Research Grants 19/15195-8 - Anatomia vegetal, Ontogenia - BV FAPESP
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Ontogenetic basis of leaf structure in Sapindales and Poales


Within the universe of vascular plants, some groups are important modes for leaf development, particularly in relation to anatomy. From preliminary data obtained by our research, we established two groups of plants that will be studied: Sapindales and Poales. The main objective of this proposal is to generate new information on leaf development in representatives of the Sapindales and Poales orders, highlighting aspects related to the origin and evolution of stipules, leaflets and ligules. For the Sapindales the focus will be to analyze the ontogenetic bases involved in the diversity of foliar types in selected representatives in the clade Meliaceae, Rutaceae and Simaroubaceae; in the Poales, we will analyze the development of ligules in Poaceae and nearby families. Conventional techniques in plant anatomy will be used, such as optical microscopy and scanning electron microscopy. In addition, analysis of phylogeny and reconstruction of ancestral states in the groups will be performed. Highly relevant results are expected to study of the leaf development in different groups of vascular plants, with original scientific publications, as well as promoting academic cooperation for the exchange of students and teaching staff/researchers. (AU)

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Scientific publications
(References retrieved automatically from Web of Science and SciELO through information on FAPESP grants and their corresponding numbers as mentioned in the publications by the authors)
CORTEZ, PRISCILA ANDRESSA; FERREIRA, CLARA LARRUBIA; HASEYAMA DOS SANTOS, GABRIELA NAOMI; PIRANI, JOSE RUBENS; URBANO, KARINA DONATONI; DEVECCHI, MARCELO FERNANDO; CRUZ, RAFAEL; GABIA, VINICIUS SILVA; ALBUQUERQUE MELO-DE-PINNA, GLADYS FLAVIA. Strategies for the protection of shoot buds in phanerophyte and geophyte species of Homalolepis Turcz. (Simaroubaceae, Sapindales). Rev. bras. Bot., . (19/15195-8, 18/07527-8)
EDSON-CHAVES, BRUNO; DA SILVA, OTAVIO LUIS M.; CLARK, LYNN G.; MELO-DE-PINNA, GLADYS FLAVIA DE A.. The Ligule in Poaceae: a Historical and Evolutionary Review. BOTANICAL REVIEW, v. N/A, p. 40-pg., . (19/15195-8)
MELO-DE-PINNA, GLADYS FLAVIA DE A.; EDSON-CHAVES, BRUNO; MENEZES-E-VASCONCELOS, KARLA; DE LEMOS, RENATA C. C.; SANTOS-DA-CRUZ, BRUNA; DEVECCHI, MARCELO FERNANDO; PIRANI, JOSE RUBENS. Underground system of geoxylic species of Homalolepis Turcz. (Simaroubaceae, Sapindales) from the Brazilian Cerrado. Rev. bras. Bot., v. 45, n. 1, p. 11-pg., . (14/18002-2, 19/15195-8)

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