The agreement with the University of Warwick, United Kingdom, aims at implementing scientific and technological cooperation between researchers from Warwick and from the State of Sao Paulo through the funding of joint research projects.
The agreement with the University of Warwick, United Kingdom, aims at implementing scientific and technological cooperation between researchers from Warwick and from the State of Sao Paulo through the funding of joint research projects.
Rare earth (RE)-based materials (i.e. solid compounds of the lanthanide metals) show growing technological importance in the fields of energy, catalysis and sensing due to their unique properties. Further improvement of the applications of RE solid-state compounds is dependent on a deeper comprehension of the structural and spectroscopic properties of this class of materials and the mecha…
Flowering is one of the relevant factors for sugarcane. Despite its importance, the knowledge of the genes involved during the photoperiodic induction in sugarcane is still scarce, and the investigation of differentially expressed genes under controlled photoperiodic conditions, in fact, still need to be explored. The FAPESP project (2016/02679-9) aims to study the transcriptome of a suga…
The primary research aim of our proposal is the exploration of the Water-Health-Resilience Nexus in changing urban environments in the UK and Brazil. Building urban resilience in flood-prone areas requires the development of adaptive capacities and socio-hydrological approaches capable of assisting this process by investigating the interplay between hydrological and human related dynamics…
(Only some records are available in English at this moment)
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