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Paradoxical effects of vitamin C in Chagas disease

Texto completo
Castanheira, J. R. P. T. [1] ; Castanho, R. E. P. [1] ; Rocha Jr, H. ; Pagliari, C. [2] ; Duarte, M. I. S. [2] ; Therezo, A. L. S. [3] ; Chagas, E. F. B. [4] ; Martins, L. P. A. [5]
Número total de Autores: 8
Afiliação do(s) autor(es):
[1] Marilia Med Sch, Dept Parasitol, Ave Monte Carmelo 800, BR-17519100 Marilia, SP - Brazil
[2] Univ Sao Paulo, Dept Pathol, BR-01246903 Sao Paulo, SP - Brazil
[3] Marilia Med Sch, Dept Pathol, BR-17519100 Marilia, SP - Brazil
[4] Marilia Univ, Study Grp Aging & Obes GEEO, BR-17519100 Marilia, SP - Brazil
[5] Rocha Jr, Jr., H., Marilia Med Sch, Dept Parasitol, Ave Monte Carmelo 800, BR-17519100 Marilia, SP - Brazil
Número total de Afiliações: 5
Tipo de documento: Artigo Científico
Fonte: Parasitology International; v. 67, n. 5, p. 547-555, OCT 2018.
Citações Web of Science: 0

Trypanosoma cruzi infection stimulates inflammatory mediators which cause oxidative stress, and the use of antioxidants can minimize the sequelae of Chagas disease. In order to evaluate the efficacy of vitamin C in minimizing oxidative damage in Chagas disease, we orally administered ascorbic acid to Swiss mice infected with 5.0 x 10(4) trypomastigote forms of T. cruzi QM2 strain. These animals were treated for 60 days to investigate the acute phase and 180 days for the chronic phase. During the acute phase, the animals in the infected and treated groups demonstrated lower parasitemia and inflammatory processes were seen in more mice in these groups, probably due to the higher concentration of nitric oxide, which led to the formation of peroxynitrite. The decrease in reduced glutathione concentration in this group showed a circulating oxidant state, and this antioxidant was used to regenerate vitamin C. During the chronic phase, the animals in the infected and treated group showed a decrease in ferric reducing ability of plasma and uric acid concentrations as well as mobilization of bilirubin (which had higher plasma concentration), demonstrating cooperation between endogenous non enzymatic antioxidants to combat increased oxidative stress. However, lower ferrous oxidation in xylenol orange concentrations was found in the infected and treated group, suggesting that vitamin C provided biological protection by clearing the peroxynitrite, attenuating the chronic inflammatory process in the tissues and favoring greater survival in these animals. Complex interactions were observed between the antioxidant systems of the host and parasite, with paradoxical actions of vitamin C. (AU)

Processo FAPESP: 13/22703-3 - Avaliação dos efeitos da vitamina C na fase aguda e crônica da doença de Chagas em camundongos experimentalmente infectados com a cepa QM1 de Trypanosoma cruzi
Beneficiário:Luciamare Perinetti Alves Martins
Modalidade de apoio: Auxílio à Pesquisa - Regular