Electroconversion of glycerol in alkaline medium: ... - BV FAPESP
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Electroconversion of glycerol in alkaline medium: From generation of energy to formation of value-added products

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Da Silva, Rodrigo Garcia ; Neto, Sidney Aquino ; Kokoh, Kouakou Boniface ; De Andrade, Adalgisa Rodrigues
Total Authors: 4
Document type: Journal article
Source: Journal of Power Sources; v. 351, p. 174-182, MAY 31 2017.
Web of Science Citations: 21

We have investigated the electroconversion of glycerol in alkaline medium using bimetallic M50@Pt50 nanocatalysts (where M = Ru, Sn or Ni) supported on multi-walled carbon nanotubes. The electrocatalysts have been synthesized via an electrostatically oriented co-reduction method in which self assembly of the positively charged metal species (Sn, Ni and Ru) into the internal catalyst level and of the negatively charged platinum species towards the outer layer afford nanocatalysts with the desired morphology. The physicochemical characterizations have confirmed the atomic ratios, the metal loadings, and the spherical shape of the nanoparticles with average diameter lying between 2 and 3 nm. In terms of electrochemical performance, the Ni@Pt composition displays the highest electrochemically active surface area, the best relation between the peak current and the onset oxidation potential in the presence of glycerol (275 mA mg(pt)(-1) and -492 mV vs. Hg/HgO/OH-), and the most remarkable electrochemical stability in chronoamperometric tests. Long-term experiments to evaluate the oxidation of glycerol and analysis of the products indicate that the different electrocatalysts synthesized herein efficiently perform the electroconversion of glycerol at high rates and generate of value-added products. (C) 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. (AU)

FAPESP's process: 12/07464-0 - Synthesis and application of nanocatalysts core-shell morphology based for the alcohols electro-oxidation in alkaline media.
Grantee:Rodrigo Garcia da Silva
Support Opportunities: Scholarships in Brazil - Doctorate