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Dinâmica de sistemas de muitos corpos IV

Processo: 16/17612-7
Modalidade de apoio:Auxílio à Pesquisa - Temático
Vigência: 01 de abril de 2017 - 31 de março de 2023
Área do conhecimento:Ciências Exatas e da Terra - Física - Física Nuclear
Pesquisador responsável:Arnaldo Gammal
Beneficiário:Arnaldo Gammal
Instituição Sede: Instituto de Física (IF). Universidade de São Paulo (USP). São Paulo , SP, Brasil
Pesquisadores principais:
( Últimos )
Airton Deppman ; Silvio Antonio Sachetto Vitiello ; Valdir Guimarães
Pesquisadores principais:
( Antigos )
Arnaldo Gammal
Pesquisadores associados:Mauricio Porto Pato
Auxílios(s) vinculado(s):22/13575-0 - Teoria cinética ab-initio de turbulência forte em matéria quântica em baixas dimensões, AV.EXT
19/08344-7 - Estudo a estrutura e reações nucleares induzidas por feixes de núcleos exóticos, AP.R SPRINT
16/50485-9 - Fermi accelerators, inverse Fermi accelerators, nonadiabatic dynamics and quantum trajectories: towards a method for electron dynamics, AP.R SPRINT
Bolsa(s) vinculada(s):20/10505-6 - Abordagem de deep learning para física de muitos corpos quânticos, BP.DR
18/18241-8 - Investigação de estrutura cluster em núcleos ricos em prótons ou em nêutrons, BP.PD
18/04965-4 - Estudo da estrutura e reações nucleares induzidas por feixes radioativos usando alvo ativo, BP.PD
18/02737-4 - Propriedades de muitos corpos de Condensados de Bose-Einstein do método de Hartree multi configuracional dependente do tempo, BP.DR
14/01668-8 - Excitações de condensados de Bose-Einstein com interação dipolar, BP.PD
Assunto(s):Condensado de Bose-Einstein  Núcleos exóticos  Turbulência quântica  Teoria do caos  Problemas de muitos corpos 
Palavra(s)-Chave do Pesquisador:Caos Quântico | condensados | nucleos exóticos | turbulência quântica | Fisica Nuclear, Caos Quanico, Condensados de Bose-Einstein


Continuaremos a investigar as várias facetas da dinâmica de condensados de Bose-Einstein e de núcleos exóticos, e desenvolver e aplicar a teoria de caos quântico. Pretendemos estudar também o tópico turbulência quântica. (AU)

Matéria(s) publicada(s) na Agência FAPESP sobre o auxílio:
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Matéria(s) publicada(s) em Outras Mídias ( ):
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Publicações científicas (69)
(Referências obtidas automaticamente do Web of Science e do SciELO, por meio da informação sobre o financiamento pela FAPESP e o número do processo correspondente, incluída na publicação pelos autores)
APPANNABABU, S.; LICHTENTHALER, R.; ALVAREZ, M. A. G.; RODRIGUEZ-GALLARDO, M.; LEPINE-SZILY, A.; PIRES, K. C. C.; SANTOS, O. C. B.; SILVA, U. U.; DE FARIA, P. N.; GUIMARAES, V; et al. Two-neutron transfer in the He-6 + Sn-120 reaction. Physical Review C, v. 99, n. 1, . (13/22100-7, 14/19666-1, 16/17612-7, 16/21434-7, 16/02863-4)
KUMAR, RAMAVARMARAJA KISHOR; TOMIO, LAURO; GAMMAL, ARNALDO. Spatial separation of rotating binary Bose-Einstein condensates by tuning the dipolar interactions. Physical Review A, v. 99, n. 4, . (14/01668-8, 16/17612-7)
DEPPMAN, AIRTON; MEGIAS, EUGENIO; MENEZES, DEBORA P.. Fractals, nonextensive statistics, and QCD. Physical Review D, v. 101, n. 3, . (16/17612-7)
ANDRADE, II, EVANDRO; DEPPMAN, AIRTON; MEGIAS, EUGENIO; MENEZES, DEBORA P.; DA SILVA, TIAGO NUNES. Bag-type model with fractal structure. Physical Review D, v. 101, n. 5, . (16/17612-7)
SANTOS, O. C. B.; LICHTENTHALER, R.; PIRES, K. C. C.; UMBELINO, U.; ZEVALLOS, E. O. N.; DE LARA, A. L.; SERRA, A. S.; SCARDUELLI, V; ALCANTARA-NUNEZ, J.; GUIMARAES, V; et al. Evidence of the effect of strong stripping channels on the dynamics of the Li-8+Ni-58 reaction. Physical Review C, v. 103, n. 6, . (13/22100-7, 19/07767-1, 16/17612-7, 19/02759-0)
LIMA, J. A. S.; DEPPMAN, A.. Tsallis meets Boltzmann: q-index for a finite ideal gas and its thermodynamic limit. Physical Review E, v. 101, n. 4, . (11/51676-9, 16/17612-7)
LICCARDO, V.; MALHEIRO, M.; HUSSEIN, M. S.; CARLSON, B. V.; FREDERICO, T.. Nuclear processes in astrophysics: Recent progress. EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL A, v. 54, n. 12, . (16/17612-7, 13/26258-4, 17/05660-0, 13/17696-8)
RAVISANKAR, RAJAMANICKAM; FABRELLI, HENRIQUE; GAMMAL, ARNALDO; MURUGANANDAM, PAULSAMY; MISHRA, PANKAJ KUMAR. Effect of Rashba spin-orbit and Rabi couplings on the excitation spectrum of binary Bose-Einstein condensates. Physical Review A, v. 104, n. 5, . (16/17612-7, 16/00269-8)
ZAMORA, J. C.; GUIMARAES, V.; ROGACHEV, G. V.; AHN, S.; LUBIAN, J.; CARDOZO, E. N.; ABOUD, E.; ASSUNCAO, M.; BARBUI, M.; BISHOP, J.; et al. Direct fusion measurement of the B-8 proton-halo nucleus at near-barrier energies. Physics Letters B, v. 816, . (16/17612-7, 19/07767-1, 18/04965-4)
KUCUK, Y.; GUIMARAES, V.; CARLSON, B. V.. Towards a systematic optical model potential for A=8 projectiles. EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL A, v. 57, n. 3, . (16/17612-7, 17/05660-0)
DEPPMAN, AIRTON; MEGIAS, EUGENIO; MENEZES, DEBORA P.. Tsallis statistics, fractals and QCD. NUCLEAR AND PARTICLE PHYSICS PROCEEDINGS, v. 312, p. 5-pg., . (16/17612-7)
ZAMORA, J. C.; FORTINO, G. F.. Tracking algorithms for TPCs using consensus-based robust estimators. NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS & METHODS IN PHYSICS RESEARCH SECTION A-ACCELERATORS SP, v. 988, . (16/17612-7, 18/04965-4, 19/07767-1)
TAMAYOSE, L. E.; ZAMORA, J. C.; FORTINO, G. F.; FLECHAS, D.. Simulation of the RIBRAS Facility with GEANT4. Brazilian Journal of Physics, v. 52, n. 3, p. 7-pg., . (18/04965-4, 16/17612-7)
UMBELINO, U.; LICHTENTHALER, R.; SANTOS, O. C. B.; PIRES, K. C. C.; SERRA, A. S.; SCARDUELLI, V; DE LARA, A. L.; ZEVALLOS, E. O. N.; ZAMORA, J. C.; LEPINE-SZILY, A.; et al. Quasielastic scattering of light radioactive and stable projectiles on 9Be. PHYSICAL REVIEW C, v. 106, n. 5, p. 15-pg., . (13/22100-7, 19/05769-7, 19/07767-1, 19/02759-0, 16/17612-7)
CANTO, L. F.; GUIMARAES, V.; LUBIAN, J.; HUSSEIN, M. S.. The total reaction cross section of heavy-ion reactions induced by stable and unstable exotic beams: the low-energy regime. EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL A, v. 56, n. 11, . (16/17612-7)
GUIMARAES, V; CARDOZO, E. N.; LUBIAN, J.; ASSUNCAO, M.; PIRES, K. C. C.; CANTO, L. F.; MUKERU, B.; KAUR, G.; AGUILERA, E. F.. Role of cluster configurations in the elastic scattering of light projectiles on 58Ni and 64Zn targets: a phenomenological analysis: A tribute to Mahir S. Hussein. EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL A, v. 57, n. 3, . (19/07767-1, 16/17612-7, 18/18241-8)
DEPPMAN, AIRTON; GOLMANKHANEH, ALIREZA KHALILI; MEGIAS, EUGENIO; PASECHNIK, ROMAN. From the Boltzmann equation with non-local correlations to a standard non-linear Fokker-Planck equation. Physics Letters B, v. 839, p. 5-pg., . (16/17612-7)
UJEVIC, SEBASTIAN; ZAMPRONIO, VINICIUS; DE ABREU, BRUNO R.; VITIELLO, SILVIO A.. Properties of fermionic systems with the path-integral ground state method. SCIPOST PHYSICS CORE, v. 6, n. 2, p. 40-pg., . (16/17612-7)
ZAMORA, J. C.; FERREIRA, J. L.; BARIONI, A.; CARDOZO, E. N.; ABRIOLA, D.; ARAZI, A.; ASSUNCAO, M.; DE BARBARA, E.; CARDONA, M. A.; GUIMARAES, V; et al. Role of direct mechanism in two-nucleon T=0 transfer reactions in light nuclei using the (Li-6, alpha) probe. PHYSICAL REVIEW C, v. 106, n. 1, p. 14-pg., . (18/04965-4, 19/07767-1, 16/17612-7)
DEPPMAN, AIRTON. Thermofractals, Non-Additive Entropy, and q-Calculus. PHYSICS, v. 3, n. 2, p. 290-301, . (16/17612-7)
DEPPMAN, AIRTON; MEGIAS, EUGENIO; MENEZES, DEBORA P.. Fractal structure of Yang-mills fields. PHYSICA SCRIPTA, v. 95, n. 9, . (16/17612-7)
KUMAR, R. KISHOR; GAMMAL, A.; TOMIO, LAURO. Mass-imbalanced Bose-Einstein condensed mixtures in rotating perturbed trap. Physics Letters A, v. 384, n. 22, . (16/17612-7)
ABDULLAEV, F. KH; GAMMAL, A.; KUMAR, R. K.; TOMIO, LAURO. Faraday waves and droplets in quasi-one-dimensional Bose gas mixtures. JOURNAL OF PHYSICS B-ATOMIC MOLECULAR AND OPTICAL PHYSICS, v. 52, n. 19, . (14/01668-8, 16/17612-7)
SCHMITT, J.; KING, G. B.; ZEGERS, R. G. T.; AYYAD, Y.; BAZIN, D.; BROWN, B. A.; CARLS, A.; CHEN, J.; DAVIS, A.; DENUDT, M.; et al. Probing spin-isospin excitations in proton-rich nuclei via the 11C(p, n)11N reaction. PHYSICAL REVIEW C, v. 106, n. 5, p. 10-pg., . (18/04965-4, 16/17612-7)
FORTINO, G. F.; ZAMORA, J. C.; TAMAYOSE, L. E.; HIRATA, N. S. T.; GUIMARAES, V. Digital signal analysis based on convolutional neural networks for active target time projection chambers. NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS & METHODS IN PHYSICS RESEARCH SECTION A-ACCELERATORS SP, v. 1031, p. 7-pg., . (18/04965-4, 19/07767-1, 16/17612-7)
BRITO, LEONARDO; ANDRIATI, ALEX; TOMIO, LAURO; GAMMAL, ARNALDO. Breakup of rotating asymmetric quartic-quadratic trapped condensates. PHYSICAL REVIEW A, v. 102, n. 6, p. 13-pg., . (17/05660-0, 18/02737-4, 16/17612-7)
SANTOS, O. C. B.; LICHTENTHALER, R.; PIRES, K. C. C.; MORO, A. M.; UMBELINO, U.; ZEVALLOS, E. O. N.; ASSUNCAO, M.; APPANNABABU, S.; ALCANTARA-NUNEZ, J.; DE LARA, A. L.; et al. Spin-orbit effects in the Li-8+Ni-58 elastic scattering. WAKE CONFERENCE 2021, v. 1291, p. 5-pg., . (13/22100-7, 16/17612-7)
ABDULLAEV, F. KH; BRTKA, M.; GAMMAL, A.; TOMIO, LAURO. Solitons and Josephson-type oscillations in Bose-Einstein condensates with spin-orbit coupling and time-varying Raman frequency. PHYSICAL REVIEW A, v. 97, n. 5, p. 14-pg., . (17/05660-0, 16/17612-7)
KUMAR, RAMAVARMARAJA KISHOR; TOMIO, LAURO; GAMMAL, ARNALDO. Spatial separation of rotating binary Bose-Einstein condensates by tuning the dipolar interactions. PHYSICAL REVIEW A, v. 99, n. 4, p. 13-pg., . (14/01668-8, 16/17612-7)
ZEVALLOS, E. O. N.; GUIMARAES, V; CARDOZO, E. N.; LUBIAN, J.; LINARES, R.; LICHTENTHALER FILHO, R.; PIRES, K. C. C.; SANTOS, O. C. B.; APPANNABABU, S.; CREMA, E.; et al. Elastic scattering of the B-12+Ni-58 system at near-barrier energies. PHYSICAL REVIEW C, v. 99, n. 6, p. 9-pg., . (16/21434-7, 13/22100-7, 16/17612-7)
ANDRIATI, ALEX, V; GAMMAL, ARNALDO. Superfluid fraction of few bosons in an annular geometry in the presence of a rotating weak link. PHYSICAL REVIEW A, v. 100, n. 6, p. 8-pg., . (16/17612-7)
ZEVALLOS, E. O. N.; GUIMARAES, V; CARDOZO, E. N.; LUBIAN, J.; LINARES, R.; LICHTENTHALER FILHO, R.; PIRES, K. C. C.; SANTOS, O. C. B.; APPANNABABU, S.; CREMA, E.; et al. Elastic scattering of the B-12+Ni-58 system at near-barrier energies. Physical Review C, v. 99, n. 6, . (16/17612-7, 16/21434-7, 13/22100-7)
BRITO, LEONARDO; ANDRIATI, ALEX; TOMIO, LAURO; GAMMAL, ARNALDO. Breakup of rotating asymmetric quartic-quadratic trapped condensates. Physical Review A, v. 102, n. 6, . (18/02737-4, 16/17612-7, 17/05660-0)
ABBASI, MOTAHAREH; PANJEH, HAMED; PEREZ, RAMON; DEPPMAN, AIRTON; ANDRADE, II, EVANDRO; VELASCO, FERMIN; GUZMAN, FERNANDO. Heavy-ion-induced fission of 181Ta and 209Bi at intermediate energies by CRISP model. EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL PLUS, v. 135, n. 10, . (16/17612-7)
ANDRIATI, V, ALEX; GAMMAL, ARNALDO. Superfluid fraction of few bosons in an annular geometry in the presence of a rotating weak link. Physical Review A, v. 100, n. 6, . (16/17612-7)
GUIMARAES, V; CARDOZO, E. N.; SCARDUELLI, V. B.; LUBIAN, J.; KOLATA, J. J.; O'MALLEY, P. D.; BARDAYAN, D. W.; AGUILERA, E. F.; MARTINEZ-QUIROZ, E.; LIZCANO, D.; et al. Strong coupling effect in the elastic scattering of the( 10)C + Ni-58 system near barrier. Physical Review C, v. 100, n. 3, . (16/17612-7, 16/02863-4)
ABDULLAEV, F. KH; BRTKA, M.; GAMMAL, A.; TOMIO, LAURO. Solitons and Josephson-type oscillations in Bose-Einstein condensates with spin-orbit coupling and time-varying Raman frequency. Physical Review A, v. 97, n. 5, . (16/17612-7, 17/05660-0)
KUMAR, RAMAVARMARAJA KISHOR; TOMIO, LAURO; GAMMAL, ARNALDO. Vortex patterns in rotating dipolar Bose-Einstein condensate mixtures with squared optical lattices. JOURNAL OF PHYSICS B-ATOMIC MOLECULAR AND OPTICAL PHYSICS, v. 52, n. 2, . (16/17612-7, 17/05660-0, 14/01668-8)
GUIMARAES, V.; LUBIAN, J.; KOLATA, J. J.; AGUILERA, E. F.; ASSUNCAO, M.; MORCELLE, V.. Phenomenological critical interaction distance from elastic scattering measurements on a Pb-208 target. EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL A, v. 54, n. 12, . (16/17612-7, 16/02863-4)
KISHOR KUMAR, R.; CHAKRABARTI, B.; GAMMAL, A.. Information Entropy for a Two-Dimensional Rotating Bose-Einstein Condensate. JOURNAL OF LOW TEMPERATURE PHYSICS, v. 194, n. 1-2, p. 14-26, . (16/17612-7, 16/19622-0, 14/01668-8)
ABBASI, M.; BOLLINI, A. L.; CASTILLO, J. L. B.; DEPPMAN, A.; GUIDIO, J. P.; MATUOKA, P. T.; MEIRELLES, A. D.; POLICARPO, J. M. P.; RAMOS, A. . A. . G. F.; SIMIONATTO, S.; et al. Fractal signatures of the COVID-19 spread. CHAOS SOLITONS & FRACTALS, v. 140, . (16/17612-7)
KAUR, GURPREET; GUIMARAES, V; ZAMORA, J. C.; ASSUNCAO, M.; ALCANTARA-NUNEZ, J.; DE LARA, A. L.; ZEVALLOS, E. O. N.; RIBEIRO, J. B.; LICHTENTHALER, R.; PIRES, K. C. C.; et al. ew resonances in C-11 above the B-10 + p threshold investigated by inverse kinematic resonant scatterin. PHYSICAL REVIEW A, v. 105, n. 2, . (19/07767-1, 18/18241-8, 16/17612-7, 18/04965-4, 19/02759-0)
DEPPMAN, AIRTON; ANDRADE, EVANDRO OLIVEIRA I. I. I. I.. Emergency of Tsallis statistics in fractal networks. PLoS One, v. 16, n. 9, . (16/17612-7)
PESSOA, RENATO; VITIELLO, S. A.; ARDILA, L. A. PENA. Finite-range effects in the unitary Fermi polaron. Physical Review A, v. 104, n. 4, . (16/17612-7)
MEGIAS, EUGENIO; ANDRADE II, EVANDRO; DEPPMAN, AIRTON; GAMMAL, ARNALDO; MENEZES, DEBORA P.; DA SILVA, TIAGO NUNES; TIMOTEO, VARESE S.. Tsallis statistics and thermofractals: Applications to high energy and hadron physics. International Journal of Modern Physics A, v. 38, n. 18-19, p. 17-pg., . (16/17612-7)
POLICARPO, J. M. P.; RAMOS, A. A. G. F.; DYE, C.; FARIA, N. R.; LEAL, F. E.; MORAES, O. J. S.; PARAG, K. V.; PEIXOTO, P. S.; BUSS, L.; SABINO, E. C.; et al. Scale-free dynamics of COVID-19 in a Brazilian city. Applied Mathematical Modelling, v. 121, p. 19-pg., . (18/14389-0, 16/17612-7, 16/18445-7)
DEPPMAN, AIRTON; MEGIAS, EUGENIO; MENEZES, DEBORA P.. Fractal Structures of Yang-Mills Fields and Non-Extensive Statistics: Applications to High Energy Physics. PHYSICS, v. 2, n. 3, p. 455-480, . (16/17612-7)
WANG, K.; YANG, Y. Y.; GUIMARAES, V.; PANG, D. Y.; DUAN, F. F.; SUN, Z. Y.; LEI, JIN; YANG, G.; XU, S. W.; MA, J. B.; et al. Elastic scattering investigation of radioactive B-13 and O-13 projectiles on a 208Pb target at intermediate energies. PHYSICAL REVIEW C, v. 105, n. 5, p. 8-pg., . (16/17612-7)
MEGIAS, E.; TIMOTEO, V. S.; GAMMAL, A.; DEPPMAN, A.. Bose-Einstein condensation and non-extensive statistics for finite systems. PHYSICA A-STATISTICAL MECHANICS AND ITS APPLICATIONS, v. 585, . (16/17612-7)
ANDRIATI, ALEX; BRITO, LEONARDO; TOMIO, LAURO; GAMMAL, ARNALDO. Stability of a Bose-condensed mixture on a bubble trap. Physical Review A, v. 104, n. 3, . (16/17612-7, 18/02737-4, 17/05660-0)
PEDROSO, V. Z.; ZAMPRONIO, V; VITIELLO, S. A.. Metastable solid He-4 and the possible role of point defects. JOURNAL OF PHYSICS-CONDENSED MATTER, v. 33, n. 7, . (16/17612-7)
ZAMORA, J. C.; SULLIVAN, C.; ZEGERS, R. G. T.; AOI, N.; BATAIL, L.; BAZIN, D.; CARPENTER, M.; CARROLL, J. J.; FANG, Y. D.; FUJITA, H.; et al. Investigation of the isoscalar response of Mg-24 to Li-6 scattering. Physical Review C, v. 104, n. 1, . (18/04965-4, 16/17612-7)
DUAN, F. F.; YANG, Y. Y.; WANG, K.; MORO, A. M.; GUIMARAES, V; PANG, D. Y.; WANG, J. S.; SUN, Z. Y.; LEI, JIN; DI PIETRO, A.; et al. Scattering of the halo nucleus Be-11 from a lead target at 3.5 times the Coulomb barrier energy. Physics Letters B, v. 811, . (16/17612-7)
WANG, K.; YANG, Y. Y.; MORO, A. M.; GUIMARAES, V; LEI, JIN; PANG, D. Y.; DUAN, F. F.; LOU, J. L.; ZAMORA, J. C.; WANG, J. S.; et al. Elastic scattering and breakup reactions of the proton drip-line nucleus B-8 on Pb-208 at 238 MeV. Physical Review C, v. 103, n. 2, . (16/17612-7, 18/04965-4)
PEREZ, R.; DEPPMAN, A.; SAMANA, A. R.; ANDRADE-II, EVANDRO; VELASCO, F. G.; GUZMAN, F.. Study of neutrino-nucleus reactions with CRISP model (0 < E-nu < 3 GeV). PHYSICAL REVIEW D, v. 105, n. 6, p. 21-pg., . (16/17612-7)
PESSOA, RENATO; VITIELLO, S. A.; SCHMIDT, K. E.. Zero-range Fermi gas along the BCS-BEC crossover. Physical Review A, v. 100, n. 5, . (16/17612-7)
MEGIAS, EUGENIO; LIMA, JOSE A. S.; DEPPMAN, AIRTON. Transport Equation for Small Systems and Nonadditive Entropy. MATHEMATICS, v. 10, n. 10, p. 9-pg., . (11/51676-9, 16/17612-7)
ROCHA, LUCAS Q.; MEGIAS, EUGENIO; TREVISAN, LUIS A.; OLIMOV, KHUSNIDDIN K.; LIU, FUHU; DEPPMAN, AIRTON. Nonextensive Statistics in High Energy Collisions. PHYSICS, v. 4, n. 2, p. 13-pg., . (16/17612-7)
LIMA, J. A. S.; DEPPMAN, A.. Tsallis meets Boltzmann: q-index for a finite ideal gas and its thermodynamic limit. PHYSICAL REVIEW E, v. 101, n. 4, p. 5-pg., . (11/51676-9, 16/17612-7)
ZEVALLOS, E. O. N.; GUIMARAES, V; CARDOZO, E. N.; LUBIAN, J.; SANTOS, O. C. B.; LINARES, R.; ASSUNCAO, M.; ALCANTARA-NUNEZ, J.; DE LARA, A. L.; LICHTENTHALER FILHO, R.; et al. Elastic scattering and total reaction cross sections for the B-12+Ni-58 system. WAKE CONFERENCE 2021, v. 1291, p. 5-pg., . (16/21434-7, 16/17612-7)
ABBASI, MOTAHAREH; PANJEH, HAMED; PEREZ, RAMON; DEPPMAN, AIRTON; ANDRADE, EVANDRO, II; VELASCO, FERMIN; GUZMAN, FERNANDO. Heavy-ion-induced fission of Ta-181 and Bi-209 at intermediate energies by CRISP model. EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL PLUS, v. 135, n. 10, p. 23-pg., . (16/17612-7)
TOMIO, LAURO; GAMMAL, A.; ABDULLAEV, F. KH; KUMAR, R. K.; IOP PUBLISHING. Faraday waves and droplets in quasi-one-dimensional Bose gases. WAKE CONFERENCE 2021, v. 1508, p. 8-pg., . (14/01668-8, 16/17612-7)
GUIMARAES, V; ZEVALLOS, E. O. N.; CARDOZO, E. N.; LUBIAN, J.; SANTOS, O. C. B.; LINARES, R.; ASSUNCAO, M.; ALCANTARA-NUNEZ, J.; DE LARA, A. L.; LICHTENTHALER FILHO, R.; et al. Cluster Configuration Effects in the Elastic Scattering of Boron Isotopes B-8, B-10, B-11 and B-12 on Ni-58. RECENT PROGRESS IN FEW-BODY PHYSICS, v. 238, p. 5-pg., . (16/21434-7, 13/22100-7, 16/17612-7)
DEPPMAN, AIRTON; MEGIAS, EUGENIO; MENEZES, DEBORA P.. Fractals, nonextensive statistics, and QCD. PHYSICAL REVIEW D, v. 101, n. 3, p. 12-pg., . (16/17612-7)
ANDRADE, EVANDRO, II; DEPPMAN, AIRTON; MEGIAS, EUGENIO; MENEZES, DEBORA P.; DA SILVA, TIAGO NUNES. Bag-type model with fractal structure. PHYSICAL REVIEW D, v. 101, n. 5, p. 13-pg., . (16/17612-7)
SANTOS, O. C. B.; LICHTENTHALER, R.; PIRES, K. C. C.; UMBELINO, U.; ZEVALLOS, E. O. N.; DE LARA, A. L.; SERRA, A. S.; SCARDUELLI, V; ALCANTARA-NUNEZ, J.; GUIMARAES, V; et al. Evidence of the effect of strong stripping channels on the dynamics of the Li-8+Ni-58 reaction. PHYSICAL REVIEW C, v. 103, n. 6, p. 10-pg., . (19/07767-1, 19/02759-0, 13/22100-7, 16/17612-7)
ZHANG, XU-HONG; LIU, FU-HU; OLIMOV, KHUSNIDDIN K.; DEPPMAN, AIRTON. Random Statistical Analysis of Transverse Momentum Spectra of Strange Particles and Dependence of Related Parameters on Centrality in High Energy Collisions at the LHC. Advances in High Energy Physics, v. 2022, p. 20-pg., . (16/17612-7)
GUIMARAES, V; CARDOZO, E. N.; SCARDUELLI, V. B.; LUBIAN, J.; KOLATA, J. J.; O'MALLEY, P. D.; BARDAYAN, D. W.; AGUILERA, E. F.; MARTINEZ-QUIROZ, E.; LIZCANO, D.; et al. Strong coupling effect in the elastic scattering of the( 10)C + Ni-58 system near barrier. PHYSICAL REVIEW C, v. 100, n. 3, p. 11-pg., . (16/02863-4, 16/17612-7)
APPANNABABU, S.; LICHTENTHALER, R.; ALVAREZ, M. A. G.; RODRIGUEZ-GALLARDO, M.; LEPINE-SZILY, A.; PIRES, K. C. C.; SANTOS, O. C. B.; SILVA, U. U.; DE FARIA, P. N.; GUIMARAES, V; et al. Two-neutron transfer in the He-6 + Sn-120 reaction. PHYSICAL REVIEW C, v. 99, n. 1, p. 7-pg., . (13/22100-7, 16/02863-4, 16/17612-7, 14/19666-1)

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