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Temporal dynamics of cortical activity and postural control in response to the first levodopa dose of the day in people with Parkinson's disease

Texto completo
Araujo-Silva, Fabiana [1] ; Santinelli, Felipe B. [1, 2] ; Imaizumi, Luis Felipe I. [1] ; Silveira, Aline P. B. [1] ; Vieira, Luiz H. P. [1] ; Alcock, Lisa [3] ; Barbieri, Fabio A. [1]
Número total de Autores: 7
Afiliação do(s) autor(es):
[1] Sao Paulo State Univ UNESP, Sch Sci, Dept Phys Educ, Human Movement Res Lab MOVI LAB, Grad Program Move, Bauru, SP - Brazil
[2] Hasselt Univ, Fac Rehabil Sci, REVAL Rehabil Res Ctr, Hasselt - Belgium
[3] Newcastle Univ, Fac Med Sci, Translat & Clin Res Inst, Newcastle Upon Tyne, Tyne & Wear - England
Número total de Afiliações: 3
Tipo de documento: Artigo Científico
Fonte: Brain Research; v. 1775, JAN 15 2022.
Citações Web of Science: 0

Background: Our understanding of how balance control responds to levodopa over the course of a single day in people with Parkinson's disease (PD) is limited with the majority of studies focused on isolated comparisons of ON vs. OFF levodopa medication. Objective: To evaluate the temporal dynamics of postural control following the first levodopa dose of the day during a challenging standing task in a group of people with PD. Methods: Changes in postural control were evaluated by monitoring cortical activity (covering frontal, motor, parietal and occipital areas), body sway parameters (force platform), and lower limb muscle activity (tibialis anterior and gastrocnemius medialis) in 15 individuals with PD during a semi-tandem standing task. Participants were assessed during two 60 second trials every 30 minutes (ON-30 ON-60 etc.) for 3 hours after the first matinal dose (ON-180). Results: Compared to when tested OFF-medication, cortical activity was increased across all four regions from ON-60 to ON-120 with early increases in alpha and beta band activity observed at ON-30. Levodopa was associated with increased gastrocnemius medialis activity (ON-30 to ON-120) and ankle co-contraction (ON-60 to ON-120). Changes in body sway outcomes (particularly in the anterior-posterior direction) were evident from ON-60 to ON-120. Conclusions: Our results reveal a 60-minute window within which postural control outcomes may be obtained that are different compared to OFF-state and remain stable (from 60-minutes to 120-minutes after levodopa intake). Identifying a window of opportunity for measurement when individuals are optimally medicated is important for observations in a clinical and research setting. (AU)

Processo FAPESP: 17/19516-8 - Efeito da medicação, tarefa dupla e assimetria no comportamento da atividade do córtex cerebral durante a locomoção em idosos com doença de Parkinson
Beneficiário:Fabio Augusto Barbieri
Modalidade de apoio: Auxílio à Pesquisa - Regular
Processo FAPESP: 18/03448-6 - Desafios encontrados durante o andar em ambiente complexos em pessoas com doença de Parkinson: manipulação da configuração e características do obstáculo
Beneficiário:Fabio Augusto Barbieri
Modalidade de apoio: Auxílio à Pesquisa - Pesquisador Visitante - Internacional