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Global Dirac bispinor entanglement under Lorentz boosts

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Bittencourt, Victor A. S. V. ; Bernardini, Alex E. ; Blasone, Massimo
Número total de Autores: 3
Tipo de documento: Artigo Científico
Fonte: PHYSICAL REVIEW A; v. 97, n. 3, p. 11-pg., 2018-03-13.

The effects of Lorentz boosts on the quantum entanglement encoded by a pair of massive spin-1/2 particles are described according to the Lorentz covariant structure described by Dirac bispinors. The quantum system considered incorporates four degrees of freedom: two of them related to the bispinor intrinsic parity and the other two related to the bispinor spin projection, i.e., the Dirac particle helicity. Because of the natural multipartite structure involved, the Meyer-Wallach global measure of entanglement is preliminarily used for computing global quantum correlations, while the entanglement separately encoded by spin degrees of freedom is measured through the negativity of the reduced two-particle spin-spin state. A general framework to compute the changes on quantum entanglement induced by a boost is developed and then specialized to describe three particular antisymmetric two-particle states. According to the results obtained, two-particle spin-spin entanglement cannot be created by the action of a Lorentz boost in a spin-spin separable antisymmetric state. On the other hand, the maximal spin-spin entanglement encoded by antisymmetric superpositions is degraded by Lorentz boosts driven by high-speed frame transformations. Finally, the effects of boosts on chiral states are shown to exhibit interesting invariance properties, which can only be obtained through such a Lorentz covariant formulation of the problem. (AU)

Processo FAPESP: 17/02294-2 - Correspondência clássico-quântica de cenários cosmológicos a partir da análise de Descoerência Quântica e correlações gaussianas
Beneficiário:Alex Eduardo de Bernardini
Modalidade de apoio: Bolsas no Exterior - Pesquisa