Research and Innovation: Think healthcare - virtual and augmented reality system for using in Psychology and Psychiatry
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Think healthcare - virtual and augmented reality system for using in Psychology and Psychiatry

Grant number: 18/14621-0
Support Opportunities:Research Grants - Innovative Research in Small Business - PIPE
Field of knowledge:Interdisciplinary Subjects
Principal Investigator:Keila Keiko Matsumura Kayatt
Grantee:Keila Keiko Matsumura Kayatt
Company:Naked Monkey Ltda. - ME
CNAE: Comércio varejista especializado de equipamentos e suprimentos de informática
Desenvolvimento de programas de computador sob encomenda
Desenvolvimento e licenciamento de programas de computador não-customizáveis
City: São Paulo
Associated researchers: Bruno Maranhão Affonso ; Henrique Garcia da Costa ; Ricardo Di Lazzaro Filho ; Romero Tori
Associated research grant:15/08694-7 - Technical and scientific feasibility analysis of an immersive synchronous and multi-user virtual reality system about Brazilian pre-history for applications in museums and schools, AP.PIPE
Associated scholarship(s):19/23443-1 - Think Healthcare - Virtual and Augmented Reality System for using in Psychology and Psychiatry., BP.TT
19/20601-5 - Think healthcare: virtual and augmented reality system for using in Psychology and Psychiatry, BP.PIPE


Motivated by the successful completion of the Pipe Fapesp Phase 1 process (nº 2015 / 08694-7), the responsible researcher and team submit the present research project, aiming at incorporating technology previously validated into a product that serves the health market, because it is more relevant to the national economy and it has greater scalability (national and international) and short-term profitability. In Brazil, between 2009 and 2015 almost 97 thousand people were retired because of disability due to mental and behavioral disorders. In all, these new benefits present an account of $ 113.3 million annually to the public chest. This situation highlights the need to put such disorders at the top of the list of public and business policy concerns. According to recent data from the World Health Organization (WHO), depression currently affects 5% of the world's population, representing a growth of 18.4% in 10 years, from 2005 to 2015. Still according to WHO, the number of people affected only tends to grow, making this disease the second largest public health concern on the planet.Despite this alarming situation, neither the national nor even the international market offer an established and accessible solution for treating mental and behavioral disorders using Virtual and Augmented Reality, even if it is a product desired by all professionals (psychologists and psychiatrists) during the preparation of this project.Virtual and Augmented Reality technologies are able to simulate many anxiety-inducing stimuli, and it is a safe, controllable and effective way to conduct various types of cognitive-behavioral therapies (CBT) and exposure therapies (ETs). Given the cheapness of equipment and the legislative advance for remote psychological care, an online virtual and augmented reality platform for the treatment of mental and behavioral disorders using accessible equipment can be used to reach professionals in need of such a solution.The objective of the present project is therefore to create an online virtual and augmented reality platform capable of providing a range of experiences for the treatment of mental and behavioral disorders, such as: Aviophobia, Acrophobia, Zoophobia, Amaxophobia, Social Phobia, Anxiety and Depression . The platform will be modular so that new treatments can be inserted into the system easily and quickly, as well as the translation of the system into languages other than Brazilian Portuguese. (AU)

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