This page of Research Supported by FAPESP assembles referential information on scholarships and research grants from several research modalities awarded by FAPESP, classified in the area of knowledge Theology, 2nd level of hierarchical organization.
The Classification Schemes are an instrument of support to information arisen from research activities in science, technology and innovation. The 1st level of hierarchical organization assembles the Broadest Areas; the 2nd level shows the Areas; and the 3rd level presents the Sub-Areas.
The display board "FAPESP Support in Numbers" presents the number of ongoing or completed scholarships and research grants, awarded by the Foundation, classified in the area Theology. In the center of the page, you will see some information on scholarships and research grants for development in Brazil and abroad.
Use the "Refine results" list of options to filter research information classified in the area Theology and to get results that are more specific for your search, according to the following parameters: type of Research Grants, modality of Scholarships, Institution and Start Date.
The Maps and Graphs contribute to identifying the geographical distribution of FAPESP sponsorship in the State of São Paulo and to visualizing the historical sequence of funded research, by year, on the research projects classified in the area Theology.