Evaluation in health: participatory methodology an... - BV FAPESP
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Evaluation in health: participatory methodology and involvement of municipal managers

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Locatelli de Almeida, Cristiane Andrea ; Tanaka, Oswaldo Yoshimi
Total Authors: 2
Document type: Journal article
Source: Revista de Saúde Pública; v. 50, 2016.
Web of Science Citations: 4

ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE To analyze scopes and limits of the use of participatory methodology of evaluation with municipal health managers and administrators. METHODS Qualitative research with health policymakers and managers of the Comissão Intergestores Regional (CIR – Regional Interagency Commission) of a health region of the state of Sao Paulo in Brazil. Representatives from seven member cities participated in seven workshops facilitated by the researchers, with the aim of assessing a specific problem of the care line, which would be used as a tracer of the system integrality. The analysis of the collected empirical material was based on the hermeneutic-dialectic methodology and aimed at the evaluation of the applied participatory methodology, according to its capacity of promoting a process of assessment capable to be used as a support for municipal management. RESULTS With the participatory approach of evaluation, we were able to promote in-depth discussions with the group, especially related to the construction of integral care and to the inclusion of the user’s perspective in decision-making, linked to the search for solution to concrete problems of managers. By joint exploration, the possibility of using data from electronic information systems was opened, as well as information coming directly from the users of the services, to enhance discussions and negotiations between partners. The participants were disbelievers of the replication potential of this type of evaluation without the direct monitoring of the academy, given the difficulty of organizing the process in everyday life, already taken by emergency and political issues. CONCLUSIONS Evaluations of programs and services carried out within the Regional Interagency Commission, starting from the local interest and facilitating the involvement of its members by the use of participatory methodologies, can contribute to the construction of integral care. To the extent that the act of evaluating stay invested with greater significance to the local actors, its involvement with the evaluations at the federal level can also be stimulated. (AU)

FAPESP's process: 14/22240-6 - Meta-evaluation as a tool for the improvement of public health policies evaluation
Grantee:Cristiane Andréa Locatelli de Almeida
Support Opportunities: Scholarships abroad - Research Internship - Doctorate
Grantee:Cristiane Andréa Locatelli de Almeida
Support Opportunities: Scholarships in Brazil - Doctorate
FAPESP's process: 11/23434-0 - Meta-evaluation as a tool for the improvement of public health policies evaluation
Grantee:Oswaldo Yoshimi Tanaka
Support Opportunities: Regular Research Grants