Texto completo | |
Autor(es): |
Nastase, Horatiu
Sonnenschein, Jacob
Número total de Autores: 2
Tipo de documento: | Artigo Científico |
Fonte: | PHYSICAL REVIEW D; v. 107, n. 12, p. 21-pg., 2023-06-22. |
Resumo | |
In this paper, we construct a charged soliton with a finite energy and no delta function source in a pure Abelian gauge theory. Specifically, we first consider the three-dimensional Abelian gauge theory, with a Maxwell term and a level N CS term. We find a static solution that carries charge N, angular momentum N/2 and whose radius is N independent. However, this solution has a divergent energy. In analogy to the replacement of the four-dimensional Maxwell action with the BI action, which renders the classical energy of a point charge finite, for the three-dimensional theory which includes a CS term such a replacement leads to a finite energy for the solution of above. We refer to this soliton as a CSBIon solution, representing a finite energy version of the fundamental (sourced) charged electron of Maxwell theory in four dimensions. In three dimensions the BI + CS action has a static charged solution with finite energy and no source, hence a soliton solution. The CSBIon, similar to its Maxwellian predecessor, has a charge N, angular momentum proportional to N and an N-independent radius. We also present other nonlinear modifications of Maxwell theory that admit similar solitons. The CSBIon may be relevant in various holographic scenarios. In particular, it may describe a D6-brane wrapping an S4 in a compactified D4-brane background. We believe that the CSBIon may play a role in condensed matter systems in 2 + 1 dimensions like graphene sheets. (AU) | |
Processo FAPESP: | 19/21281-4 - Dualidade gravitação / Teoria de gauge |
Beneficiário: | Horatiu Stefan Nastase |
Modalidade de apoio: | Auxílio à Pesquisa - Temático |
Processo FAPESP: | 19/13231-7 - Rede Chile - São Paulo de holografia |
Beneficiário: | Horatiu Stefan Nastase |
Modalidade de apoio: | Auxílio à Pesquisa - Regular |
Processo FAPESP: | 16/01343-7 - ICTP Instituto Sul-Americano para Física Fundamental: um centro regional para física teórica |
Beneficiário: | Nathan Jacob Berkovits |
Modalidade de apoio: | Auxílio à Pesquisa - Projetos Especiais |