Auxílio à pesquisa 11/51594-2 - Radiobiologia, DNA - BV FAPESP
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Desenvolvimento de um sistema computacional para a simulação da interação da radiação ionizante com o material genético humano

Processo: 11/51594-2
Modalidade de apoio:Auxílio à Pesquisa - Jovens Pesquisadores
Área do conhecimento:Ciências Exatas e da Terra - Física
Pesquisador responsável:Mario Antonio Bernal Rodriguez
Beneficiário:Mario Antonio Bernal Rodriguez
Instituição Sede: Instituto de Física Gleb Wataghin (IFGW). Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP). Campinas , SP, Brasil
Auxílio(s) vinculado(s):18/15316-7 - Estudo da interação de partículas carregadas pesadas com o DNA usando métodos computacionais, AP.JP2
Assunto(s):Radiobiologia  DNA  Radiação ionizante  Dano ao DNA  Método de Monte Carlo  Dosimetria 
Palavra(s)-Chave do Pesquisador:Dano No Dna | Dna Models | Monte Carlo Simulations | Nanodosimetry | Radiobiology


A interação das radiações ionizantes com os seres vivos produz dano no DNA. Este dano está relacionado com o surgimento do câncer, assim como com seu tratamento mediante a Radioterapia. O ramo da ciência que estuda os efeitos biológicos provocados pelas radiações ionizantes é chamado Radiobiologia. Há dois métodos principais usados nestes estudos, o experimental e o computacional. O primeiro destes está baseado em estudos in vitro com células expostas à radiação e o segundo, no desenvolvimento de modelos biofísicos em conjunto com códigos para simular o transporte de radiação pelo método Monte Carlo. O método experimental tem limitações para reproduzir variadas condições de irradiação, configurações do DNA, entre outros parâmetros. As simulações biofísicas permitem fazer estudos variando muitos parâmetros e discriminar por fatores que são praticamente impossíveis de discriminar em estudos in vitro. Ambos os métodos são complementares. O projeto europeu GEANT4-DNA está trabalhando no desenvolvimento de um pacote para simular o transporte de íons e elétrons até energias muito baixas (elétrons até 0.025 eV) para ser usado na área da Nanodosimetria em Radiobiologia. Nós estamos inseridos nesse projeto como colaboradores. O nosso papel é desenvolver modelos biofísicos para validar o sistema GEANT4-DNA.Temos como objetivo desenvolver um modelo geométrico o material genético humano, tendo em conta os seis níveis de organização deste e das três principais configurações do DNA (A, B e Z). Um modelo biofísico atualizado será criado para simular o processo da geração do dano no DNA depois do impacto de uma partícula ionizante (dano direto) o de uma espécie química produzida pela radiólise de água (dano indireto). Ao final, espera-se ter uma ferramenta computacional para predizer a efetividade biológica de feixes de fótons, elétrons e íons leves, usados na Radioterapia ou no Radiodiagnóstico. (AU)

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Publicações científicas (40)
(Referências obtidas automaticamente do Web of Science e do SciELO, por meio da informação sobre o financiamento pela FAPESP e o número do processo correspondente, incluída na publicação pelos autores)
BERNAL, M. A.; DEALMEIDA, C. E.; INCERTI, S.; CHAMPION, C.; IVANCHENKO, V.; FRANCIS, Z.. The Influence of DNA Configuration on the Direct Strand Break Yield. COMPUTATIONAL AND MATHEMATICAL METHODS IN MEDICINE, . (11/51594-2)
FRANCIS, Z.; MONTAROU, G.; INCERTI, S.; BERNAL, M.; ZEIN, S. A.. A simulation study of gold nanoparticles localisation effects on radiation enhancement at the mitochondrion scale. PHYSICA MEDICA-EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF MEDICAL PHYSICS, v. 67, p. 148-154, . (11/51594-2, 18/15316-7, 15/21873-8)
SHIN, WOOK-GEUN; SAKATA, DOUSATSU; LAMPE, NATHANAEL; BELOV, OLEG; TRAN, NGOC HOANG; PETROVIC, IVAN; RISTIC-FIRA, ALEKSANDRA; DORDEVIC, MILOS; BERNAL, MARIO A.; BORDAGE, MARIE-CLAUDE; et al. A Geant4-DNA Evaluation of Radiation-Induced DNA Damage on a Human Fibroblast. CANCERS, v. 13, n. 19, . (18/15316-7, 15/21873-8, 11/51594-2, 20/08647-7)
BERNAL, MARIO A.; LIENDO, JACINTO A.; INCERTI, SEBASTIEN; FRANCIS, ZIAD; TRAN, HOANG N.. Experimental cross sections for water ionization due to the impact of light ions-A review. NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS & METHODS IN PHYSICS RESEARCH SECTION B-BEAM INTERACTIO, v. 517, p. 10-pg., . (11/51594-2, 18/15316-7, 15/21873-8, 20/08647-7)
MAGALHAES, D. P.; TOMAL, A.. Monte Carlo simulation of hybrid pixel detectors. Radiation Physics and Chemistry, v. 167, . (11/51594-2, 15/21873-8)
MAGALHAES, D. P.; RINKEL, J.; TOMAL, A.. Radiation damage impact on hybrid-pixel detectors data. Radiation Physics and Chemistry, v. 160, p. 63-67, . (15/21873-8, 11/51594-2)
TRAN, H. N.; KARAMITROS, M.; IVANCHENKO, V. N.; GUATELLI, S.; MCKINNON, S.; MURAKAMI, K.; SASAKI, T.; OKADA, S.; BORDAGE, M. C.; FRANCIS, Z.; et al. Geant4 Monte Carlo simulation of absorbed dose and radiolysis yields enhancement from a gold nanoparticle under MeV proton irradiation. NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS & METHODS IN PHYSICS RESEARCH SECTION B-BEAM INTERACTIO, v. 373, p. 126-139, . (11/51594-2)
ROSALES, LISET DE LA FUENTE; INCERTI, SEBASTIEN; FRANCIS, ZIAD; BERNAL, MARIO A.. Accounting for radiation-induced indirect damage on DNA with the Geant 4-DNA code. PHYSICA MEDICA-EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF MEDICAL PHYSICS, v. 51, p. 108-116, . (15/21873-8, 11/51594-2)
INCERTI, S.; SUERFU, B.; XU, J.; IVANTCHENKO, V.; MANTERO, A.; BROWN, J. M. C.; BERNAL, M. A.; FRANCIS, Z.; KARAMITROS, M.; TRAN, H. N.. Simulation of Auger electron emission from nanometer-size gold targets using the Geant4 Monte Carlo simulation toolkit. NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS & METHODS IN PHYSICS RESEARCH SECTION B-BEAM INTERACTIO, v. 372, p. 91-101, . (11/51594-2)
FRANCIS, Z.; SEIF, E.; INCERTI, S.; CHAMPION, C.; KARAMITROS, M.; BERNAL, M. A.; IVANCHENKO, V. N.; MANTERO, A.; TRAN, H. N.; EL BITAR, Z.. Carbon ion fragmentation effects on the nanometric level behind the Bragg peak depth. Physics in Medicine and Biology, v. 59, n. 24, p. 7691-7702, . (11/51594-2)
PATER, PIOTR; SEUNTJENS, JAN; EL NAQA, ISSAM; BERNAL, MARIO A.. On the consistency of Monte Carlo track structure DNA damage simulations. Medical Physics, v. 41, n. 12, . (11/51594-2)
ANDRE, T.; MORINI, F.; KARAMITROS, M.; DELORME, R.; LE LOIREC, C.; CAMPOS, L.; CHAMPION, C.; GROETZ, J. -E.; FROMM, M.; BORDAGE, M. -C.; et al. Comparison of Geant4-DNA simulation of S-values with other Monte Carlo codes. NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS & METHODS IN PHYSICS RESEARCH SECTION B-BEAM INTERACTIO, v. 319, p. 87-94, . (11/51594-2)
INCERTI, S.; CHAMPION, C.; TRAN, H. N.; KARAMITROS, M.; BERNAL, M.; FRANCIS, Z.; IVANCHENKO, V.; MANTERO, A.; COLLABORATION, GEANT4-DNA. Energy deposition in small-scale targets of liquid water using the very low energy electromagnetic physics processes of the Geant4 toolkit. NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS & METHODS IN PHYSICS RESEARCH SECTION B-BEAM INTERACTIO, v. 306, p. 158-164, . (11/51594-2)
FRANCIS, Z.; EL BAST, M.; EL HADDAD, R.; MANTERO, A.; INCERTI, S.; IVANCHENKO, V.; EL BITAR, Z.; CHAMPION, C.; BERNAL, M. A.; ROUMIE, M.. A comparison between Geant4 PIXE simulations and experimental data for standard reference samples. NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS & METHODS IN PHYSICS RESEARCH SECTION B-BEAM INTERACTIO, v. 316, p. 1-5, . (11/51594-2)
TRAN, H. N.; EL BITAR, Z.; CHAMPION, C.; KARAMITROS, M.; BERNAL, M. A.; FRANCIS, Z.; IVANTCHENKO, V.; LEE, S. B.; SHIN, J. I.; INCERTI, S.; et al. Modeling proton and alpha elastic scattering in liquid water in Geant4-DNA. NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS & METHODS IN PHYSICS RESEARCH SECTION B-BEAM INTERACTIO, v. 343, p. 132-137, . (11/51594-2)
DE FARIA, JHAISON C.; PAUPITZ, RICARDO; VAN DUIN, ADRI C. T.; BERNAL, MARIO A.. Evaluation of the Reax Force-Field for Studying the Collision of an Energetic Proton with the DNA. JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL THEORY AND COMPUTATION, v. 18, n. 11, p. 9-pg., . (11/51594-2, 18/15316-7, 15/21873-8, 20/08647-7)
LI, WEI BO; STANGL, STEFAN; KLAPPROTH, ALEXANDER; SHEVTSOV, MAXIM; HERNANDEZ, ALICIA; KIMM, MELANIE A.; SCHUEMANN, JAN; QIU, RUI; MICHALKE, BERNHARD; BERNAL, MARIO A.; et al. Application of High-Z Gold Nanoparticles in Targeted Cancer Radiotherapy-Pharmacokinetic Modeling, Monte Carlo Simulation and Radiobiological Effect Modeling. CANCERS, v. 13, n. 21, . (15/21873-8, 20/08647-7, 11/51594-2, 18/15316-7)
DE FARIA, JHAISON C.; PAUPITZ, RICARDO; VAN DUIN, ADRI C. T.; BERNAL, MARIO A.. Evaluation of the Reax Force-Field for Studying the Collision of an Energetic Proton with the DNA. JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL THEORY AND COMPUTATION, v. N/A, p. 9-pg., . (15/21873-8, 20/08647-7, 18/15316-7, 11/51594-2)
ZABIHI, AZAM; INCERTI, SEBASTIEN; FRANCIS, ZIAD; FOROZANI, GHASEM; SEMSARHA, FARID; MOSLEHI, AMIR; REZAEIAN, PEIMAN; BERNAL, MARIO A.. Computational approach to determine the relative biological effectiveness of fast neutrons using the Geant4-DNA toolkit and a DNA atomic model from the Protein Data Bank. Physical Review E, v. 99, n. 5, . (11/51594-2)
SENIWAL, BALJEET; BERNAL, MARIO A.; FONSECA, TELMA C. F.. Microdosimetric calculations for radionuclides emitting beta and alpha particles and Auger electrons. Applied Radiation and Isotopes, v. 166, . (18/15316-7, 15/21873-8, 11/51594-2)
SAKATA, DOUSATSU; HIRAYAMA, RYOICHI; SHIN, WOOK-GEUN; BELLI, MAURO; TABOCCHINI, MARIA A.; STEWART, ROBERT D.; BELOV, OLEG; BERNAL, MARIO A.; BORDAGE, MARIE-CLAUDE; BROWN, JEREMY M. C.; et al. Prediction of DNA rejoining kinetics and cell survival after proton irradiation for V79 cells using Geant4-DNA. PHYSICA MEDICA-EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF MEDICAL PHYSICS, v. 105, p. 9-pg., . (18/15316-7, 15/21873-8, 20/08647-7, 11/51594-2)
BALLARINI, F.; CARANTE, M. P.; CAJIAO, J. J. TELLO; BERNAL, M. A.. Biophysical modelling of proximity effects in chromosome aberration production. NUOVO CIMENTO C-COLLOQUIA AND COMMUNICATIONS IN PHYSICS, v. 41, n. 6, . (11/51594-2, 15/21873-8)
TELLO, JOHN J.; INCERTI, SEBASTIEN; FRANCIS, ZIAD; TRAN, HOANG; BERNAL, M. A.. Numerical insight into the Dual Radiation Action Theory. PHYSICA MEDICA-EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF MEDICAL PHYSICS, v. 43, p. 120-126, . (11/51594-2)
TANG, NICOLAS; BUENO, MARTA; MEYLAN, SYLVAIN; PERROT, YANN; TRAN, HOANG N.; FRENEAU, AMELIE; DOS SANTOS, MORGANE; VAURIJOUX, AURELIE; GRUEL, GAETAN; BERNAL, MARIO A.; et al. Assessment of Radio-Induced Damage in Endothelial Cells Irradiated with 40 kVp, 220 kVp, and 4 MV X-rays by Means of Micro and Nanodosimetric Calculations. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES, v. 20, n. 24, . (11/51594-2, 18/15316-7, 15/21873-8)
SAKATA, DOUSATSU; LAMPE, NATHANAEL; KARAMITROS, MATHIEU; KYRIAKOU, IOANNA; BELOV, OLEG; BERNAL, MARIO A.; BOLST, DAVID; BORDAGE, MARIE-CLAUDE; BRETON, VINCENT; BROWN, JEREMY M. C.; et al. Evaluation of early radiation DNA damage in a fractal cell nucleus model using Geant4-DNA. PHYSICA MEDICA-EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF MEDICAL PHYSICS, v. 62, p. 152-157, . (15/21873-8, 11/51594-2)
INCERTI, S.; KYRIAKOU, I.; BERNAL, M. A.; BORDAGE, M. C.; FRANCIS, Z.; GUATELLI, S.; IVANCHENKO, V.; KARAMITROS, M.; LAMPE, N.; LEE, S. B.; et al. Geant4-DNA example applications for track structure simulations in liquid water: A report from the Geant4-DNA Project. Medical Physics, v. 45, n. 8, p. E722-E739, . (11/51594-2)
ZABIHI, AZAM; TELLO, JOHN; INCERTI, SEBASTIEN; FRANCIS, ZIAD; FOROZANI, GHASEM; SEMSARHA, FARID; MOSLEHI, AMIR; BERNAL, MARIO A.. Determination of fast neutron RBE using a fully mechanistic computational model. Applied Radiation and Isotopes, v. 156, . (11/51594-2, 18/15316-7, 15/21873-8)
BERNAL, M. A.; BORDAGE, M. C.; BROWN, J. M. C.; DAVIDKOVA, M.; DELAGE, E.; EL BITAR, Z.; ENGER, S. A.; FRANCIS, Z.; GUATELLI, S.; IVANCHENKO, V. N.; et al. Track structure modeling in liquid water: A review of the Geant4-DNA very low energy extension of the Geant4 Monte Carlo simulation toolkit. PHYSICA MEDICA-EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF MEDICAL PHYSICS, v. 31, n. 8, p. 861-874, . (11/51594-2)
INCERTI, S.; BARBERET, PH.; DEVES, G.; MICHELET, C.; FRANCIS, Z.; IVANTCHENKO, V.; MANTERO, A.; EL BITAR, Z.; BERNAL, M. A.; TRAN, H. N.; et al. Comparison of experimental proton-induced fluorescence spectra for a selection of thin high-Z samples with Geant4 Monte Carlo simulations. NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS & METHODS IN PHYSICS RESEARCH SECTION B-BEAM INTERACTIO, v. 358, p. 210-222, . (11/51594-2)
KARAMITROS, M.; LUAN, S.; BERNAL, M. A.; ALLISON, J.; BALDACCHINO, G.; DAVIDKOVA, M.; FRANCIS, Z.; FRIEDLAND, W.; IVANTCHENKO, V.; IVANTCHENKO, A.; et al. Diffusion-controlled reactions modeling in Geant4-DNA. Journal of Computational Physics, v. 274, p. 841-882, . (11/51594-2)
AGUIRRE, E.; DAVID, M.; DEALMEIDA, C. E.; BERNAL, M. A.. Impact of photon cross section uncertainties on Monte Carlo-determined depth-dose distributions. PHYSICA MEDICA-EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF MEDICAL PHYSICS, v. 32, n. 9, p. 1065-1071, . (11/51594-2)
BERNAL, M. A.; SIKANSI, D.; CAVALCANTE, F.; INCERTI, S.; CHAMPION, C.; IVANCHENKO, V.; FRANCIS, Z.. An atomistic geometrical model of the B-DNA configuration for DNA-radiation interaction simulations. COMPUTER PHYSICS COMMUNICATIONS, v. 184, n. 12, p. 2840-2847, . (11/51594-2)
INCERTI, S.; PSALTAKI, M.; GILLET, P.; BARBERET, PH.; BARDIES, M.; BERNAL, M. A.; BORDAGE, M. -C.; BRETON, V.; DAVIDKOVA, M.; DELAGE, E.; et al. Simulating radial dose of ion tracks in liquid water simulated with Geant4-DNA: A comparative study. NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS & METHODS IN PHYSICS RESEARCH SECTION B-BEAM INTERACTIO, v. 333, p. 92-98, . (11/51594-2)
SANTIAGO, JOAO; DE FARIA, JHAISON C.; SAN-MIGUEL, MIGUEL; BERNAL, MARIO A.. A TD-DFT-Based Study on the Attack of the OH center dot Radical on a Guanine Nucleotide. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES, v. 23, n. 17, p. 9-pg., . (20/02348-8, 18/15316-7, 15/21873-8, 20/08647-7, 11/51594-2)
BERNAL, M. A.; SIKANSI, D.; CAVALCANTE, F.; INCERTI, S.; CHAMPION, C.; IVANCHENKO, V.; FRANCIS, Z.; KARAMITROS, M.; VAGENAS, EC; VLACHOS, DS. Performance of a new atomistic geometrical model of the B-DNA configuration for DNA-radiation interaction simulations. WAKE CONFERENCE 2021, v. 490, p. 4-pg., . (11/51594-2)
SEIF, EDGARD; EL BITAR, ZIAD; INCERTI, SEBASTIEN; BERNAL, MARIO A.; FRANCIS, ZIAD. Electron tracks simulation in water: Performance comparison between GPU CPU and the EUMED grid installation. PHYSICA MEDICA-EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF MEDICAL PHYSICS, v. 104, p. 11-pg., . (11/51594-2, 15/21873-8, 20/08647-7)
DE FARIA, JHAISON C.; SANTIAGO, JOAO; FRANCIS, ZIAD; BERNAL, MARIO A.. Time-Dependent Density-Functional Theory for Determining the Electron-Capture Cross Section for Protons Impacting on Atoms and Molecules. Journal of Physical Chemistry A, v. 127, n. 11, p. 7-pg., . (15/21873-8, 18/15316-7, 11/51594-2, 20/08647-7)
BERNAL, M. A.; DEALMEIDA, C. E.; INCERTI, S.; CHAMPION, C.; IVANCHENKO, V.; FRANCIS, Z.. The Influence of DNA Configuration on the Direct Strand Break Yield. COMPUTATIONAL AND MATHEMATICAL METHODS IN MEDICINE, v. 2015, p. 8-pg., . (11/51594-2)
MAGALHAES, D. P.; RINKEL, J.; TOMAL, A.. Radiation damage impact on hybrid-pixel detectors data (Reprinted from Radiation Physics and Chemistry, vol 160, pg 63-67, 2019). Radiation Physics and Chemistry, v. 167, p. 5-pg., . (15/21873-8, 11/51594-2)
ZABIHI, AZAM; INCERTI, SEBASTIEN; FRANCIS, ZIAD; FOROZANI, GHASEM; SEMSARHA, FARID; MOSLEHI, AMIR; REZAEIAN, PEIMAN; BERNAL, MARIO A.. Computational approach to determine the relative biological effectiveness of fast neutrons using the Geant4-DNA toolkit and a DNA atomic model from the Protein Data Bank. PHYSICAL REVIEW E, v. 99, n. 5, p. 8-pg., . (11/51594-2)

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