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Genetic Diversity ofXylella fastidiosaPlasmids Assessed by Comparative Genomics

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Pierry, Paulo Marques ; Uceda-Campos, Guillermo ; Feitosa-Junior, Oseias Rodrigues ; Martins-Junior, Joaquim ; de Santana, Wesley Oliveira ; Della Coletta-Filho, Helvecio ; Zaini, Paulo Adriano ; da-Silva, Aline Maria
Número total de Autores: 8
Tipo de documento: Artigo Científico
Fonte: ROPICAL PLANT PATHOLOG; v. 45, n. 3, p. 19-pg., 2020-06-10.

Plasmids are a major source of horizontal gene transfer among bacteria contributing to their evolution and ecology. The known collection of plasmids carried by the plant pathogenXylella fastidiosaincreases as new strains from different origins and hosts are sampled and sequenced. Here we performed an extensive comparison of 61 publicly available sequences annotated as plasmids belonging to 38X. fastidiosastrains isolated from different plant species and distinct geographical locations. Twenty-six strains exhibited at least one plasmid and up to four plasmids were found in a single strain. Plasmids sizes varied widely from 1.3 kbp to 64.3 kbp, ranging from 1 to 70 protein-coding sequences (CDS) encompassing 324 orthologs. Based on the presence of specific mobility proteins such as relaxases and type 4 secretion system-related genes, respectively 40 and 8 of theX. fastidiosaplasmids were classified as conjugative and mobilizable, while 13 were classified as non-mobilizable.X. fastidiosaplasmids did not carry known antibiotic resistance or virulence genes, and their stability seems to take advantage of toxin/antitoxin systems. The comparative analyses described here revealed similarity among plasmids ofX. fastidiosafrom different subspecies, geographical regions, and hosts, as well as with sequences found in plasmids from other bacterial species. Altogether, our results provide anin silicoanalysis ofX. fastidiosaplasmid content and their main features, with applications in future studies of epidemiology, ecology, and evolution of this phytopathogen. (AU)

Processo FAPESP: 11/01217-8 - Caracterização da resposta de Citrus sinensis à infecção por Xylella fastidiosa e filogenômica de suas diferentes linhagens.
Beneficiário:Joaquim Martins Junior
Modalidade de apoio: Bolsas no Brasil - Pós-Doutorado
Processo FAPESP: 09/13527-1 - Sequenciamento e análise comparativa do genoma de uma cepa do fitopatógeno Xylella fastidiosa.
Beneficiário:Paulo Marques Pierry
Modalidade de apoio: Bolsas no Brasil - Mestrado
Processo FAPESP: 08/11703-4 - Identificação de genes potencialmente associados adaptação, evolução e virulência de Xylella fastidiosa
Beneficiário:Aline Maria da Silva
Modalidade de apoio: Auxílio à Pesquisa - Regular