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Proteomic and Metabolomic Analyses of Xylella fastidiosa OMV-Enriched Fractions Reveal Association with Virulence Factors and Signaling Molecules of the DSF Family

Texto completo
Feitosa-Junior, Oscias R. [1] ; Stefanello, Eliezer [1] ; Zaini, Paulo A. [1, 2] ; Nascimento, Rafael [1, 3] ; Pierry, Paulo M. [1] ; Dandekar, Abhaya M. [2] ; Lindow, Steven E. [4] ; da Silva, Aline M. [1]
Número total de Autores: 8
Afiliação do(s) autor(es):
[1] Univ Sao Paulo, Inst Quim, Dept Bioquim, BR-05508000 Sao Paulo, SP - Brazil
[2] Univ Calif Davis, Dept Plant Sci, Davis, CA 95616 - USA
[3] Univ Fed Uberlandia, Inst Genet & Bioquim, BR-38400902 Uberlandia, MG - Brazil
[4] Univ Calif Berkeley, Dept Plant & Microbial Biol, Berkeley, CA 94720 - USA
Número total de Afiliações: 4
Tipo de documento: Artigo Científico
Fonte: PHYTOPATHOLOGY; v. 109, n. 8, p. 1344-1353, AUG 2019.
Citações Web of Science: 1

Xylella fastidiosa releases outer membrane vesicles (OMVs) known to play a role in the systemic dissemination of this pathogen. OMVs inhibit bacterial attachment to xylem wall and traffic lipases/esterases that act on the degradation of plant cell wall. Here, we extended the characterization of X. fastidiosa OMVs by identifying proteins and metabolites potentially associated with OMVs produced by Temecula1, a Pierce's disease strain, and by 9a5c and Fb7, two citrus variegated chlorosis strains. These results strengthen that one of the OMVs multiple functions is to carry determinants of virulence, such as lipases/esterases, adhesins, proteases, porins, and a pectin lyase-like protein. For the first time, we show that the two citrus variegated chlorosis strains produce X. fastidiosa diffusible signaling factor 2 (DSF2) and citrus variegated chlorosis-DSF (likewise, Temecula1) and most importantly, that these compounds of the DSF (X. fastidiosa DSF) family are associated with OMV-enriched fractions. Altogether, our findings widen the potential functions of X. fastidiosa OMVs in intercellular signaling and host-pathogen interactions. (AU)

Processo FAPESP: 11/24091-0 - Análise do transcriptoma de cepas de Xylella Fastidiosa isoladas de diferentes hospedeiros e busca por RNAs regulatórios
Beneficiário:Paulo Marques Pierry
Modalidade de apoio: Bolsas no Brasil - Doutorado
Processo FAPESP: 08/11703-4 - Identificação de genes potencialmente associados adaptação, evolução e virulência de Xylella fastidiosa
Beneficiário:Aline Maria da Silva
Modalidade de apoio: Auxílio à Pesquisa - Regular