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João Luiz da Silva Filho

CV Lattes

Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP). Instituto de Biologia (IB)  (Institutional affiliation from the last research proposal)
Birthplace: Brazil

Immunologist, expert in single-cell and spatial biology. Proficient in experimental and bioinformatics tools, interested in immune-based diseases, biomarker discovery, precision medicine and human health. I have led human immunology research projects investigating infectious diseases caused by viruses and parasites (ZIKA, COVID-19, and malaria), and immune-based diseases (kidney acute disease, hypertension, and cancer). In my current position at University of Glasgow, I employ cutting-edge experimental and machine learning tools to identify biomarkers and predictive models. My goal is to develop clinical decision systems for patient stratification and tailored therapeutic plans, in a precise medicine approach, aimed to improve clinical outcomes of such diseases. My passion is to uncover novel insights and potential interventions for global health challenges, advancing human health and wellbeing. Goal-oriented scientist with expertise in immunology, big data analysis, single-cell and spatial biology (proteomics and transcriptomics - Imaging Mass Cytometry, CODEX, GeoMX, CosMX, 10X Vision, 10X Xenium), cellular and molecular biology, machine learning and precision medicine, addressing projects using multidisciplinary and integrative strategies. My accomplishments are evidenced by my portfolio of 30+ published studies in recognised high-impact medical journals and secured grants, worth in total more than 1million, from prestigious UK and international research funding agencies. Strong writing and communication skills, with proficiency in delivering comprehensive and informative presentations, which led to strategic collaborations and 10+ honours and awards recognition. Outstanding analytical and project management skills, with a proven ability to think strategically and translate research gaps into learning and development strategies. Highly organized, objective, with excellent interpersonal skills, and solid know-how in mentoring to develop and accomplish career goals. Proficient in using various wet-lab techniques, from bulk to single-cell, and spatial biology approaches. Advanced proficiency in bioinformatics and statistical methodologies, coupled with creative application thereof. Highly skilled in R and Python programming languages, and in applying computational tools for big data analysis, integration, build of predictive models and visualization. The portfolio of my computational analysis pipelines are available on my GitHub page ( (Source: Lattes Curriculum)

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