Patterns of morphological development in Scyphozoa... - BV FAPESP
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Patterns of morphological development in Scyphozoa ephyrae (Cnidaria, Medusozoa)

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Jordano, Mayara de A. ; Miyake, Hiroshi ; Nagata, Renato M. ; Morandini, Andre C.
Total Authors: 4
Document type: Journal article
Source: MARINE BIODIVERSITY; v. 52, n. 3, p. 29-pg., 2022-06-01.

In order to investigate possible differences and patterns of body-plan morphogenesis among Scyphozoa, we described the morphology and development of the bell and oral arms of 11 species. We built a model for the development of the group and provide a guide for recognizing development stages. In general, the bell diameter was more efficient than age (days) to identify the stage of development, which suggests that the events of morphogenesis depend more on body size than on age. We used measurements of bell and oral arm to build growth curves and described the timing of developmental events (e.g., appearance of digitata, velar lappets and oral arms, filling of interlobe gaps) and patterns of morphogenesis (contour of marginal lappets, branching of oral arms, and presence of structures/appendages on the oral arms). The time until the appearance of digitata and velar lappets, the marginal lappet contour, and the presence of lateral folds in oral arms supported a phylogenetic relationship between the "Semaeostomeae" and Rhizostomeae (Dactyliophorae and Kolpophorae) lineages. "Semaeostomeae" jellyfish with digitata (family Ulmaridae) and differentiated velar lappets developed such structures at larger bell diameters than rhizostomes; only Dactyliophorae rhizostomes had serrated contour of the lappets; only species of Rhizostomeae showed development of the lateral folds; and only Ulmaridae and Rhizostomeae had differentiated appearance of the velar lappets. We propose a specific definition of oral arms that is based on morphological and functional features. Therefore, estimating development timing and describing the way that these structures develop can help to understand how jellyfish feeding strategies change during initial growth and how the changes in these structures can reflect the differences in feeding habits among the groups. (AU)

FAPESP's process: 15/21007-9 - Recognizing the diversity of jellyfishes (Medusozoa, Rhopaliophora)
Grantee:André Carrara Morandini
Support Opportunities: Regular Research Grants
FAPESP's process: 16/24801-0 - Characterization of feeding structures along the development of Scyphozoa ephyrae
Grantee:Mayara de Almeida Jordano
Support Opportunities: Scholarships abroad - Research Internship - Master's degree
FAPESP's process: 15/25142-8 - Temperature effect over ontogenetic patterns of feeding structures in scyphozoan ephyrae: functional and ecological implications
Grantee:Mayara de Almeida Jordano
Support Opportunities: Scholarships in Brazil - Master