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bnormal resistive switching in electrodeposited Prussian White thin film

Texto completo
Faita, F. L. [1] ; Avila, L. B. [2] ; Silva, J. P. B. [3, 4] ; Boratto, M. H. [5] ; Pla Cid, C. C. [2] ; Graeff, C. F. O. [5] ; Gomes, M. J. M. [3, 4] ; Mueller, C. K. [6] ; Pasa, A. A. [2]
Número total de Autores: 9
Afiliação do(s) autor(es):
[1] Univ Fed Rio Grande do Sul, Inst Fis, BR-91501970 Porto Alegre, RS - Brazil
[2] Univ Fed Santa Catarina, Dept Fis, BR-88040900 Florianopolis, SC - Brazil
[3] Ctr Phys Minho, Campus Gualtar, P-4710057 Braga - Portugal
[4] Porto Univ CF, Campus Gualtar, P-4710057 Braga - Portugal
[5] Sao Paulo State Univ Unesp, Sch Sci, POSMAT Postgrad Program Mat Sci & Technol, BR-17033360 Bauru, SP - Brazil
[6] Univ Appl Sci Zwickau, Fac Phys Engn Comp Sci, D-08056 Zwickau - Germany
Número total de Afiliações: 6
Tipo de documento: Artigo Científico
Fonte: Journal of Alloys and Compounds; v. 896, MAR 10 2022.
Citações Web of Science: 0

Prussian White (PW) layers were deposited on Au/Cr/Si substrates by electrodeposition and characterized by different techniques. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) images and Raman mapping reveal a uniform and homogeneous deposit while scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM) images disclose the grain boundary pattern and the thickness of 300 nm of the PW layer. Resistive switching (RS) effect with an ON/OFF ratio of about 10(2) was observed. The RS mechanism was investigated from the log-log currentvoltage plots. Ionic conduction was observed with an activation energy of 0.4 eV that could be associated with potassium ions as possible charge carriers at the grain boundaries. The endurance characteristics were investigated and a stable abnormal RS was observed for consecutive 500 cycles. Moreover, the retention was also evaluated and the high resistive state (HRS) and low resistive state (LRS) were stable up to 1000 s. (C) 2021 Published by Elsevier B.V. (AU)

Processo FAPESP: 20/04721-8 - PEDOT:PSS e melanina como camadas ativas em dispositivos neuromórficos
Beneficiário:Miguel Henrique Boratto
Modalidade de apoio: Bolsas no Exterior - Estágio de Pesquisa - Pós-Doutorado
Processo FAPESP: 17/20809-0 - Estudo de dispositivos orgânicos para aplicações em bioeletrônica
Beneficiário:Miguel Henrique Boratto
Modalidade de apoio: Bolsas no Brasil - Pós-Doutorado