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Effects of different mechanical ventilation strategies on the mucociliary system

Texto completo
Piccin, Vivien S. [1] ; Calciolari, Christiane [1] ; Yoshizaki, Kelly [1] ; Gomes, Susimeire [2] ; Albertini-Yagi, Claudia [1] ; Dolhnikoff, Marisa [1] ; Macchione, Mariangela [1] ; Caldini, Elia G. [1] ; Saldiva, Paulo H. N. [1] ; Negri, Elnara M. [1]
Número total de Autores: 10
Afiliação do(s) autor(es):
[1] Univ Sao Paulo, Sch Med, Dept Pathol, Sao Paulo - Brazil
[2] Univ Sao Paulo, Sch Med, Resp Intens Care Unit, Sao Paulo - Brazil
Número total de Afiliações: 2
Tipo de documento: Artigo Científico
Fonte: Intensive Care Medicine; v. 37, n. 1, p. 132-140, JAN 2011.
Citações Web of Science: 16

To evaluate the effects of different mechanical ventilation (MV) strategies on the mucociliary system. Experimental study. Twenty-seven male New Zealand rabbits. After anesthesia, animals were tracheotomized and ventilated with standard ventilation {[}tidal volume (Vt) 8 ml/kg, positive end expiratory pressure (PEEP) 5 cmH(2)O, flow 3 L/min, FiO(2) 0.4] for 30 min. Next, animals were randomized into three groups and ventilated for 3 h with low volume (LV): Vt 8 ml/kg, PEEP 5 cmH(2)O, flow 3 L/min (n = 6); high volume (HV): Vt 16 ml/kg, PEEP 5 cmH(2)O, flow 5 L/min (n = 7); or high pressure (HP): Ppeak 30 cmH(2)O, PEEP 12 cmH(2)O (n = 8). Six animals (controls) were ventilated for 10 min with standard ventilation. Vital signals, blood lactate, and respiratory system mechanics were verified. Tracheal tissue was collected before and after MV. Lung and tracheal tissue sections were stained to analyze inflammation and mucosubstances by the point-counting method. Electron microscopy verified tracheal cell ultrastructure. In situ tracheal ciliary beating frequency (CBF), determined using a videoscopic technique, and tracheal mucociliary transport (TMCT), assessed by stereoscopic microscope, were evaluated before and after MV. Respiratory compliance decreased in the HP group. The HV and HP groups showed higher lactate levels after MV. Macroscopy showed areas of atelectasis and congestion on HV and HP lungs. Lung inflammatory infiltrate increased in all ventilated groups. Compared to the control, ventilated animals also showed a reduction of total and acid mucus on tracheal epithelium. Under electron microscopy, injury was observed in the ciliated cells of the HP group. CBF decreased significantly after MV only in the HP group. TMCT did not change significantly in the ventilated groups. Different MV strategies induce not only distal lung alterations but also morphological and physiological tracheal alterations leading to mucociliary system dysfunction. (AU)

Processo FAPESP: 06/50725-8 - Efeitos da lesão pulmonar induzida pela ventilação mecânica sobre o epitélio das vias aéreas de condução e sua influência no aparelho mucociliar: modelo experimental em coelhos
Beneficiário:Vivien Schmeling Piccin
Modalidade de apoio: Bolsas no Brasil - Doutorado Direto