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Fabio Ota


Birthplace: Brazil

CEO of ISGAME International School of Game ( PhD student in USP's Interunits Program - Adherence to video games by the elderly and implications for their cognition. Researcher in charge of the Project Programming games for the development of logical reasoning and prevention of cognitive decline in the elderly - FAPESP / PIPE Phases 1 and 2. Guest speaker at the Postgraduate / Specialization Course in Geriatrics at the Instituto Sírio-Libanês de Ensino e Pesquisa, on the topic: Effects of video games on cognition, interaction and mood in the elderly. Associate Researcher of the project Violence against the elderly: intervention based on the construction of games with university students FAPESP / FAMEMA Faculdade de Medicina de Marília (2022 / 2023).Guest lecturer at FGV Management on the MBA course in Strategic and Economic Management of Human Resources Gamification in the Corporate World.Specialization in Gamification - Online University of Pennsylvania .MBA in Strategic Management of Information Technology - FGV/SP.Technologist in Data Processing FATEC/SP.Co-author of the book Entrepreneurial Strategies for Small and Medium-sized Companies (Source: Lattes Curriculum)

Articles published in Pesquisa FAPESP Magazine about the researcher:
La ciencia y los videojuegos 
Science and video games 
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Articles published in Pesquisa para Inovação FAPESP about the researcher:
Game application monitors health of older people in social isolation owing to COVID-19 pandemic 
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