 12/21916-0, 16/07469-2, 13/50421-2)
MARJAKANGAS, EMMA-LIINA; ABREGO, NEREA; GROTAN, VIDAR; DE LIMA, RENATO A. F.; BELLO, CAROLINA; BOVENDORP, RICARDO S.; CULOT, LAURENCE; HASUI, ERICA; LIMA, FERNANDO; MUYLAERT, RENATA LARA; et al. Fragmented tropical forests lose mutualistic plant-animal interactions. DIVERSITY AND DISTRIBUTIONS, v. 26, n. 2, . (14/18800-6, 14/14739-0, 13/08722-5, 17/08440-0, 14/01986-0, 13/25441-0, 17/21816-0, 15/17739-4, 17/09676-8, 13/50421-2)
SCARPELLI, MARINA D. A.; RIBEIRO, MILTON CEZAR; TEIXEIRA, FERNANDA Z.; YOUNG, ROBERT J.; TEIXEIRA, CAMILA P.. Gaps in terrestrial soundscape research: It's time to focus on tropical wildlife. Science of The Total Environment, v. 707, . (13/50421-2)
ASSIS, JULIA C.; GIACOMINI, HENRIQUE C.; RIBEIRO, MILTON CEZAR. Road Permeability Index: Evaluating the heterogeneous permeability of roads for wildlife crossing. ECOLOGICAL INDICATORS, v. 99, p. 365-374, . (13/50421-2)
DOS ANJOS, LUIZ; BOCHIO, GABRIELA MENEZES; MEDEIROS, HUGO REIS; ALMEIDA, BIA DE ARRUDA; ARAKAKI LINDSEY, BARBARA ROCHA; CALSAVARA, LARISSA CORSINI; RIBEIRO, MILTON CEZAR; DOMINGUES TOREZAN, JOSE MARCELO. Insights on the functional composition of specialist and generalist birds throughout continuous and fragmented forests. ECOLOGY AND EVOLUTION, v. 9, n. 11, p. 6318-6328, . (13/50421-2)
KANDA, C. Z.; OLIVEIRA-SANTOS, L. G. R.; MORATO, R. G.; DE PAULA, R. C.; RAMPIM, L. E.; SARTORELLO, L.; HABERFELD, M.; GALETTI, M.; CEZAR RIBEIRO, M.. Spatiotemporal dynamics of conspecific movement explain a solitary carnivore's space use. JOURNAL OF ZOOLOGY, v. 308, n. 1, p. 66-74, . (13/50421-2, 16/11595-3)
CARVALHO, CAROLINA DA SILVA; BALLESTEROS-MEJIA, LILIANA; RIBEIRO, MILTON CEZAR; CORTES, MARINA CORREA; SANTOS, ALESANDRO SOUZA; COLLEVATTI, ROSANE GARCIA. Climatic stability and contemporary human impacts affect the genetic diversity and conservation status of a tropical palm in the Atlantic Forest of Brazil. CONSERVATION GENETICS, v. 18, n. 2, p. 467-478, . (13/50421-2, 14/01029-5)
DE CASTRO PENA, JOAO CARLOS; MARTELLO, FELIPE; RIBEIRO, MILTON CEZAR; ARMITAGE, RICHARD A.; YOUNG, ROBERT J.; RODRIGUES, MARCOS. Street trees reduce the negative effects of urbanization on birds. PLoS One, v. 12, n. 3, . (13/50421-2)
SANTOS, PALOMA MARQUES; BAILEY, LARISSA LYNN; RIBEIRO, MILTON CEZAR; CHIARELLO, ADRIANO GARCIA; PAGLIA, ADRIANO PEREIRA. Living on the edge: Forest cover threshold effect on endangered maned sloth occurrence in Atlantic Forest. Biological Conservation, v. 240, . (13/50421-2)
MUYLAERT, RENATA L.; SABINO-SANTOS JR, GILBERTO; PRIST, PAULA R.; OSHIMA, JULIA E. F.; NIEBUHR, BERNARDO BRANDAO; SOBRAL-SOUZA, THADEU; DE OLIVEIRA, STEFAN VILGES; BOVENDORP, RICARDO SIQUEIRA; MARSHALL, JONATHAN C.; HAYMAN, DAVID T. S.; et al. Spatiotemporal Dynamics of Hantavirus Cardiopulmonary Syndrome Transmission Risk in Brazil. Viruses-Basel, v. 11, n. 11, . (16/02568-2, 17/11666-0, 13/25441-0, 17/21816-0, 15/17739-4, 13/50421-2)
GESTICH, CARLA C.; ARROYO-RODRIGUEZ, VICTOR; SARANHOLI, BRUNO H.; DA CUNHA, ROGERIO G. T.; SETZ, ELEONORE Z. F.; RIBEIRO, MILTON C.. orest loss and fragmentation can promote the crowding effect in a forest-specialist primat. LANDSCAPE ECOLOGY, v. 37, n. 1, . (20/01779-5, 13/50421-2, 12/14245-2, 13/24453-4)
DUARTE, GABRIELA TEIXEIRA; MITCHELL, MATTHEW; MARTELLO, FELIPE; GREGR, EDWARD J.; PAGLIA, ADRIANO PEREIRA; CHAN, KAI M. A.; RIBEIRO, MILTON CEZAR. A user-inspired framework and tool for restoring multifunctional landscapes: putting into practice stakeholder and scientific knowledge of landscape services. LANDSCAPE ECOLOGY, v. 35, n. 11, p. 14-pg., . (13/50421-2)
MEDEIROS, HUGO REIS; MARTELLO, FELIPE; ALMEIDA, EDUARDO A. B.; MENGUAL, XIMO; HARPER, KAREN A.; GRANDINETE, YURI CAMPANHOLO; METZGER, JEAN PAUL; RIGHI, CIRO ABBUD; RIBEIRO, MILTON CEZAR. Landscape structure shapes the diversity of beneficial insects in coffee producing landscapes. Biological Conservation, v. 238, . (13/50421-2, 13/23457-6)
MATAVELLI, RODRIGO; OLIVEIRA, JULIANO MACHADO; SOININEN, JANNE; RIBEIRO, MILTON CEZAR; BERTOLUCI, JAIME. Altitude and temperature drive anuran community assembly in a Neotropical mountain region. Biotropica, v. 54, n. 3, p. 12-pg., . (20/01779-5, 13/50421-2, 14/27320-8)
HILASACA, LIZ HUANCAPAZA; RIBEIRO, MILTON CEZAR; MINGHIM, ROSANE. Visual Active Learning for Labeling: A Case for Soundscape Ecology Data. INFORMATION, v. 12, n. 7, . (20/01779-5, 13/50421-2)
MORAES, ANDRE L. B.; DA SILVEIRA, NATALIA S.; PIZO, MARCO A.. Nocturnal roosting behavior of the Pale-breasted Thrush (Turdus leucomelas) and its relation with daytime area of use. Wilson Journal of Ornithology, v. 130, n. 3, p. 828-833, . (13/50421-2)
CORRO, ERICK J.; AHUATZIN, DIANA A.; AGUIRRE JAIMES, ARMANDO; FAVILA, MARIO E.; RIBEIRO, MILTON CEZAR; LOPEZ-ACOSTA, JUAN C.; DATTILO, WESLEY. Forest cover and landscape heterogeneity shape ant-plant co-occurrence networks in human-dominated tropical rainforests. LANDSCAPE ECOLOGY, v. 34, n. 1, p. 93-104, . (13/50421-2)
CIOCHETI, GIORDANO; DE ASSIS, JULIA CAMARA; RIBEIRO, JOHN WESLEY; RIBEIRO, MILTON CEZAR. Highway widening and underpass effects on vertebrate road mortality. Biotropica, v. 49, n. 6, p. 765-769, . (13/50421-2)
RIBEIRO, JOHN WESLEY; DOS SANTOS, JULIANA SILVEIRA; DODONOV, PAVEL; MARTELLO, FELIPE; NIEBUHR, BERNARDO BRANDAO; RIBEIRO, MILTON CEZAR. LandScape Corridors (LSCORRIDORS): a new software package for modelling ecological corridors based on landscape patterns and species requirements. METHODS IN ECOLOGY AND EVOLUTION, v. 8, n. 11, p. 1425-1432, . (13/50421-2)
NAGY-REIS, MARIANA B.; NICHOLS, JAMES D.; CHIARELLO, ADRIANO G.; RIBEIRO, MILTON CEZAR; BETZ, ELEONORE Z. F.. Landscape Use and Co-Occurrence Patterns of Neotropical Spotted Cats. PLoS One, v. 12, n. 1, . (13/07162-6, 13/50421-2)
BONNEFOND, ANAIS; COURTOIS, ELODIE A.; SUEUR, JEROME; SUGAI, LARISSA SAYURI M.; LLUSIA, DIEGO. Climatic breadth of calling behaviour in two widespread Neotropical frogs: Insights from humidity extremes. GLOBAL CHANGE BIOLOGY, v. 26, n. 10, . (15/25316-6, 17/15772-0, 13/50421-2)
AHUATZIN, D. A.; GONZALEZ-TOKMAN, D.; VALENZUELA-GONZALEZ, J. E.; ESCOBAR, F.; RIBEIRO, M. C.; ACOSTA, J. C. L.; DATTILO, W.. Sampling bias in multiscale ant diversity responses to landscape composition in a human-disturbed rainforest. Insectes Sociaux, . (13/50421-2)
JORGE, MARIA LUISA S. P.; BRADHAM, JENNIFER L.; KEUROGHLIAN, ALEXINE; OSHIMA, JULIA EMI F.; RIBEIRO, MILTON CEZAR. Permeability of Neotropical agricultural lands to a key native ungulate-Are well-connected forests important?. Biotropica, v. 53, n. 1, p. 201-212, . (13/50421-2, 14/23132-2)
DE CAMARGO BARBOSA, KARLLA VANESSA; DEVELEY, PEDRO F.; RIBEIRO, MILTON CESAR; JAHN, ALEX E.. The contribution of citizen science to research on migratory and urban birds in Brazil. ORNITHOLOGY RESEARCH, v. 29, n. 1, . (20/01779-5, 13/50421-2)
DO AMARAL, TATIANA SOUZA; DOS SANTOS, JULIANA SILVEIRA; ROSA, FERNANDA FRAGA; PESSOA, MARCELO BRUNO; CHAVES, LAZARO JOSE; RIBEIRO, MILTON CEZAR; COLLEVATTI, ROSANE GARCIA. Agricultural Landscape Heterogeneity Matter: Responses of Neutral Genetic Diversity and Adaptive Traits in a Neotropical Savanna Tree. FRONTIERS IN GENETICS, v. 11, . (13/50421-2)
OSHIMA, JULIA EMI DE FARIA; JORGE, MARIA LUISA S. P.; SOBRAL-SOUZA, THADEU; BORGER, LUCA; KEUROGHLIAN, ALEXINE; PERES, CARLOS A.; VANCINE, MAURICIO HUMBERTO; COLLEN, BEN; RIBEIRO, MILTON CEZAR. Setting priority conservation management regions to reverse rapid range decline of a key neotropical forest ungulate. GLOBAL ECOLOGY AND CONSERVATION, v. 31, . (13/50421-2, 17/09676-8, 14/23132-2, 16/09957-4)
SOARES, RAIMUNDA G. S.; FERREIRA, PATRICIA A.; BOSCOLO, DANILO; ROCHA, ANA C.; LOPES, LUCIANO E.. orest cover and non-forest landscape heterogeneity modulate pollination of tropical understory plant. LANDSCAPE ECOLOGY, v. 37, n. 2, . (13/50421-2)
ANUNCIACAO, PAULA RIBEIRO; BARROS, FABIO M.; RIBEIRO, MILTON CEZAR; TAVARES DE CARVALHO, LUIS MARCELO; ERNST, RAFFAEL. Taxonomic and functional threshold responses of vertebrate communities in the Atlantic Forest Hotspot. Biological Conservation, v. 257, . (13/19732-1, 13/50421-2, 16/15376-4)
CARNEIRO, LAZARO DA SILVA; DE AGUIAR, WILLIAN MOURA; PRIANTE, CAMILA DE FATIMA; RIBEIRO, MILTON CEZAR; FRANTINE-SILVA, WILSON; GAGLIANONE, MARIA CRISTINA. The Interplay Between Thematic Resolution, Forest Cover, and Heterogeneity for Explaining Euglossini Bees Community in an Agricultural Landscape. FRONTIERS IN ECOLOGY AND EVOLUTION, v. 9, . (13/50421-2, 20/01779-5)
DIAS, VIVIANE BRITO; MARTELLO, FELIPE; REGOLIN, ANDRE LUIS; TOMAS, WALFRIDO MORAES; RIBEIRO, MILTON CEZAR. Forest amount determines the occupancy of the arboreal rodent Oecomys cleberi (Rodentia: Cricetidae) in Atlantic Forest fragmented landscapes. Studies on Neotropical Fauna and Environment, v. N/A, p. 11-pg., . (22/10760-1, 21/08534-0, 20/01779-5, 13/50421-2, 21/10195-0)
ALEGRE, VANESA BEJARANO; RIO-MAIOR, HELENA; OSHIMA, JULIA EMI DE FARIA; NIEBUHR, BERNARDO BRANDAO; MORATO, RONALDO G.; RIBEIRO, MILTON CEZAR. The effect of anthropogenic features on the habitat selection of a large carnivore is conditional on sex and circadian period, suggesting a landscape of coexistence. JOURNAL FOR NATURE CONSERVATION, v. 73, p. 9-pg., . (22/10760-1, 14/23132-2, 18/13037-3, 20/01779-5, 21/08534-0, 13/50421-2, 21/10195-0, 21/02132-8)
ZALUAR, MARINA T.; TARDIN, RODRIGO; LLUSIA, DIEGO; NIEMEYER, JULIA; RIBEIRO, MILTON C.; VALE, MARIANA M.. Impact of invasive marmosets (Primates, Callitrichidae) on bird acoustic diversity in a large neotropical urban forest. Biological Invasions, v. 24, n. 6, p. 13-pg., . (13/50421-2, 21/08534-0, 20/01779-5)
DE SOUSA, FERNANDA GONSALVES; DOS SANTOS, JULIANA SILVEIRA; MARTELLO, FELIPE; DINIZ, MILENA FIUZA; BERGAMINI, LEONARDO LIMA; RIBEIRO, MILTON CEZAR; COLLEVATTI, ROSANE GARCIA; SILVA, DANIEL PAIVA. Natural habitat cover and fragmentation per se influence orchid-bee species richness in agricultural landscapes in the Brazilian Cerrado. Apidologie, v. 53, n. 2, p. 16-pg., . (19/09713-6, 13/50421-2, 20/01779-5, 21/10195-0)
DOS SANTOS, JULIANA SILVEIRA; DODONOV, PAVEL; OSHIMA, JULIA EMI F.; MARTELLO, FELIPE; DE JESUS, ANDRELISA SANTOS; FERREIRA, MANUEL EDUARDO; SILVA-NETO, CARLOS M.; RIBEIRO, MILTON CEZAR; COLLEVATTI, ROSANE GARCIA. Landscape ecology in the Anthropocene: an overview for integrating agroecosystems and biodiversity conservation. PERSPECTIVES IN ECOLOGY AND CONSERVATION, v. 19, n. 1, p. 21-32, . (14/23132-2, 20/01779-5, 19/09713-6, 13/50421-2)
MOLINA, MICHELE; MARTINS, CAUE PAIVA VIDIGAL; RANIERO, MARIANA; FORTES, LIVIA SA; TERRA, MARCOS FELIPE MARQUES; RAMOS, FLAVIO NUNES; RIBEIRO, MILTON CEZAR; HASUI, ERICA. Direct and indirect effects of landscape, forest patch and sampling site predictors on biotic interaction and seed process. PLANT ECOLOGY, v. 224, n. 1, p. 20-pg., . (20/01779-5, 13/50421-2, 21/10195-0, 21/08534-0, 22/10760-1)
GALETTI, MAURO; CARMIGNOTTO, ANA PAULA; PERCEQUILLO, ALEXANDRE R.; SANTOS, MARCOS C. DE O.; DE BARROS FERRAZ, KATIA MARIA P. M.; LIMA, FERNANDO; VANCINE, MAURICIO H.; MUYLAERT, RENATA L.; GONCALVES BONFIM, FERNANDO CESAR; MAGIOLI, MARCELO; et al. Mammals in Sao Paulo State: diversity, distribution, ecology, and conservation. Biota Neotropica, v. 22, p. 11-pg., . (21/10195-0, 20/12658-4, 13/19377-7, 21/08534-0, 15/21259-8, 18/16662-6, 19/20525-7, 11/22449-4, 15/17739-4, 16/19106-1, 10/51323-6, 12/04096-0, 14/10192-7, 18/50038-8, 20/01779-5, 17/23548-2, 11/20022-3, 10/52315-7, 14/01986-0, 08/03099-0, 18/14091-1, 14/09300-0, 13/50421-2)
HARPER, KAREN AMANDA; YANG, JACQUELINE RENEE; QUERRY, NATASHA DAZE; DYER, JULIE; ALVES, RAFAEL SOUZA CRUZ; RIBEIRO, MILTON CEZAR. Limited influence from edges and topography on vegetation structure and diversity in Atlantic Forest. PLANT ECOLOGY, v. N/A, p. 11-pg., . (22/10760-1, 21/08534-0, 20/01779-5, 21/10639-5, 13/50421-2, 21/10195-0)
NERY, L. S.; TAKATA, J. T.; CAMARGO, B. B.; CHAVES, A. M.; FERREIRA, P. A.; BOSCOLO, D.. Bee diversity responses to forest and open areas in heterogeneous Atlantic Forest. Sociobiology, v. 65, n. 4, p. 10-pg., . (15/04973-9, 13/50421-2)
RODRIGUEZ-CASTRO, KAREN GISELLE; CIOCHETI, GIORDANO; RIBEIRO, JOHN WESLEY; RIBEIRO, MILTON CEZAR; GALETTI, JR., PEDRO MANOEL. Using DNA barcode to relate landscape attributes to small vertebrate roadkill. Biodiversity and Conservation, v. 26, n. 5, p. 1161-1178, . (13/50421-2)
DUARTE, GABRIELA TEIXEIRA; MITCHELL, MATTHEW; MARTELLO, FELIPE; GREGR, EDWARD J.; PAGLIA, ADRIANO PEREIRA; CHAN, KAI M. A.; RIBEIRO, MILTON CEZAR. A user-inspired framework and tool for restoring multifunctional landscapes: putting into practice stakeholder and scientific knowledge of landscape services. LANDSCAPE ECOLOGY, v. 35, n. 11, SI, . (13/50421-2)
ALVES, BRIZA CRISTINA; MENDES, CALEBE PEREIRA; RIBEIRO, MILTON CEZAR. Queen palm fruit selection and foraging techniques of squirrels in the Atlantic Forest. Biotropica, v. 50, n. 2, p. 274-281, . (13/50421-2)
GABRIELA SANTOS TIBÚRCIO; CAROLINA DA SILVA CARVALHO; FABIO COP FERREIRA; ROBERTO GOITEIN; MILTON CEZAR RIBEIRO. Efeito da paisagem na ocorrência da ictiofauna em rios de primeira ordem da região sudeste do Brasil. Acta Limnol. Bras., v. 28, . (13/50421-2, 14/01029-5)
SANTOS, PALOMA MARQUES; CHIARELLO, ADRIANO GARCIA; RIBEIRO, MILTON CEZAR; RIBEIRO, JOHN WESLEY; PAGLIA, ADRIANO PEREIRA. Local and landscape influences on the habitat occupancy of the endangered maned sloth Bradypus torquatus within fragmented landscapes. Mammalian Biology, v. 81, n. 5, p. 447-454, . (13/50421-2)
MORATO, R. G.; CONNETTE, G. M.; STABACH, J. A.; DE PAULA, R. C.; FERRAZ, K. M. P. M.; KANTEK, D. L. Z.; MIYAZAKI, S. S.; PEREIRA, T. D. C.; SILVA, L. C.; PAVIOLO, A.; et al. Resource selection in an apex predator and variation in response to local landscape characteristics. Biological Conservation, v. 228, p. 233-240, . (13/50421-2)
DA SILVEIRA, NATALIA STEFANINI; NIEBUHR, BERNARDO BRANDAO S.; MUYLAERT, RENATA DE LARA; RIBEIRO, MILTON CEZAR; PIZO, MARCO AURELIO. Effects of Land Cover on the Movement of Frugivorous Birds in a Heterogeneous Landscape. PLoS One, v. 11, n. 6, . (13/50421-2)
DUARTE, GABRIELA TEIXEIRA; SANTOS, PALOMA MARQUES; CORNELISSEN, TATIANA GARABINI; RIBEIRO, MILTON CEZAR; PAGLIA, ADRIANO PEREIRA. The effects of landscape patterns on ecosystem services: meta-analyses of landscape services. LANDSCAPE ECOLOGY, v. 33, n. 8, p. 1247-1257, . (13/50421-2)
CARLOS PENA, JOAO; AOKI-GONCALVES, FELIPE; DATTILO, WESLEY; CEZAR RIBEIRO, MILTON; MACGREGOR-FORS, IAN. Caterpillars' natural enemies and attack probability in an urbanization intensity gradient across a Neotropical streetscape. ECOLOGICAL INDICATORS, v. 128, . (13/50421-2, 18/00107-3)
NAGY-REIS, MARIANA B.; RIBEIRO, MILTON CEZAR; SETZ, ELEONORE Z. F.; CHIARELLO, ADRIANO G.. The key role of protection status in safeguarding the ecological functions of some Neotropical mammals. BIODIVERSITY AND CONSERVATION, v. 28, n. 10, p. 2599-2613, . (13/07162-6, 13/50421-2)
MAGIOLI, M.; RIBEIRO, M. C.; FERRAZ, K. M. P. M. B.; RODRIGUES, M. G.. Thresholds in the relationship between functional diversity and patch size for mammals in the Brazilian Atlantic Forest. ANIMAL CONSERVATION, v. 18, n. 6, p. 499-511, . (14/09300-0, 13/50421-2)
MEDEIROS, HUGO REIS; GRANDINETE, YURI CAMPANHOLO; MANNING, PAUL; HARPER, KAREN A.; CUTLER, G. CHRISTOPHER; TYEDMERS, PETER; RIGHI, CIRO ABBUD; RIBEIRO, MILTON CEZAR. Forest cover enhances natural enemy diversity and biological control services in Brazilian sun coffee plantations. AGRONOMY FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT, v. 39, n. 6, . (13/50421-2)
MORAES, ANDREIA MAGRO; VANCINE, MAURICIO HUMBERTO; MORAES, ANDREZA MAGRO; DE OLIVEIRA CORDEIRO, CARLOS LEANDRO; PINTO, MIRIAM PLAZA; LIMA, ADRIANA ALMEIDA; CULOT, LAURENCE; FREIRE SILVA, THIAGO SANNA; COLLEVATTI, ROSANE GARCIA; RIBEIRO, MILTON CEZAR; et al. Predicting the potential hybridization zones between native and invasive marmosets within Neotropical biodiversity hotspots. GLOBAL ECOLOGY AND CONSERVATION, v. 20, . (14/14739-0, 12/50260-6, 13/50421-2, 16/08685-0, 17/09676-8)
CAVA, MARIO G. B.; PILON, NATASHI A. L.; PRIANTE, CAMILA F.; RIBEIRO, MILTON CEZAR; DURIGAN, GISELDA. The recovery rates of secondary savannas in abandoned pastures are poorly explained by environmental and landscape factors. APPLIED VEGETATION SCIENCE, v. 23, n. 1, . (16/17888-2, 13/50421-2, 15/23131-9)
MEDEIROS, HUGO REIS; MARTELLO, FELIPE; METZGER, JEAN PAUL; HARPER, KAREN AMANDA; MENGUAL, XIMO; RIGHI, CIRO ABBUD; RIBEIRO, MILTON CEZAR. Landscape composition regulates the spillover of beneficial insects between forest remnants and adjacent coffee plantations. PERSPECTIVES IN ECOLOGY AND CONSERVATION, v. 20, n. 2, p. 6-pg., . (13/23457-6, 21/08534-0, 13/50421-2)
SCARPELLI, MARINA D. A.; RIBEIRO, MILTON CEZAR; TEIXEIRA, CAMILA P.. What does Atlantic Forest soundscapes can tell us about landscape?. ECOLOGICAL INDICATORS, v. 121, . (13/50421-2)
MUYLAERT, RENATA L.; BOVENDORP, RICARDO SIQUEIRA; SABINO-SANTOS, JR., GILBERTO; PRIST, PAULA R.; MELO, GERUZA LEAL; PRIANTE, CAMILA DE FATIMA; WILKINSON, DAVID A.; RIBEIRO, MILTON CEZAR; HAYMAN, DAVID T. S.. Hantavirus host assemblages and human disease in the Atlantic Forest. PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases, v. 13, n. 8, . (17/11666-0, 13/25441-0, 17/21816-0, 15/17739-4, 13/50421-2)
MERRICK, TRINA; BENNARTZ, RALF; JORGE, MARIA LUISA S. P.; PAU, STEPHANIE; RAUSCH, JOHN. Evaluation of Plant Stress Monitoring Capabilities Using a Portable Spectrometer and Blue-Red Grow Light. SENSORS, v. 22, n. 9, p. 12-pg., . (13/50421-2)
BARBOSA, MARCELA DE MATOS; JAFFE, RODOLFO; CARVALHO, CAROLINA S.; LANES, EDER C. M.; ALVES-PEREIRA, ALESSANDRO; ZUCCHI, MARIA, I; CORREA, ALBERTO S.; RIBEIRO, MILTON C.; IMPERATRIZ-FONSECA, VERA L.; ALVES, DENISE A.. Landscape influences genetic diversity but does not limit gene flow in a Neotropical pollinator. Apidologie, v. 53, n. 4, p. 16-pg., . (20/01779-5, 13/50421-2, 21/10195-0)
ASCENSAO, FERNANDO; NIEBUHR, BERNARDO B.; MORAES, ANDREIA M.; ALEXANDRE, BRENDA R.; ASSIS, JULIA C.; ALVES-EIGENHEER, MILENE A.; RIBEIRO, JOHN W.; DE MORAIS JR, MARCIO M.; MARTINS, ANDREIA F.; OLIVEIRA, ADEMILSON; et al. End of the line for the golden lion tamarin? A single road threatens 30 years of conservation efforts. CONSERVATION SCIENCE AND PRACTICE, v. 1, n. 9, p. 7-pg., . (14/14739-0, 13/50421-2)
RODRIGUEZ-CASTRO, KAREN GISELLE; CIOCHETI, GIORDANO; RIBEIRO, JOHN WESLEY; RIBEIRO, MILTON CEZAR; GALETTI, PEDRO MANOEL, JR.. Using DNA barcode to relate landscape attributes to small vertebrate roadkill. BIODIVERSITY AND CONSERVATION, v. 26, n. 5, p. 18-pg., . (13/50421-2)
BECA, GABRIELLE; VANCINE, MAURICIO H.; CARVALHO, CAROLINA S.; PEDROSA, FELIPE; ALVES, RAFAEL SOUZA C.; BUSCARIOL, DAIANE; PERES, CARLOS A.; RIBEIRO, MILTON CEZAR; GALETTI, MAURO. High mammal species turnover in forest patches immersed in biofuel plantations. Biological Conservation, v. 210, p. 8-pg., . (15/18381-6, 14/01029-5, 13/50421-2, 14/01986-0, 14/23095-0)
MARTELLO, FELIPE; ANDRIOLLI, FERNANDO; DE SOUZA, THAMYRYS BEZERRA; DODONOV, PAVEL; RIBEIRO, MILTON CEZAR. Edge and land use effects on dung beetles (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Scarabaeinae) in Brazilian cerrado vegetation. JOURNAL OF INSECT CONSERVATION, v. 20, n. 6, p. 14-pg., . (13/50421-2)
PENA, JOAO CARLOS; OVASKAINEN, OTSO; MACGREGOR-FORS, IAN; TEIXEIRA, CAMILA PALHARES; RIBEIRO, MILTON CEZAR. The relationships between urbanization and bird functional traits across the streetscape. LANDSCAPE AND URBAN PLANNING, v. 232, p. 12-pg., . (18/00107-3, 22/10760-1, 21/08534-0, 20/01779-5, 13/50421-2, 21/10195-0, 18/22215-2)
ASSIS, JULIA C.; HOHLENWERGER, CAMILA; METZGER, JEAN PAUL; RHODES, JONATHAN R.; DUARTE, GABRIELA T.; SILVA, RAFAELA A. DA; BOESING, ANDREA LARISSA; PRIST, PAULA R.; RIBEIRO, MILTON CEZAR. Linking landscape structure and ecosystem service flow. ECOSYSTEM SERVICES, v. 62, p. 10-pg., . (22/10760-1, 13/23457-6, 20/01779-5, 21/08534-0, 21/10639-5, 17/50015-5, 13/50421-2, 17/26093-6, 21/10195-0, 17/11666-0)
PEREIRA, L. A.; CAMPOS, V. E. W.; GESTICH, C. C.; RIBEIRO, M. C.; CULOT, L.. Erosion of primate functional diversity in small and isolated forest patches within movement-resistant landscapes. ANIMAL CONSERVATION, v. N/A, p. 14-pg., . (20/01779-5, 13/50421-2, 14/14739-0, 21/10195-0, 21/08534-0, 17/08440-0, 12/14245-2)
RAMOS, DANIELLE LEAL; PIZO, MARCO AURELIO; RIBEIRO, MILTON CEZAR; CRUZ, RAFAEL SOUZA; MORALES, JUAN MANUEL; OVASKAINEN, OTSO. Forest and connectivity loss drive changes in movement behavior of bird species. ECOGRAPHY, v. 43, n. 8, . (13/50421-2, 13/19732-1)
REGOLIN, ANDRE LUIS; RIBEIRO, MILTON CEZAR; MARTELLO, FELIPE; MELO, GERUZA LEAL; SPONCHIADO, JONAS; CAMPANHA, LUIS F. DE CASTRO; SUGAI, LARISSA SAYURI MOREIRA; SILVA, THIAGO SANNA FREIRE; CACERES, NILTON CARLOS. Spatial heterogeneity and habitat configuration overcome habitat composition influences on alpha and beta mammal diversity. Biotropica, v. 52, n. 5, . (15/25316-6, 17/15772-0, 13/50421-2)
SANTOS, PALOMA MARQUES; PASCHOALETTO MICCHI DE BARROS FERRAZ, KATIA MARIA; RIBEIRO, MILTON CEZAR; NIEBUHR, BERNARDO BRANDAO; VANCINE, MAURICIO HUMBERTO; CHIARELLO, ADRIANO GARCIA; PAGLIA, ADRIANO PEREIRA. Natural forest regeneration on anthropized landscapes could overcome climate change effects on the endangered maned sloth (Bradypus torquatus, Illiger 1811). JOURNAL OF MAMMALOGY, v. 103, n. 6, p. 14-pg., . (21/08534-0, 13/50421-2, 21/10195-0)
SOBRAL-SOUZA, THADEU; SANTOS, JESSIE PEREIRA; MALDANER, MARIA EDUARDA; LIMA-RIBEIRO, MATHEUS S.; RIBEIRO, MILTON CEZAR. coLand: A multiscale niche modelling framework to improve predictions on biodiversity and conservatio. PERSPECTIVES IN ECOLOGY AND CONSERVATION, v. 19, n. 3, p. 362-368, . (13/50421-2)
REGOLIN, ANDRE LUIS; OLIVEIRA-SANTOS, LUIZ GUSTAVO; RIBEIRO, MILTON CEZAR; BAILEY, LARISSA LYNN. Habitat quality, not habitat amount, drives mammalian habitat use in the Brazilian Pantanal. LANDSCAPE ECOLOGY, v. 36, n. 9, p. 2519-2533, . (13/50421-2)
OLIVEIRA, ELIZIANE GARCIA; RIBEIRO, MILTON CEZAR; ROE, PAUL; SOUSA-LIMA, RENATA S.. he Caatinga Orchestra: Acoustic indices track temporal changes in a seasonally dry tropical fores. ECOLOGICAL INDICATORS, v. 129, . (20/01779-5, 13/50421-2)
BHAKTI, TULACI; PENA, JOAO CARLOS; NIEBUHR, BERNARDO BRANDAO; SAMPAIO, JULIANA; GOULART, FERNANDO FIGUEIREDO; DE AZEVEDO, CRISTIANO SCHETINI; RIBEIRO, MILTON CEZAR; ANTONINI, YASMINE. Combining land cover, animal behavior, and master plan regulations to assess landscape permeability for birds. LANDSCAPE AND URBAN PLANNING, v. 214, . (20/01779-5, 13/50421-2)
PETERSON, MICHAELA; JORGE, MARIA LUISA S. P.; JAIN, AVARNA; KEUROGHLIAN, ALEXINE; OSHIMA, JULIA EMI F.; RICHARD-HANSEN, CECILE; BERZINS, RACHEL; RIBEIRO, MILTON CEZAR; EATON, DON. emperature induces activity reduction in a Neotropical ungulat. JOURNAL OF MAMMALOGY, v. 102, n. 6, p. 1514-1524, . (13/50421-2, 14/23132-2)
MONTEIRO, ERISON C. S.; PIZO, MARCO A.; VANCINE, MAURICIO HUMBERTO; RIBEIRO, MILTON CEZAR. orest cover and connectivity have pervasive effects on the maintenance of evolutionary distinct interactions in seed dispersal network. OIKOS, v. 2022, n. 2, . (13/50421-2, 20/01779-5)
BARROS, FABIO M.; PERES, CARLOS A.; PIZO, MARCO A.; RIBEIRO, MILTON CEZAR. Divergent flows of avian-mediated ecosystem services across forest-matrix interfaces in human-modified landscapes. LANDSCAPE ECOLOGY, v. 34, n. 4, p. 879-894, . (13/19732-1, 13/50421-2, 16/15376-4)
HOFMAN, M. P. G.; HAYWARD, M. W.; HEIM, M.; MARCHAND, P.; ROLANDSEN, C. M.; MATTISSON, J.; URBANO, F.; HEURICH, M.; MYSTERUD, A.; MELZHEIMER, J.; et al. Right on track? Performance of satellite telemetry in terrestrial wildlife research. PLoS One, v. 14, n. 5, . (14/23132-2, 13/18526-9, 13/04957-8, 13/50421-2)
NAGY-REIS, M. B.; ESTEVO, C. A.; SETZ, E. Z. F.; RIBEIRO, M. C.; CHIARELLO, A. G.; NICHOLS, J. D.. Relative importance of anthropogenic landscape characteristics for Neotropical frugivores at multiple scales. ANIMAL CONSERVATION, v. 20, n. 6, p. 520-531, . (13/50421-2, 13/07162-6)
GIUBBINA, MARINA FURLAN; MARTENSEN, ALEXANDRE CAMARGO; RIBEIRO, MILTON CEZAR. Sugarcane and Eucalyptus plantation equally limit the movement of two forest-dependent understory bird species. AUSTRAL ECOLOGY, v. 43, n. 5, p. 527-533, . (13/50421-2)
DIAS, DAVI F. C.; RIBEIRO, MILTON C.; FELBER, YAN T.; CINTRA, ANA L. P.; DE SOUZA, NATALIA S.; HASUI, ERICA. Beauty before age: landscape factors influence bird functional diversity in naturally regenerating fragments, but regeneration age does not. RESTORATION ECOLOGY, v. 24, n. 2, p. 259-270, . (13/50421-2)
GESTICH, CARLA C.; ARROYO-RODRIGUEZ, VICTOR; RIBEIRO, MILTON C.; DA CUNHA, ROGERIO G. T.; SETZ, ELEONORE Z. F.. Unraveling the scales of effect of landscape structure on primate species richness and density of titi monkeys (Callicebus nigrifrons). ECOLOGICAL RESEARCH, v. 34, n. 1, p. 150-159, . (13/50421-2, 12/14245-2)
MEDEIROS, HUGO REIS; HOSHINO, ADRIANO THIBES; RIBEIRO, MILTON CEZAR; MORALES, MIRIAN NUNES; MARTELLO, FELIPE; PEREIRA NETO, OSVALDO COELHO; CARSTENSEN, DANIEL WISBECH; MENEZES JUNIOR, AYRES DE OLIVEIRA. Non-crop habitats modulate alpha and beta diversity of flower flies (Diptera, Syrphidae) in Brazilian agricultural landscapes. BIODIVERSITY AND CONSERVATION, v. 27, n. 6, p. 1309-1326, . (14/01594-4, 13/50421-2)
CAVA, MARIO G. B.; PILON, NATASHI A. L.; RIBEIRO, MILTON CEZAR; DURIGAN, GISELDA. Abandoned pastures cannot spontaneously recover the attributes of old-growth savannas. JOURNAL OF APPLIED ECOLOGY, v. 55, n. 3, p. 1164-1172, . (16/17888-2, 13/50421-2, 15/23131-9)
DE LIMA, ADRIANA ALMEIDA; RIBEIRO, MILTON CEZAR; DE VIVEIROS GRELLE, CARLOS EDUARDO; PINTO, MIRIAM PLAZA. Impacts of climate changes on spatio-temporal diversity patterns of Atlantic Forest primates. PERSPECTIVES IN ECOLOGY AND CONSERVATION, v. 17, n. 2, p. 50-56, . (13/50421-2)
OVASKAINEN, OTSO; RAMOS, DANIELLE LEAL; SLADE, ELEANOR M.; MERCKX, THOMAS; TIKHONOV, GLEB; PENNANEN, JUHO; PIZO, MARCO AURELIO; RIBEIRO, MILTON CEZAR; MANUEL MORALES, JUAN. Joint species movement modeling: how do traits influence movements?. ECOLOGY, v. 100, n. 4, . (13/50421-2)
MONTAGNANA, PAULA C.; ALVES, RAFAEL S. C.; GAROFALO, CARLOS A.; RIBEIRO, MILTON CEZAR. Landscape heterogeneity and forest cover shape cavity-nesting hymenopteran communities in a multi-scale perspective. BASIC AND APPLIED ECOLOGY, v. 56, p. 239-249, . (13/50421-2, 16/22175-5, 15/06728-1, 20/01779-5)
BERTASSONI, ALESSANDRA; RIBEIRO, MILTON CEZAR. Space use by the giant anteater (Myrmecophaga tridactyla): a review and key directions for future research. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF WILDLIFE RESEARCH, v. 65, n. 6, p. 11-pg., . (13/50421-2, 13/04957-8)
COSTA-ARAUJO, RODRIGO; LUIS REGOLIN, ANDRE; MARTELLO, FELIPE; PEDRO SOUZA-ALVES, JOAO; HRBEK, TOMAS; CEZAR RIBEIRO, MILTON. Occurrence and conservation of the Vulnerable titi monkey Callicebus melanochir in fragmented landscapes of the Atlantic Forest hotspot. ORYX, v. 55, n. 6, p. 916-923, . (13/50421-2)
SUGAI, LARISSA SAYURI MOREIRA; LLUSIA, DIEGO; SIQUEIRA, TADEU; SILVA, THIAGO S. F.. Revisiting the drivers of acoustic similarities in tropical anuran assemblages. ECOLOGY, v. 102, n. 7, . (19/04033-7, 17/15772-0, 15/25316-6, 13/50421-2)
DOS SANTOS, JULIANA SILVEIRA; VITORINO, LUCIANA CRISTINA; GONCALVES, RENATA FABREGA; CORTES, MARINA CORREA; CRUZ ALVES, RAFAEL SOUZA; RIBEIRO, MILTON CEZAR; COLLEVATTI, ROSANE GARCIA. Matrix dominance and landscape resistance affect genetic variability and differentiation of an Atlantic Forest pioneer tree. LANDSCAPE ECOLOGY, v. 37, n. 10, p. 21-pg., . (20/01779-5, 21/10195-0, 18/19011-6, 19/09713-6, 21/08534-0, 13/50421-2, 19/03005-0)
ZAMBOLLI, ANDRE H.; MANZANO, MARIA CAROLINA R.; HONDA, LAURA KYOKO; REZENDE, GABRIELA C.; CULOT, LAURENCE. Performance of autonomous recorders to detect a cryptic and endangered primate species, the black lion-tamarin (Leontopithecus chrysopygus). AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PRIMATOLOGY, v. 85, n. 1, p. 12-pg., . (14/14739-0, 13/50421-2, 17/11962-9)
CARNEIRO, LAZARO DA SILVA; FRANTINE-SILVA, WILSON; DE AGUIAR, WILLIAN MOURA; MELO, GABRIEL A. R.; RIBEIRO, MILTON CEZAR; SOFIA, SILVIA HELENA; GAGLIANONE, MARIA CRISTINA. Coffee cover surrounding forest patches negatively affect Euglossini bee communities. Apidologie, v. 53, n. 4, p. 12-pg., . (20/01779-5, 13/50421-2, 21/10195-0, 21/08534-0)
REGOLIN, ANDRE LUIS; MUYLAERT, RENATA L.; CRESTANI, ANA CRISTINA; DATTILO, WESLEY; RIBEIRO, MILTON CEZAR. Seed dispersal by Neotropical bats in human-disturbed landscapes. WILDLIFE RESEARCH, v. 48, n. 1, . (13/50421-2, 15/17739-4)
AHUATZIN, DIANA A.; GONZALEZ-TOKMAN, DANIEL; SILVA, ROGERIO R.; VALENZUELA GONZALEZ, JORGE E.; ESCOBAR, FEDERICO; CEZAR RIBEIRO, MILTON; LOPEZ ACOSTA, JUAN CARLOS; DATTILO, WESLEY. Forest cover modulates diversity and morphological traits of ants in highly fragmented tropical forest landscapes. BIODIVERSITY AND CONSERVATION, v. N/A, p. 21-pg., . (21/08534-0, 13/50421-2, 21/10195-0)
BOESING, ANDREA LARISSA; BIANCHI, FELIX J. J. A.; ROJAS, ANDRES; POLESSO, MARIANA; KERCHES-ROGERI, PATRICIA; RIBEIRO, MILTON CESAR; METZGER, JEAN PAUL. Seasonality modulates habitat cover effects on avian cross-boundary responses and spillover. ECOGRAPHY, v. 2022, n. 12, p. 13-pg., . (20/01779-5, 13/50421-2, 13/23457-6, 17/26093-6, 21/10195-0, 19/13802-4, 19/00923-8)
DATTILO, WESLEY; CORRO, ERICK J.; AHUATZIN, DIANA A.; REGOLIN, ANDRE LUIS; LOPEZ-ACOSTA, JUAN C.; RIBEIRO, MILTON C.. Scale of effect matters: Forest cover influences on tropical ant-plant ecological networks. FOOD WEBS, v. 33, p. 7-pg., . (21/08534-0, 20/01779-5, 13/50421-2, 21/10195-0)
GRAVIOLA, GABRIELA ROSA; RIBEIRO, MILTON CEZAR; PENA, JOAO CARLOS. Reconciling humans and birds when designing ecological corridors and parks within urban landscapes. AMBIO, v. 51, n. 1, p. 16-pg., . (20/01779-5, 16/21071-1, 13/50421-2, 18/00107-3, 19/07534-7, 18/22215-2, 18/06773-5)
BOSCO, NICOLAS SILVA; PRASNIEWSKI, VICTOR MATEUS; SANTOS, JESSIE PEREIRA; DA SILVEIRA, NATALIA STEFANINI; CULOT, LAURENCE; RIBEIRO, MILTON CEZAR; TESSAROLO, GEIZIANE; SOBRAL-SOUZA, THADEU. Scale affects the understanding of biases on the spatial knowledge of Atlantic Forest primates. PERSPECTIVES IN ECOLOGY AND CONSERVATION, v. 20, n. 4, p. 8-pg., . (21/08534-0, 20/01779-5, 13/50421-2, 21/10195-0)

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