Morphological and molecular characterization and p... - BV FAPESP
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Morphological and molecular characterization and phylogenetic relationships of a new species of trypanosome in Tapirus terrestris (lowland tapir), Trypanosoma terrestris sp nov., from Atlantic Rainforest of southeastern Brazil

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Lima Acosta, Igor da Cunha [1] ; da Costa, Andrea Pereira [1] ; Nunes, Pablo Henrique [2] ; Naegeli Gondim, Maria Fernanda [3] ; Gatti, Andressa [4] ; Rossi, Jr., Joao Luiz [3] ; Gennari, Solange Maria [1] ; Marcili, Arlei [1]
Total Authors: 8
[1] Univ Sao Paulo, Fac Vet Med, Dept Prevent Vet Med & Anim Sci, BR-05508 Sao Paulo - Brazil
[2] UNESP, Biosci Inst, Dept Biol, Rio Claro, SP - Brazil
[3] Univ Vila Velha, Fac Vet Med, Vila Velha, ES - Brazil
[4] Marcos Daniel Inst, Vitoria, ES - Spain
Total Affiliations: 4
Document type: Journal article
Source: PARASITES & VECTORS; v. 6, DEC 11 2013.
Web of Science Citations: 5

Background: The Lowland tapir (Tapirus terrestris) is the largest Brazilian mammal and despite being distributed in various Brazilian biomes, it is seriously endangered in the Atlantic Rainforest. These hosts were never evaluated for the presence of Trypanosoma parasites. Methods: The Lowland tapirs were captured in the Brazilian southeastern Atlantic Rainforest, Espirito Santo state. Trypanosomes were isolated by hemoculture, and the molecular phylogeny based on small subunit rDNA (SSU rDNA) and glycosomal-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (gGAPDH) gene sequences and the ultrastructural features seen via light microscopy and scanning and transmission electron microscopy are described. Results: Phylogenetic trees using combined SSU rDNA and gGAPDH data sets clustered the trypanosomes of Lowland tapirs, which were highly divergent from other trypanosome species. The phylogenetic position and morphological discontinuities, mainly in epimastigote culture forms, made it possible to classify the trypanosomes from Lowland tapirs as a separate species. Conclusions: The isolated trypanosomes from Tapirus terrestris are a new species, Trypanosoma terrestris sp. n., and were positioned in a new Trypanosoma clade, named T. terrestris clade. (AU)

FAPESP's process: 10/50886-7 - Isolation and morphological, biological and molecular characterization and multigenes phylogeography from species causing visceral leishmaniasis
Grantee:Arlei Marcili
Support Opportunities: Research Grants - Young Investigators Grants
FAPESP's process: 11/15311-6 - Diversity of parasites of the genus Leishmania and Trypanosoma in wild mammals of one conservation units and domestic animals from their surroundings in the State of Espírito Santo.
Grantee:Igor da Cunha Lima Acosta
Support Opportunities: Scholarships in Brazil - Master
FAPESP's process: 11/19853-8 - Epidemiological study and ecological aspects of canine visceral leishmaniasis in Maranhão State.
Grantee:Andréa Pereira da Costa
Support Opportunities: Scholarships in Brazil - Doctorate