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Mariana Correa Rossi

CV Lattes ResearcherID ORCID

Universidade Federal de São Carlos (UFSCAR). Centro de Ciências Exatas e de Tecnologia (CCET)  (Instituição Sede da última proposta de pesquisa)
País de origem: Brasil

I attended my undergraduate studies in Medical Physics at the São Paulo State University, graduating in 2014 (Bachelor degree), then I got my licentiate degree in Physics at Cruzeiro do Sul University. Already in my undergraduate Research Project I became interested in the world of materials applied to health, specifically, Ti-based materials, and their interactions with bone cells. In these scene, I began my studies seeking to understand how the surface physics and chemistry of metal alloys orchestrated cell biological functions. I received my Master of Biotechnology degree in the end of 2016, also from the São Paulo State University. My project was investigate the influence of titanium released by dental implants on the proteins behaviour linked to bone celullar adhesion, also governed by release of reactive oxygen species. In these years I obtained more experience in macromolecule chemistry and also physics of surface focused on titanium alloys. In 2017 I to do my Ph.D in the São Paulo State University, with the partnership signed with the Institute for Technological Research from São Paulo. In particular, my PhD project, was about the manufacture of porous titanium alloys under body centered cubic crystal structure using powder metallurgical routes: 1) spacers technique (using Mg) and 2) electrical resistance sintering (ERS). I also get specialization in laser surface modification treatments to modify the microstructure and topografy of the different kind of alloys to generate suitable roughness patterns. I also participate as collaborator in projects about surface modifications titanium materials by dip-coating technique, to make bioactive coatings (e.g. calcium phosphate and hydroxyapatite), which help to improve the implant/bone tissue interaction; development of polymeric microcapsules as carriers of biomolecules and cells for tissue repair. Also in my PhD I awarded a scholarship to carry out an 11-month stay at the Polytechnic University of Valencia, at the Institute of Materials Technology. During my stage as a researcher, I obtained extensive experience in the design, manufacture and characterization (structural, microestructural and mechanical) of porous metallic alloys, obtaining powders by mechanical alloying process. (Fonte: Currículo Lattes)

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