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Synthesis and characterization of nanostructured materials

Processo: 97/04236-4
Modalidade de apoio:Auxílio à Pesquisa - Regular
Vigência: 01 de agosto de 1997 - 31 de dezembro de 1999
Área do conhecimento:Ciências Exatas e da Terra - Física - Física da Matéria Condensada
Pesquisador responsável:Daniel Mario Ugarte
Beneficiário:Daniel Mario Ugarte
Instituição Sede: Associação Brasileira de Tecnologia de Luz Síncrotron (ABTLuS). Ministério da Ciência, Tecnologia e Inovação (Brasil). Campinas , SP, Brasil
Assunto(s):Materiais nanoestruturados  Nanocompósitos  Efeitos quânticos 
Palavra(s)-Chave do Pesquisador:Clusters | Nanostructures | Quantum Effects


The engineering of novel devices requires in many cases, materials with selected and preestablished properties. One of the most promising lines of synthetic materials research consists in the development of nanostructured systems (nanocomposites). Usually, their synthesis is based on the codeposition of different materials and subsequent segregation induced by thermal treatment. Although this procedure allows the study of a wide range of materials, it has intrinsic difficulties, as the usual wide particles size distribution and/or an uncontrolled three dimensional distribution that hinder the precise identification of nanocrystal individual or collective effects. The aim of this project is to synthesize model nanostructured systems, which could be used in order to obtain more basic understanding on these materials. Here, we will adopt two different approaches: one based on the traditional thermally induced segregation; and a second strategy based on the development of cluster assembled materials. This later process involves several steps that must be developed: synthesis of clusters, purification or size selection, and finally the material assembly. We expect that our work will lead to a better targeting of novel nanocomposites for practical applications. (AU)

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(Referências obtidas automaticamente do Web of Science e do SciELO, por meio da informação sobre o financiamento pela FAPESP e o número do processo correspondente, incluída na publicação pelos autores)
ZANCHET‚ D.; TOLENTINO‚ H.; MARTINS ALVES‚ MC; ALVES‚ OL; UGARTE‚ D.. Inter-atomic distance contraction in thiol-passivated gold nanoparticles. Chemical Physics Letters, v. 323, n. 1, p. 167-172, . (97/04236-4, 96/12550-8)

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