Full professor (Professor Titular), Multiuser Center for Biomolecular Innovation, Department of Physics, IBILCE/UNESP. A BA and a MA from Bangalore University, India was followed by a BSc (high-pressure temperautres mineral synthesis) and a MSc (High-pressure Crystallography/ Neutron diffraction) at the Technical University Berlin under the guidance of Prof. K. Langer and a PhD (Dr. rer. nat.) in synchrotron radiation macromolecular crystallography jointly at the Technical University Berlin and Free University Berlin under the guidance of Prof. W. Saenger. Visiting scholar (D. Tsernoglou) and research associate in the Biological Structures Division at the European Molecular Biology Laboratory-Heidelberg -Lysosomal proteases (P. Metcalf) and Michigan State University, crystal structures of blood coagulation enzymes (A. Tulinsky). Visiting professor at the Department of Physics, USP, São Carlos (Y.P. Mascarenhas), Department of Chemistry, Michigan State University (A. Tulinsky) and the Department of Biochemistry, Michigan State University, starch enzymes (J. Preiss) J. G. Zikus Industrial enzymes. Served as a vice-director of the Center for Applied Toxinology CAT/CEPID (Director A.C.M. Camargo). Director Multiuser Center for Biomolecular Innovation IBILCE/UNESP. Research areas: structural molecular biology, biochemistry, biophysics, crystallography, NMR with emphasis on blood coagulation, toxins, plant viral proteins, industrial and bacterial enzymes. Current research involves identification and prediction of exosites and moonlighting enzymes. Ad-hoc assessor for national and international research funding organizations, editorial board member of 5 international scientific journals and assessor of scientific journals, external international thesis examiner for 3 universities. Presented talks and organised events at leading institutions in Europe, USA and India. Author/coauthor of over 180 scientific manuscripts published in peer riviewed journals. Research guide in the post-graduate courses in Molecular Biophysics and Microbiology. Currently serving as a member of the FAPESP area coordenation Biology II.Professor Titular/ CNPq national research scholar level 1A. (Fonte: Currículo Lattes)
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