Research Grants 17/50342-6 - Cardiologia, Tecnologia da informação - BV FAPESP
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Institutional development plan in research (PDIp)

Grant number: 17/50342-6
Support Opportunities:Research Grants - State Research Institutes Modernization Program
Field of knowledge:Health Sciences - Medicine
Principal Investigator:Fausto Feres
Grantee:Fausto Feres
Host Institution: Instituto Dante Pazzanese de Cardiologia (IDPC). Fundação Adib Jatene (FAJ). Secretaria da Saúde (São Paulo - Estado). São Paulo , SP, Brazil
Pesquisadores principais:
Aron Jose Pazin de Andrade
Associated scholarship(s):22/11501-0 - Modernization of the research infrastructure of Instituto Dante Pazzanese de Cardiologia for innovation in prevention, diagnosis and treatment of cardiovascular diseases (PDIP/IDPC), BP.IC
22/11590-2 - Modernization of the research infrastructure of Instituto Dante Pazzanese de Cardiologia for innovation in prevention, diagnosis and treatment of cardiovascular diseases (PDIP/IDPC), BP.IC
22/11504-9 - Modernization of the research infrastructure of Instituto Dante Pazzanese de Cardiologia for innovation in prevention, diagnosis and treatment of cardiovascular diseases (PDIP/IDPC), BP.IC
+ associated scholarships 22/11778-1 - Modernization of the research infrastructure of Instituto Dante Pazzanese de Cardiologia for innovation in prevention, diagnosis and treatment of cardiovascular diseases (PDIP/IDPC), BP.IC
22/11782-9 - Modernization of the research infrastructure of Instituto Dante Pazzanese de Cardiologia for innovation in prevention, diagnosis and treatment of cardiovascular diseases (PDIP/IDPC), BP.IC
22/11471-3 - Modernization of the research infrastructure of Instituto Dante Pazzanese de Cardiologia for innovation in prevention, diagnosis and treatment of cardiovascular diseases (PDIP/IDPC), BP.IC
22/09902-6 - Modernization of the research infrastructure of Instituto Dante Pazzanese de Cardiologia for innovation in prevention, diagnosis and treatment of cardiovascular diseases (PDIP/IDPC), BP.IC
22/09922-7 - Modernization of the research infrastructure of Instituto Dante Pazzanese de Cardiologia for innovation in prevention, diagnosis and treatment of cardiovascular diseases (PDIP/IDPC), BP.TT
21/06847-1 - Database update with continuous inclusion of patients with COVID-19 at the Dante Pazzanese Cardiology Institute, BP.IC
21/06048-1 - Database update with continuous inclusion of patients with COVID-19 at the Dante Pazzanese Cardiology Institute, BP.IC
21/04847-4 - Modernization of the research infrastructure of the Instituto Dante Pazzanese de Cardiologia for innovation in the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of cardiovascular diseases, BP.TT
20/10801-4 - Development of a device to determine clotting time: sensor device, BP.PD
20/10909-0 - Updating and analytical processing of database with continuous inclusion of patients with obstructive coronary artery disease included in percutaneous coronary angioplasty procedures in a tertiary hospital in the State of São Paulo, BP.TT
20/11329-7 - Clinical analysis of cardiac patients in the smoking treatment program in a hospital of São Paulo, BP.TT
20/11345-2 - Clinical analysis of patients followed up in a tertiary hypertension clinic, BP.TT
20/10885-3 - Attention to the risks and care in elderly people with sarcopenia who use warfarin, BP.TT
20/10892-0 - Oral Anticoagulation Department database, BP.TT
20/10875-8 - Database of the medical section of pediatric cardiology and congenital heart diseases for patients admitted in the hospital: clinical hospitalizations and therapeutic procedures, BP.TT
20/00607-6 - Evaluation of different sample size calculations in clinical trials and app development, BP.IC
19/22043-0 - Development of valve substitutes produced by tissue engineering with minimally invasive implantation, BP.IC
19/22045-2 - Anatomical positioning test of a pediatric ventricular assist device in virtual models constructed from computed tomography, BP.IC
19/20477-2 - Internal blood volume dimensioning for a pediatric ventricular assist device, BP.IC
19/21190-9 - Therapeutic comparison between phenprocoumon and warfarin in patients bearing mechanical valvar prostheses and in atrial fibrillation, BP.IC
19/10393-6 - Rotor vanes geometry improvement of a pediatric ventricular assistance device through experimental methods, BP.IC
19/06172-4 - Post-doctorate fellow in search of new drugs against Hypercholesterolemia, based on specific genetic and epigenetic markers of the Brazilian population, BP.PD - associated scholarships
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Scientific publications
(References retrieved automatically from Web of Science and SciELO through information on FAPESP grants and their corresponding numbers as mentioned in the publications by the authors)
HORTEGAL, RENATO A.; HOSSRI, CARLOS; GIOLO, LUIZ; CANCELLIER, RENATO; GUN, CARLOS; ASSEF, JORGE; MORIYA, HENRIQUE T.; FRANCHINI, KLEBER G.; FERES, FAUSTO; MENEGHELO, ROMEU. Mechanical dispersion is a superior echocardiographic feature to predict exercise capacity in preclinical and overt heart failure with preserved ejection fraction. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CARDIOVASCULAR IMAGING, v. 39, n. 7, p. 12-pg., . (17/50342-6)
HORTEGAL, RENATO A.; VALERI, RENATA; GRIZANTE, MARIANA; CANCELLIER, RENATO; GUN, CARLOS; ASSEF, JORGE; MORIYA, HENRIQUE; MENEGHELO, ROMEU; FERES, FAUSTO; FRANCHINI, KLEBER G.. Afterload increase challenge unmasks systolic abnormalities in heart failure with preserved ejection fraction. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CARDIOLOGY, v. 380, p. 8-pg., . (17/50342-6)

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