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Comparison of two different laser photobiomodulation protocols on the viability of random skin flap in rats

Texto completo
Santi Martignago, Cintia Cristina [1] ; Tim, C. R. [2, 3] ; Assis, L. [2, 3] ; Neves, L. M. G. [1] ; Bossini, P. S. [4] ; Renno, A. C. [2] ; Avo, L. R. S. [1] ; Liebano, R. E. [1] ; Parizotto, N. A. [1, 3]
Número total de Autores: 9
Afiliação do(s) autor(es):
[1] Univ Fed Sao Carlos, Dept Physiotherapy, Sao Carlos, SP - Brazil
[2] Univ Fed Sao Paulo, Santos, SP - Brazil
[3] Univ Brasil, Biomed Engn, Sao Paulo, SP - Brazil
[4] Nucleus Res & Teaching Phototherapy Hlth Sci, Sao Carlos, SP - Brazil
Número total de Afiliações: 4
Tipo de documento: Artigo Científico
Fonte: Lasers in Medical Science; v. 34, n. 5, p. 1041-1047, JUL 2019.
Citações Web of Science: 0

To identify the best low level laser photobiomodulation application site at the same irradiation time to increase the viability of the skin flap in rats. Eighteen male rats (Rattus norvegicus: var. Albinus, Rodentia Mammalia) were randomly distributed into three groups (n = 6). Group I (GI) was submitted to simulated laser photobiomodulation; group II (GII) was submitted to laser photobiomodulation at three points in the flap cranial base, and group III (GIII) was submitted to laser photobiomodulation at 12 points distributed along the flap. All groups were irradiated with an Indium, Galium, Aluminum, and Phosphorus diode laser (InGaAlP), 660 nm, with 50 mW power, irradiated for a total time of 240 s in continuous emission mode. The treatment started immediately after performing the cranial base random skin flap (10 x 4 cm(2) dimension) and reapplied every 24 h, with a total of five applications. The animals were euthanized after the evaluation of the percentage of necrosis area, and the material was collected for histological analysis on the seventh postoperative day. GII animals presented a statistically significant decrease for the necrosis area when compared to the other groups, and a statistically significant increase in the quantification of collagen when compared to the control. We did not observe a statistical difference between the TGF beta and FGF expression in the different groups evaluated. The application of laser photobiomodulation at three points of the flap cranial base was more effective than at 12 points regarding the reduction of necrosis area. (AU)

Processo FAPESP: 15/13501-3 - Análise dos efeitos do tratamento preemptive com Terapia Laser de Baixa Intensidade (660 nm) na viabilidade de retalhos cutâneos de ratos.
Beneficiário:Cintia Cristina Santi Martignago
Modalidade de apoio: Bolsas no Brasil - Doutorado