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Sofia Nascimento dos Santos


País de origem: Suiça

Dr. Sofia Nascimento dos Santos is graduated in Cellular and Molecular Biology from the New University of Lisbon, Portugal (2007) and holds a Master's degree in Human Molecular Biology from the University of Lisbon, Portugal (2009). In 2011 she was selected to start her doctorate in the Post-Graduation Program of Oncology at the University of São Paulo´s Medical School (FM-USP) to conduct her studies on the biology of cancer and on the characterization of the molecular mechanisms involved in tumor progression. She was a visiting doctoral researcher (2013-2015) at professor's Adrian Harris laboratory at the University of Oxford (UK) where she completed her PhD. Since 2016, she has been involved as an entrepreneur in the field of Radiopharmacy, where her objective is to apply the SPECT/PET molecular imaging methods in the investigation of the mechanisms responsible for the development of cancer and, consequently, in the diagnosis and treatment of cancer with radiopharmaceuticals. (Fonte: Currículo Lattes)

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