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São Paulo - Alberta: Workshop Brainhack de Reconstrução e Processamento de Imagem por Ressonância Magnética

Processo: 18/08963-6
Modalidade de apoio:Auxílio Organização - Reunião Científica
Vigência: 18 de outubro de 2018 - 20 de outubro de 2018
Área do conhecimento:Engenharias - Engenharia Biomédica - Bioengenharia
Pesquisador responsável:Leticia Rittner
Beneficiário:Leticia Rittner
Instituição Sede: Faculdade de Engenharia Elétrica e de Computação (FEEC). Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP). Campinas , SP, Brasil
Assunto(s):Aprendizagem profunda  Processamento de imagens 
Palavra(s)-Chave do Pesquisador:aprendizagem profunda | Imagem de ressonância magnética | Processamento de Imagem | reconstrução de imagem | Processamento de Sinais Biológicos


The proposed Workshop will be a highly topical, international meeting focused on contemporary MR image reconstruction and processing issues, applications and problems. It will consist of a combination of lectures, scientific poster presentations and formal challenges (i.e., "BrainHacks"). We anticipate that the BrainHack will result in a set of novel tools, developed by the participants, that innovatively address two topical MR imaging problems. The proposed workshop will include invited lectures given by distinguished Brazilian and Canadian researchers. The curriculum has been selected to support acquisition of general knowledge of MR imaging, as well as to provide specific and highly relevant knowledge of image reconstruction, image processing and machine learning. Topics that will be covered include conventional image reconstruction and non-linear reconstruction (including compressed sensing) methods, image classification and segmentation, as well as machine learning/deep learning approaches. Lectures will occur primarily over the first day of the three-day workshop, so that the knowledge gained can be put to full use during the BrainHack. The BrainHack component of the meeting will be centered on two important MR research areas: image reconstruction and image processing. Problems drawn from both image reconstruction and processing areas will be jointly developed. They will employ the Calgary-Campinas-359 multi-vendor, multi-field, brain MR dataset that is a product of the ongoing collaboration between the UNICAMP and Calgary research groups. Each BrainHack teams will consist of a number of Brazilian and Canadian students supported by mentors chosen from the invited speakers and faculty members attending the workshop. The Workshop organizers will assemble the groups to ensure a gender, geographic and skill set diversity on each team. The BrainHack Judging Committee will judge the resulting solutions to the problems. (AU)

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