Trends in prostate cancer mortality in the state o... - BV FAPESP
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Trends in prostate cancer mortality in the state of São Paulo, 2000 to 2015

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Carolina Terra de Moraes Luizaga [1] ; Karina Braga Ribeiro [2] ; Luiz Augusto Marcondes Fonseca [3] ; José Eluf Neto
Total Authors: 4
[1] Fundação Oncocentro de São Paulo. Diretoria de Informação e Epidemiologia - Brasil
[2] Santa Casa de São Paulo. Faculdade de Ciências Médicas. Departamento de Saúde Coletiva - Brasil
[3] Universidade de São Paulo. Faculdade de Medicina. Hospital das Clínicas - Brasil
Total Affiliations: 4
Document type: Journal article
Source: Revista de Saúde Pública; v. 54, 2020-08-28.

ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE To estimate the magnitude and identify patterns of change in prostate cancer mortality in the state of São Paulo and in the 17 regional health care networks, according to age groups from 50 years onwards, in the period between 2000 to 2015. METHODS Age-adjusted mortality rates (per 100,000 men) were calculated by the direct method using the Segi world population as standard. Joinpoint regression was used to calculate the average annual percent change (AAPC), with a confidence interval of 95% (95%CI), by regional network and age group (50–59, 60–69, 70–79 and 80 years or more). RESULTS For the state of São Paulo, age-adjusted mortality rates were 15.2, 13.3 and 11.9 per 100,000 men, respectively, in the periods between 2000 to 2005, 2006 to 2010 and 2011 to 2015, with a significant decrease trend (AAPC = -2.10%; 95%CI -2.42 – -1.79) each year. Among the 17 networks, 11 presented significant mean annual reductions, ranging from -1.72% to -3.05%. From the age of 50 onwards, there was a sharper reduction in the groups from 50 to 59 (AAPC = -2.33%; 95%CI -3.04 – -1.62) and 60 to 69 years (AAPC = -2.84%; 95%CI – 3.25 – -2.43). CONCLUSION Although reductions in mortality are still slight, they indicate progress in prostate cancer control actions. Screening actions and changes in therapeutic behaviors in recent decades may be modifying incidence and survival, resulting in changes in the mortality profile. More detailed studies will be useful in understanding the factors that lead to the interregional variations found. (AU)

FAPESP's process: 17/03812-7 - Childhood cancer in São Paulo, Brazil: perinatal, reproductive and environmental risk factors
Grantee:Karina de Cássia Braga Ribeiro
Support Opportunities: Research Projects - Thematic Grants