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Evaluation of TanDEM-X DEMs on selected Brazilian sites: Comparison with SRTM, ASTER GDEM and ALOS AW3D30

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Grohmann, Carlos H.
Número total de Autores: 1
Tipo de documento: Artigo Científico
Fonte: REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT; v. 212, p. 121-133, JUN 2018.
Citações Web of Science: 18

A first assessment of the TanDEM-X DEMs over Brazilian territory is presented through a comparison with SRTM, ASTER GDEM and ALOS AW3D30 DEMs in seven study areas with distinct geomorphological contexts, vegetation coverage, and land use. Visual analysis and elevation histograms point to a finer effective spatial (i.e., horizontal) resolution of TanDEM-X compared to SRTM and ASTER GDEM. In areas of open vegetation, TanDEM-X lower elevations indicate a deeper penetration of the radar signal. DEMs of differences (DoDs) allowed the identification of issues inherent to the production methods of the analyzed DEMs, such as mast oscillations in SRTM data and mismatch between adjacent scenes in ASTER GDEM and ALOS AW3D30. A systematic difference in elevations between TanDEM-X 12 m, TanDEM-X 30 m, and SRTM was observed in the steep slopes of the coastal ranges, related to the moving-window process used to resample the 12 m data to a 30 m pixel size. It is strongly recommended to produce a DoD with SRTM before using ASTER GDEM or ALOS AW3D30 in any analysis, to evaluate if the area of interest is affected by these problems. The DoDs also highlighted changes in land use in the time span between the acquisition of SRTM (2000) and TanDEM-X (2013) data, whether by natural causes or by human interference in the environment. The results show a high level of detail and consistency for TanDEM-X data, indicate that the effective horizontal resolution of SRTM is coarser than the nominal 30 m, and highlight the errors in ASTER GDEM and ALOS AW3D30 due to mismatch between adjacent scenes in the photogrammetric process. (AU)

Processo FAPESP: 16/06628-0 - Aplicação de modelos digitais de elevação de alta resolução na análise de alvos geológicos e geomorfológicos
Beneficiário:Carlos Henrique Grohmann de Carvalho
Modalidade de apoio: Auxílio à Pesquisa - Regular
Processo FAPESP: 13/50297-0 - Dimensions US-BIOTA São Paulo: integrando disciplinas para a predição da biodiversidade da Floresta Atlântica no Brasil
Beneficiário:Cristina Yumi Miyaki
Modalidade de apoio: Auxílio à Pesquisa - Programa BIOTA - Temático
Processo FAPESP: 12/50260-6 - Estruturação e evolução da biota amazônica e seu ambiente: uma abordagem integrativa
Beneficiário:Lúcia Garcez Lohmann
Modalidade de apoio: Auxílio à Pesquisa - Programa BIOTA - Temático