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Productive and nutritive traits of Piata palisadegrass after thinning the forest component of a silvopastoral system in southeastern Brazil

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Brunetti, H. B. ; Pezzopane, J. R. M. ; Bonani, W. L. ; Bosi, C. ; Neto, R. P. ; Bernardi, A. C. de C. ; de Oliveira, P. P. A.
Número total de Autores: 7
Tipo de documento: Artigo Científico
Fonte: JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL SCIENCE; v. 160, n. 5, p. 11-pg., 2022-08-25.

Silvopastoral systems (SPSs) are sustainable alternatives for pasture intensification. Management practices such as thinning are options to diminish competition for resources between pasture and trees, ensuring appropriate forage production. The objective of this study was to evaluate the productive and nutritive traits of Piata palisadegrass (Urochloa brizantha cv. BRS Piata) after thinning the forest component of a SPS. Forage production and nutritive value, along with microclimate variables were assessed in a SPS and in an intensive system (INT) in Sao Carlos-SP, Brazil, from 2016 to 2018. The INT was a full sun pasture of Piata palisadegrass, while the SPS was established with Piata palisadegrass shaded by eucalyptus (Eucalyptus urograndis clone GG100) spaced 15 x 2 m but thinned to 15 x 4 m before the onset of the experiment. In the SPS, measurements were made under the tree row (SPS_1), 3.75-m (SPS_2), 7.5-m (SPS_3) and 11.25-m (SPS_4) distant from the North row. Forage accumulation in the two systems were similar, whereas the pre-grazing forage mass in most of the SPS positions were smaller than that of the INT during the autumn of 2017 and summer of 2018. Crude protein (CP) content was greater in the SPS than in the INT in most positions and seasons. Forage production was favoured by the thinning of the trees mainly in the seasons close to the event, while forage CP was consistently greater in the understory pasture. Thinning of trees in SPSs can be adopted to provide forage production similar to intensive pastures with higher protein content. (AU)

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Modalidade de apoio: Bolsas no Brasil - Programa Capacitação - Treinamento Técnico
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Modalidade de apoio: Auxílio à Pesquisa - Regular
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