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Connectome hubs at resting state in children and adolescents: Reproducibility and psychopathological correlation

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Sato, Joao Ricardo ; Biazoli, Jr., Claudinei Eduardo ; Salum, Giovanni Abrahao ; Gadelha, Ary ; Crossley, Nicolas ; Vieira, Gilson ; Zugman, Andre ; Picon, Felipe Almeida ; Pan, Pedro Mario ; Hoexter, Marcelo Queiroz ; Anes, Mauricio ; Moura, Luciana Monteiro ; Gomes Del'Aquilla, Marco Antonio ; Amaro Junior, Edson ; Mcguire, Philip ; Rohde, Luis Augusto ; Miguel, Euripedes Constantino ; Bressan, Rodrigo Affonseca ; Jackowski, Andrea Parolin
Número total de Autores: 19
Tipo de documento: Artigo Científico
Citações Web of Science: 3

Functional brain hubs are key integrative regions in brain networks. Recently, brain hubs identified through resting-state fMRI have emerged as interesting targets to increase understanding of the relationships between large-scale functional networks and psychopathology. However, few studies have directly addressed the replicability and consistency of the hub regions identified and their association with symptoms. Here, we used the eigenvector centrality (EVC) measure obtained from graph analysis of two large, independent population-based samples of children and adolescents (7-15 years old; total N = 652; 341 subjects for site 1 and 311 for site 2) to evaluate the replicability of hub identification. Subsequently, we tested the association between replicable hub regions and psychiatric symptoms. We identified a set of hubs consisting of the anterior medial prefrontal cortex and inferior parietal lobule/intraparietal sulcus (IPL/IPS). Moreover, lower EVC values in the right IPS were associated with psychiatric symptoms in both samples. Thus, low centrality of the IPS was a replicable sign of potential vulnerability to mental disorders in children. The identification of critical and replicable hubs in functional cortical networks in children and adolescents can foster understanding of the mechanisms underlying mental disorders. (C) 2016 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license. (AU)

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