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Development of an electric surge generator for tests of indirect effects of atmospheric discharges on embedded electro-electronic systems

Grant number: 18/23879-1
Support Opportunities:Research Grants - Innovative Research in Small Business - PIPE
Duration: August 01, 2019 - October 31, 2021
Field of knowledge:Engineering - Electrical Engineering - Electrical, Magnetic and Electronic Circuits
Convênio/Acordo: FINEP - PIPE/PAPPE Grant
Principal Investigator:Pedro Campos Assunção
Grantee:Pedro Campos Assunção
Host Company:Lace Serviços de Engenharia e Representação Ltda
CNAE: Fabricação de aeronaves
Testes e análises técnicas
Pesquisa e desenvolvimento experimental em ciências físicas e naturais
City: São José dos Campos
Pesquisadores principais:
Arthur Roza Augusto ; Saint Clair Henrique Nunes
Associated research grant:17/00767-0 - Development of a surge generator for indirect effect of lightning tests in electro-electronic embedded systems, AP.PIPE
Associated grant(s):21/06591-7 - Development of electromagnetically shielded environments, AP.PIPE
Associated scholarship(s):20/09041-5 - Development of an electric surge generator for tests of indirect effects of atmospheric discharges on embedded electro-electronic systems, BP.TT


This project aims to develop a surge generator in Brazil able to create an approximation in low level of lightning transient waveforms (current and voltage), and apply it for simulating its indirect effects on embedded electro-electronic systems. As a differential, this generator will inegrate an electronic controller allowing the user to choose between all the waveforms specified in the standard RTCA/DO-160. (AU)

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