The hydrodynamic evolution of the gas content in t... - BV FAPESP
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The hydrodynamic evolution of the gas content in the dSph galaxy Ursa Minor induced by the feedback from types Ia and II supernovae

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Caproni, Anderson ; Lanfranchi, Gustavo A. ; Campos Baiao, Gabriel H. ; Kowal, Grzegorz ; Falceta-Goncalves, Diego ; McQuinn, KBW ; Stierwalt, S
Número total de Autores: 7
Tipo de documento: Artigo Científico
Fonte: DWARF GALAXIES: FROM THE DEEP UNIVERSE TO THE PRESENT; v. 14, n. S344, p. 4-pg., 2019-01-01.

Dwarf spheroidal galaxies of the Local Group share a similar characteristic nowadays: a low amount of gas in their interiors. In this work, we present results from a three-dimensional hydrodynamical simulation of the gas inside an object with similar characteristics of the Ursa Minor galaxy. We evolved the initial gas distribution over 3 Gyr, considering the effects of the types Ia and II supernovae. The instantaneous supernovae rates were derived from a chemical evolution model applied to spectroscopic data of the Ursa Minor galaxy. Our simulation shows that the amount of gas that is lost varies with time and galactocentric radius. The highest gas-loss rates occurred during the first 600 Myr of evolution. Our results also indicate that types Ia and II supernovae must be essential drivers of the gas loss in Ursa Minor galaxy (and probably in other similar dwarf galaxies). (AU)

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