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Izabel Fernanda Machado


Universidade de São Paulo (USP). Escola Politécnica (EP)  (Institutional affiliation from the last research proposal)
Birthplace: Brazil

Izabel Machado graduated from the University of São Paulo in Metallurgical Engineering (1992); she also got both her Master's degree (1995) and PhD (1999) from the University of São Paulo (USP). Currently, she holds the post of Full Professor in the Mechatronics and Mechanical Systems Engineering Department at USP. Has done research on materials characterization, phase transformations in alloys, mechanical and tribological behavior of materials focusing on different manufacturing processes. Regarding materials evaluation, has acted on machinability study and its relationship with the microstructure and mechanical behavior. Has also done research on sintering by means of Spark Plasma Sintering (SPS), using metal alloys and ceramics for different applications, including tools. This work has its onset at Trento University (Italy) in 2008 (Sabbatical). Conducted research on interface evaluation in copper-boron carbide composites at the University of California in Davis for 6 months (2020). Porosity effect on the tribological behavior and performance has been evaluated as well as the manufacturing of self-lubricating materials using SPS. Recently, it has used Artificial intelligence as a tool to evaluate the processing and mechanical behavior of materials. Share the coordination of the Surface Phenomena Lab ( LFS - with Prof. Dr. Roberto Martins de Souza. She is also the Graduate Program coordinator of Mechanical Engineering (PPGEM) at USP. She is also currently a principal researcher on projects at RCGI and the Center for Applied Research in Artificial Intelligence for the Evolution of Industries to Standard 4.0. (Source: Lattes Curriculum)

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