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Anees Ahmad

CV Lattes

Universidade de São Paulo (USP). Instituto de Química de São Carlos (IQSC)  (Instituição Sede da última proposta de pesquisa)
País de origem: Paquistão

Graduated in Chemistry and Biology from University of Peshawar, Pakistan (2003). Post-Graduated (Master's) from department of chemistry, university of Malakand, Pakistan (2005) Specialization in Organic Chemistry. Worked as Junior research fellow (2006-2010) at International Center for Chemical and Biological Sciences-ICCBS, Karachi, Pakistan. Moved to brazil in 2010 and completed Doctoral studies (Ph.D) in 2015 from institute of chemistry university of Sao Paulo (IQ, USP) in the field of Synthetic methodologies focusing on hypervalent iodine mediated synthesis under supervision of Prof. Luiz Fernando da Silva Jr (late 2017). Concluded post-doctoral studies (2016-2020) in total synthesis of bioactive natural Products from Sao Carlos institute of chemistry, University of Sao Paulo (IQSC, USP), Sao Carlos under the guidance Prof. Antonio Carlos Bender Busrtoloso, sponsored by The São Paulo Research Foundation - Fapesp. Currently working as Post-doctoral researcher in the Laboratory of Prof. Luiz Carlos Dias at Institute of Chemistry Unicamp (IQ-Unicamp) funded by medicine for malaria venture (MMV).Field of interest: Organic Chemistry, Synthetic methodologies, Hypervalent iodine in synthesis, Total Synthesis of Natural Products Stereo-Selective Synthesis, Green chemistry, Medicinal chemistry and Isolation and characterization of secondary metabolites from medicinally important plants (Fonte: Currículo Lattes)

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